206 Index
American Management Association
questions (continued)
in productive re ection process, 49, 121
in strategic portfolio alignment, 151,
RACI model for decision- making, 6162,
152, 157, 158
Rad, Parvis, 74, 7677
Raelin, Joseph A., 31, 189
Raider, Ellen S., 65
readiness assessment, in strategic portfolio
alignment, 156
red- light learning, 17–21
dangers of, 1719
defensive routines in, 19–21, 39, 5660,
112–113, 114115, 118
e ective facilitation and, 52
illustrated, 18
multi- level learning versus, 159
nature of, 17
perceptions of, 18–19
role of chance in, 17
re ection in action, 2730
action- re ection cycles and, 34, 4547
enhancing informal learning through,
at multiple levels, 28, 39–40, 151
nature of re ection, 28
throughout the project, 102–103
types of re ection, 28–30
re ective practices, 79, 81, 93–94
content re ection, 28, 3940, 93–94
only at end of project, 107108
premise re ection, 28, 39–40
process re ection, 28, 3940, 46, 94, 151
project re ection, 3940, 46, 94, 151
throughout project, 120
see also re ection in action
reframing, in con ict resolution, 64
rei cation, in communities of practice,
182, 184
retrospectives, see structured retrospectives
reuse programs, 171–172
Revans, Reginald W., 29
in continuous project improvement, 127
establishing group, 55
multi- level learning coach and, 55
Roth, G., 189
Rubin, I., 54
safety, in ground rules for groups, 71–72,
Scarbrough, H., 21, 22, 114–116, 171177,
182, 189
Schein, E., 53
Schindler, Martin, 19, 22, 74–75, 111112
Schön, Donald A., 25–26, 2728, 51,
56–57, 74
Schwaber, Ken, 32
Schwarz, Roger, 48, 51–54, 61, 68, 69
Scrum, 3233
in continuous project improvement,
development of, 32
multiple iterations in, 3233
project retrospectives and, 33
purpose of, 32
sprint backlog and, 33
sprint planning meetings and, 33
sprint review meetings and, 33
traditional software project manage-
ment versus, 32
Senge, Peter, 38
senior management
as barrier to cross- project improvement,
in cross- project improvement, 99–100
lack of support from, 108109
in strategic portfolio alignment, 152,
154, 156
shared repertoire, in communities of prac-
tice, 183, 185
silos, 103–104
situated learning, 178–181
apprenticeship, 179–180
conceptions of, 180
development of theory of, 180181
legitimate peripheral participation and,
Situated Learning (Lave and Wenger),
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