

401(k) plans. See also retirement savings


neglecting employer matches, 9-10

when to start, 24-25

loans from, 11, 134

mistakes made in, 142-145

403(b) plans, loans from, 134

457 deferred compensation plans, loans from, 134


adjustable-rate mortgages, 73-74

after-tax rate on tax-deductible debts, 19-20

airline-affiliated credit cards, 59

alimony payments, renegotiating, 166

all-in-one loans (construction loans), 94, selling possessions on, 187

AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax), 20, 87, 22

authorized users on credit cards, 57

autos. See cars


balance-transfer offers on credit cards, 49-51

balances on credit cards, carrying, 40-41, 47

balancing car expenses with other spending, 125-126

bankruptcy. See also debt crisis

Chapter 7 versus Chapter 13, 170

effect on retirement savings, 140

finding bankruptcy attorneys, 37

small business example, 44-45

statistics, 42-47

when to consider, 12-13

when to file, 38

bills. See debt

borrowing. See loans

building credit, steps in, 56-58

“buy here pay here” lots, 149


as better than renting (home-buying myth), 67

versus leasing (cars), 126


calculating after-tax rate on tax-deductible debts, 19-20

Capital One Cash Rewards, 60

capital spending, effect on cost of college education, 114

car company-affiliated credit cards, 60

car insurance, savings tips, 122

car lenders, contacting during debt crisis, 162-163

car loans

“buy here pay here” lots, 149

credit scores and, 127

length of, 6

lowering interest rates on, 178

owing more than worth of car, 121-122, 128

prepayment penalties, 128

refinancing, 129-130

tips for, 130-131

carrying balances on credit cards, 40-41, 47

balance-transfer offers, 49-51

fees, 49

interest rate changes, 48-49

minimum interest rates, 47


cost of, 120-121

balancing with other spending, 125-126

over lifetime, 123-125

reducing, 126-129

leasing versus buying, 126

owing more than worth of, 121-122, 128

paying with home equity loans, 91

reducing spending on, 183

case studies, financial flexibility planning, 27-30

Case, Karl E., 66


advances on credit cards, 152

finding extra, 30-31, 33

raising (as part of debt management plan), 186-188

cash flow, improving short-term, 150-151

cash-advance fees on credit cards, 52

cash-back credit cards, 60

cash-out refinancing for home improvement projects, 93

cashing out 401(k) plans, 142

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, 170

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, 170

checking accounts, setting up, 56

child support payments, renegotiating, 166

choosing reward cards, 58-62

closing costs (mortgages), 80

closing credit accounts, 8-9

clothing, reducing spending on, 184-185

collection agencies

handling, 170-174

for student loan debts, 163-164

college education

cost of. See also student loans

reasons for, 114-116

scholarships and grants, 106-108

statistics, 101

effect on salary and unemployment rate, 101

paying with home equity loans, 91

company match on 401(k) plans, 143

company stock in 401(k) plans, 144

compounding, 137

consolidation of student loans, 111-112

construction loans for home improvement projects, 93-94

construction-only loans, 94

contracts for personal loans to family/friends, 156

contributions to 401(k) plans

neglecting employer matches, 9-10

when to start, 24-25

conversion fees on credit cards, 52

cosigning loans, 153-155

Craigslist, selling possessions on, 187

credit, building, 56-58

credit accounts, closing, 8-9

Credit CARD Act of 2009, 48

credit card debt

amount in United States, 6

closing credit accounts, 8-9

paying down, 27

paying off with debt, 31-32

credit card interest as tax deductible, 21

credit card issuers, contacting during debt crisis, 165-166

credit cards, 39-42

bankruptcy statistics, 42-47

carrying balances on, 40-41, 47

balance-transfer offers, 49-51

fees, 49

interest rate changes, 48-49

minimum interest rates, 47

cash advances, 152

debt-suspension contracts, 50

lowering interest rates on, 178

median debt on, 41-42

obtaining initially, 56-57

paying in full each month, 42

fees associated with, 52-53

paying minimum on, 40

paying off, 53-55

with home equity loans, 90

student loans with, 113-114

protections provided by, 40

reward cards, choosing, 58-62

small business funding with, 44-45

stopping use of, 37

tips for using, 62

usage statistics, 46

credit counseling, 37

credit scores and, 165-166

credit reports

checking, 56, 76

obtaining free, 22

credit score, 21-23

car loans and, 127

credit card balance transfers and, 50

credit counseling and, 165-166

default risk and, 154

home equity lines of credit and, 89

home equity loan rates and, 88

interest rates and, 21-23

mortgage interest rates and, 78

reward cards and, 61

credit unions, loans from, 152


contacting during debt crisis, 160-166

failed negotiations with, 174

currency conversion fees on credit cards, 52



amount in United States, 5-6

