Managing the dashboard

GateIn allows each user to manage his own dashboard for personalizing private pages with applications. In this section, we will describe how users can customize and organize all the stuff in private pages under the dashboard to suit their needs.

Let's start customizing the dashboard by adding new pages, layout, and applications.

Getting ready

Authenticate in the portal using the demo user (this is a standard registered user).

How to do it...

Carry out the following steps to manage dashboards:

  1. Click on Dashboard in the toolbar.
  2. Type My Gadgets for the current dashboard page title in the tab field.
  3. In order to add new dashboard pages or edit existing ones, leave your pointer on Dashboard Editor, and then you can use the features that we have discussed in the Managing portal pages recipe, so you can:

    Add New Page

    Edit Page

    Edit Layout

  4. Click on Add Gadgets to open the Dashboard Workspace window:
    How to do it...
  5. By default, users can drag-and-drop gadgets in the dashboard page. All the available gadgets in the Dashboard Workspace are categorized under the Gadgets category. However, if you want to expose a new gadget in this panel, remember to assign the Gadgets category to it.
  6. Drag-and-drop your preferred applications on the page:
    How to do it...

How it works...

GateIn provides a dashboard for any user registered in the portal. Each user can decide how to manage private pages using the same tools provided for administrators, but this time all the contents are related to the specific user dashboard, that is, the root node page of personalized contents.

As you can see, users can create pages only under the main dashboard page, without storing pages under any other parent page.

Notice that all the applications that you want to use in dashboards must be categorized under the Gadgets category, otherwise no gadgets will be shown in the Dashboard Workspace window.

There's more…

If a user wants to create more pages in the dashboard, there are two ways to do this:

  • Use the Page Creation Wizard: Click on Add New Page, leaving your pointer on the Dashboard Editor
  • Quick way: Click on the plus icon on the right of the current tab of the dashboard page

The classic way allows you to explicitly set the Display Name, the Node Name, and the extended label name for i18n. The page layout allows you to directly customize the page using the Page Creation Wizard.

  1. Leave your pointer on Dashboard Editor.
  2. Click on Add New Page.
  3. Set your preferred values for the new dashboard page.
  4. Click on the Next button to select the page layout.
  5. Select the Dashboard Layout on the right panel.
  6. Click on the Next button to use the Page Editor.
    There's more…
  7. Here you can again change the page properties and add applications.
  8. Click on the disk icon in the Page Editor to save your changes.

The quick way allows you to immediately create a new dashboard page by only setting the Display Name and using the default values for all the other properties:

  1. Click on the plus icon on the right of the current dashboard page.
  2. Set the Display Name value in the new tab and press Enter.

In this case, the page will have the following default values:

  • Node Name with a suffix automatically generated
  • Dashboard Layout
  • no gadgets applied


For more information about gadgets, please see Chapter 9, Managing Gadgets.

See also

  • The Managing portal pages recipe
  • The Managing registered portlets recipe
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