Adding a power value to the cards

In this task, we will add a power value to the cards. We will also create a Card object to get the original value back.

Prepare for lift off

Before going into the core part, we will get the interface prepared.

There is not much to add in HTML. Add the power element inside the front face element, as shown in the following code:

<div class="front face">
  <div class="power">100</div>

Also, add some very basic CSS styling to define the power text, which is large and aligned in the center, as shown in the following code:

.card .power{
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  bottom: 30px;
  font-size: 2em;

Engage thrusters

The core part of this task is the JavaScript logic, explained as follows:

  1. First, we create a new module to randomize all the power values. Prepend the following code in the game-scene.js file. The benefit of separating this logic is to make changing the power formula easy in the future:
    ;(function() {
      var game = this.cardBattleGame = this.cardBattleGame || {};
      // Cache elements query
      var allPowerElms = document.querySelectorAll('.power'),
      game.randomizePower = function() {
          elm.textContent = Math.round(Math.random() * 60) + 40;
  2. The power value is stored as a text value inside the power elements. We need an easy way to get the value to be used in the battle formula later. Create the following Card definition inside the gameScene object:
    var Card = (function(){
      function Card(node) {
        this.node = node;
      Card.prototype.power = function() {
        return 1 * this.node.querySelector('.power').textContent
    // convert string to integer
      return Card;
  3. Now, before we restart the game every time, we randomize the power value. It provides different values on every round of card selection:
    gameScene.restartGame = function() {
      // rest of the existing code in restartGame.
  4. Now, we mark the selected card as a new Card instance, and then check the power of the card after logging into the game:
    /* select a card */
    selectedCard = new Card(elm);
    console.log("Power of selected card: ", selectedCard.power());
    // rest of original code for card selection.

Objective complete – mini debriefing

We have added a power value to the cards. These values will be used for comparison when we add the battle logic later.

Randomize logic

The game randomizes the power values in all cards for every round when the game begins. It is a separate logic that selects all the power elements and adds a randomized value ranging from 40 to 100 to it. After we get the value, we use the textContent property to set the string value to the card node.

Card definition

Most of the card logic is done on the HTML node directly, such as the toggling classes. But the power is stored in the node as a string type. We want to get the integer type of the power value to make the battle calculations easier. That's why we create a Card object definition.

The Card object contains the original HTML node reference and a power method to get the integer power value from the text content of the HTML node.

The reason why we only instantiate the selected card is because we don't read any power value of the non-selected card.


The official way to convert a string to an integer is the parseInt method. But the fastest way is to multiply the string by 1. The following URL tests the performance between these two methods:

Classified intel

When do you define an object definition and when do you declare an object instance directly?

When something is going to be reused many times, declaring the definition allows us to create many instances using the new operator. Otherwise, if we just need the object once, an object instance is more than enough.

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