Plug-In Graphic have refined the ability to translate visual language into a complete tactile experience. Their combination of sensitive typography and accessible imagery with specialized materials and production techniques results in end products that are immediately familiar and comfortable. This is achieved through painstaking attention to detail at every stage of the design process to ensure the desired effect is realized. The Tokyo-based studio’s dedication and commitment is due to the enthusiasm of founder Naomi Hirabayashi, who infuses every project with a personal touch.

Similarly, the Japanese label Arts&Science is an extension of the personal vision of its founder, Sonya S. Park. Focused on exquisite materials and fine craftsmanship, the luxury brand captures the comfort of a simple way of life within a contemporary framework. Seasonal but not trend-based, Arts&Science offer an aspirational lifestyle of basic garments, accessories and homeware products (even biscuits). In contrast to the perceived exclusivity of fashion labels, they embrace collaboration, and other premium labels are sold in their retail stores to reinforce the depth and authenticity of their brand values.

Hirabayashi has been retained by Arts&Science since the studio’s launch in 2003. During this successful relationship she has produced all the label’s print collateral and developed a range of unique yet collectively balanced logos to identify the diffusion lines. In a reversal of conventional practice, Hirabayashi initiates proposals to Arts&Science for projects she thinks are required. Her ideas are evaluated solely on the basis of their suitability to the brand, with no budgetary considerations. “I think you could call this a collaboration rather than the usual relationship between a client and a graphic designer,” says Hirabayashi. More than trust or respect, the success of this collaboration relies on shared creative ownership.

Constructive dialogue is vital to achieving this and is in part made possible through a common visual language. However, according to Hirabayashi, a creative background is not a prerequisite for a successful relationship and can at times become an obstacle. She believes it is more important for clients to have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and the ability to remain objective throughout the design process. This can be difficult for creative clients who tend to have more emotional investment in a project than more commercially based companies. For Hirabayashi, Arts&Science represent the perfect balance: “The owner is creative and also a talented marketer. Rather than spending a large percentage of the budget on advertising she knows it is more meaningful to spend time and money on catalogues and other marketing tools. In that respect we have the best kind of relationship possible between a graphic designer and client.”

While Hirabayashi draws inspiration from the past, she is fascinated by Swiss typography, which provides the perfect technical counterbalance to the warmth of her projects. “I often find hints for typestyles and textures on old printed matter or packages.” Hirabayashi insists there is no formula to her creative process as every client presents unique challenges. Her focus with Arts&Science is to build a message that is “high-quality, classic yet modern, genderless”, to reflect the label’s understated luxury and accessible refinement. The imagery in the lookbooks is warm and textured, and there is an expectation that the visual will have the strength to convey more than simply the look and style of a garment. The lookbooks are visually warm and textured. The photography has the strength to convey more than simply the look and style of a garment. Illustrated references and supporting text are isolated on the pages that follow the photographic spreads. Embossing, foil blocking and speciality paper are often used to enrich the tactility of the lookbooks.

The clear harmony between Arts&Science’s products and their visual communication appears to be logical and effortless. A true indicator of success, this natural simplicity conceals the complexity and sophistication of the message. With seemingly parallel aesthetics, the real strength of the relationship between designer and client lies in the commitment and trust of both parties. Hirabayashi’s passion and raw talent are why clients seek her out and, undoubtedly, why she becomes invaluable to them.

Delivered in a custom-designed envelope, there is an effortless beauty to the images from the Spring/Summer 2009 lookbook that appear frozen in time. Satoshi Yamaguchi has a long-standing relationship with Plug-In Graphic and photographs all the work for Arts&Science. “Paper of such thinness has been used so that it looks as if the printing can also be seen from the back. The catalogue was made without a cover so that it looks like a book still in the process of being made. It is of a very simple structure, with the photos of the products and the credits being placed on different pages and inserted alternately.”

The Autumn/Winter 2005/06 lookbook skilfully balances textures, multiple paper stocks and variable page sizes. “Smooth, elegant, cream-coloured paper has been used, and the cover decorated with a pale green band. On the band is the embossed shape of a large emblem, which is the motif for this brand.”

There is an open warmth to the editorial voice used on the cover of the Autumn Winter 2007/08 lookbook. “All the photos have been printed by offset printing, and the gold letters have then been printed by letterpress. The combination of offset printing with letterpress can create a distinctive look. It is a method we like and often use. To make it easier for the reader to choose products, the products have been sorted into four categories, and the pages designed to look indexed.” The envelope reveals the visual balance between the logos of all the diffusion lines.

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