Using the default portal as the foundation for a new portal site

In this recipe, we will the existing default portal site, referred to as classic, and modify the configuration files to rename the portal before importing it into GateIn.

Getting ready

The following are required for this recipe:

  • GateIn-3.2.0.Final
  • Deploying the CLI to GateIn recipe from this chapter to have been completed

How to do it...

To replicate the classic portal:

  1. Start the server.
  2. Open an SSH connection to the CLI by entering the following command:
    > ssh -p 2000 root@localhost
  3. Enter the password for root when requested. With the standard GateIn install, the password is gtn.
  4. At the shell prompt, enter the following command:
    > mgmt connect
  5. Enter the password for root user again.
  6. At the shell prompt, enter the following command:
    > export --file /tmp/ --filter site-name:classic /mop
  7. Open, which was created above.
  8. Rename the portal/classic folder to portal/testing.
  9. Edit portal.xml by changing <portal-name> to testing, <label> to Testing and <description> to GateIn Testing.
  10. Edit navigation.xml by replacing all references to the classic portal name with testing, including the <page-reference> nodes and the labels of samplePage and groupnavigation changed to Sample Page and Group Navigation respectively.
  11. At the shell prompt, enter the following:
    > import --file /tmp/ /mop
  12. Go to http://localhost:8080/portal/testing and the new portal will appear as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...

How it works...

Step 6 exports the entire classic portal site from GateIn, including portal configuration, pages, and navigation nodes.


The output from Step 6 can also be used as a way to migrate portal page content and structure from one environment to another. With the CLI import command, you can replace the environment's content with the newly exported ZIP file. Note that there are many other facets to a full migration, such as portlet applications and any portal customization.

Steps 8, 9, and 10 modify the configuration that was exported from the classic portal, and rename it to testing. Renaming the portal will create a new portal in GateIn as part of the import process, accomplished in Step 11.

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