Integrating with SPNEGO for Desktop SSO

Another possible scenario for integrating GateIn using SSO in several infrastructures is related to the use of the SPNEGO mechanism. We will see how to configure GateIn for this type of integration.

SPNEGO stands for Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism and it provides an automatic way to check if the operating system or the application server supports NT LAN Manager (NTLM) or Kerberos to authenticate user sessions.


For more information about SPNEGO, please see the following URL:

Getting ready

  1. Download the latest GateIn SSO support package from the following Maven repository location:

  2. The latest version available at the time of writing the book is 1.1.1-GA; it is downloadable from this URL:

  3. Extract the package in a folder in your filesystem.
  4. Download the latest GA version of jboss-negotiation JAR (at the time of writing the book, it is 2.1.0.GA) from the following URL:
  5. We assume that you have correctly configured an SPNEGO server on your environment.

How to do it...

Let's start to configure GateIn with SPNEGO as follows:

  1. Locate the login-config.xml file in this path: JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf
  2. Add the following snippet:
    <!-- SPNEGO domain -->
    <application-policy name="host">
    <login-module code="" flag="required">
    <module-option name="storeKey">true</module-option>
    <module-option name="useKeyTab">true</module-option>
    <module-option name="principal">HTTP/[email protected]</
    <module-option name="keyTab">/etc/krb5.keytab</module-option>
    <module-option name="doNotPrompt">true</module-option>
    <module-option name="debug">true</module-option>
  3. The keyTab parameter must be generated by the kadmin tool. If you are using Linux, this parameter must have the same value that you set in the kdc.conf.
  4. Locate the file JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/wardeployers-jboss-beans.xml and change it to the following:
    <deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
    <property name="authenticators">
    <map class="java.util.Properties" keyClass="java.lang.String"
    <!-- Add this entry -->
  5. Copy sso-agent-VERSION.jar: from GATEIN_SSO_HOME/spnego/gatein.ear/lib to JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/gatein.ear/lib.
  6. Copy spnego-VERSION.jar:from GATEIN_SSO_HOME/spnego/gatein.ear/lib to JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib.
  7. Copy the jboss-negotiation-VERSION.jar file in JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib.
  8. Change the file gatein-jboss-beans.xml that is included in the path JBOSS_HOME/server/defaut/deploy/gatein.ear/META-INF as follows:
    <deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
    <application-policy xmlns="urn:jboss:security-beans:1.0" name="gatein-form-authdomain">
    <login-module code="" flag="optional">
    <module-option name="portalContainerName">portal</module-option>
    <module-option name="realmName">gatein-domain</module-option>
    <login-module code=""
    <module-option name="portalContainerName">portal</module-option>
    <module-option name="realmName">gatein-domain</module-option>
    <!-- Uncomment this part to check on each login if user is member of "/platform/users"
    group and if not
    create such membership -->
    <module-option name="portalContainerName">portal</module-option>
    <module-option name="realmName">gatein-domain</module-option>
    <module-option name="membershipType">member</module-option>
    <module-option name="groupId">/platform/users</module-option>
    <login-module code=""
    <module-option name="portalContainerName">portal</module-option>
    <!-- logout needs to be performed from 'gatein-domain' as it is used for JaasSecurityManager.
    <module-option name="realmName">gatein-domain</module-option>
    <application-policy xmlns="urn:jboss:security-beans:1.0" name="gatein-domain">
    <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
    <module-option name="serverSecurityDomain">host</module-option>
    <module-option name="removeRealmFromPrincipal">true</module-option>
    <module-option name="usernamePasswordDomain">gatein-form-auth-domain</moduleoption>
    <module-option name="password-stacking">useFirstPass</module-option>
    <module-option name="portalContainerName">portal</module-option>
    <module-option name="realmName">gatein-domain</module-option>
  9. Change the GateIn portal application web.xml as follows:
    <!-- <login-config>
  10. Add the SPNEGO filters in the web.xml:
    <!-- This should point to your SSO authentication server -->
  11. Update the Sign in link modifying the template JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/gatein.ear/web.war/groovy/groovy/webui/component/UIBannerPortlet.gtml as follows:
    <a class="Login" onclick="$signInAction"><
    <a class="Login" href="/portal/sso"><%=_ctx.appRes("UILoginForm.label.Signin")%></a>
  12. Now you have completed all the configuration settings.
  13. Finally, remember to start GateIn using the following command with security settings:
    sudo ./ - -c default -b
  14. Set the correct value for your Kerberos configuration,

How it works…

In the first part of the configuration steps, we configured the application server to add the support to the new realm with the Kerberos keystore for the domain defined for the SPNEGO server.

We then changed the SSL configuration for the application server to support the security layer for SPNEGO.

In the next step, we added specific libraries taken from the GateIn SSO support package to use custom login modules and the SPNEGO agent.

We then changed the portal configuration for adding the authentication support for the new domain defined in SPNEGO. We also added the specific authentication filter to receive the needed requests against the new authentication process.

Finally, in the last steps we modified the HTML code for the login form to update the context path related to the link for the SSO mechanism that we have now enabled.

See also

  • The Integrating with Web SSO recipe
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