delayed payments, 153

good debt, dangers of, 4

matching resources to, 35-36

paying with more debt, 31-32

prioritizing, 5, 33, 35, 189-192

usefulness of, 2-3

debt consolidation loans, 32, 151

debt crisis. See also bankruptcy

collection agencies, handling, 170, 172-174


failed negotations with, 174

relationship with, 160-166

signs of, 159-160

statute of limitations (SOL) on debts, 167-169

debt elimination fraud, 32

debt management plan, 15-16, 177-178

acting on plans, 37-38

commitment to, 192-194

credit scores, 21-23

debt repayment plans, 36-37

financial goals, 23

financial flexibility, 25-30

retirement savings, 23-25

information gathering phase, 17-20

irregular income and, 181-182

lower interest rates, 178-179

matching resources to debts, 35-36

paying off debt with debt, 31-32

prioritizing debts, 33-35, 189-192

raising cash, 30-33, 186-188

reducing spending, 182-185

saving versus spending, 13-14

tax-deductible debts, 20-21

tracking spending, 179-181

unsecured debt consolidation loans, 32

debt negotiation services, 32

debt repayment plan

bankruptcy, when to consider, 12-13

closing credit accounts, 8-9

creating, 36-37

limited financial flexibility, 8

mortgage prepayments, 7-8

neglecting retirement savings, 9-10

retirement savings for, 10-12

saving versus, 26-27

worksheets, 18, 190-192

debt-cancellation contracts, 50

debt-free in retirement, 14

debt-suspension contracts, 50

debtors’ prison, 5

default risk and credit scores, 154

defaulting on student loans, 112

deferred payment programs (student loans), 112

defined benefit pensions, 24

defined contribution plans, 24

delayed bill payments, 153

demographics, effect on cost of college education, 116

direct-deposit advances, 148

Discover More card, 60

The Dollar Stretcher website, 30

“driving out of the loan,” 128


early retirement, effect on retirement savings, 141-142

early withdrawals. See withdrawals from retirement savings

eBay, selling possessions on, 187

EBRI (Employee Benefit Research Institute), 24

education. See college education

emergency funds, paying with home equity loans, 92. See also financial flexibility

Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), 24

employer match on 401(k) plans, 9-10, 143

employers, paycheck advances from, 152

enabling, helping versus, 156

essential bills, 34


cutting (as part of debt management plan), 182-185

fixed expenses, list of, 179

weekly expenses worksheet, 180


faculty salaries, effect on cost of college education, 114

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), 106, 109

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 171


borrowing from, 152

personal loans to, 155-156

federal student loans, 108-109

payment options, 163


on credit cards

on balance transfers, 50

with paying in full each month, 52-53

usage fees, 49

for mortgages, 77, 79-80

FICO scores. See credit score

financial aid, effect on cost of college education, 115. See also student loans

financial flexibility

limiting, 8

prioritizing, 25-30

financial goals, 23

financial flexibility, 25-30

retirement savings, 23-25

finding extra cash, 30-33

first-time home buyers’ programs, 79

fixed expenses, list of, 179

fixed rates, 19

fixed-rate mortgages, 73

food, reducing spending on, 184

forbearance, 5

foreclosure, avoiding, 141, 161-162

“forgiven debt,” tax implications of, 173

Franklin, Ben, 5

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 106, 109

free credit reports, 22


borrowing from, 152

personal loans to, 155-156


GAP (guaranteed auto protection) insurance, 121, 129

GM Card, 60

goals. See financial goals

good debt, dangers of, 4

grace periods on credit cards, 52

grants, 106-108

guaranteed auto protection (GAP) insurance, 121, 129, selling possessions on, 187

handshake agreements, statute of limitations, 168

HELOCs, 87-89

helping, enabling versus, 156

high-rate loans, 147

alternatives to, 152-153

“buy here pay here” lots, 149

debt-consolidation loans, 151

direct-deposit advances, 148

margin loans, 151-152

pawnshop loans, 149

payday loans, 148

refund anticipation loans, 148-149

rent-to-own deals, 148

tips for, 157

title loans, 148

home buying. See also mortgages

determining affordability, 70-72

myths about

buying as better than renting, 67

house as great investment, 65-67

tax breaks of homeownership, 67-69

when to buy, 65

real estate bubble’s effect on, 63-64

reasons for, 69-70

tips for, 84

home equity

amount in United States, 6

interest as tax deductible, 20

home equity lines of credit versus home equity loans, 87-89

home equity loans, 85-86

for cars, 91

for credit card debt, 90

dangers of, 86-87

for education, 91

for emergency funds, 92

home equity lines of credit versus, 87-89

for home improvement projects, 92-93

for investments, 90

for luxuries, 90

for paying off student loans, 113-114

tips for, 96

home improvement projects

paying for

with cash-out refinancing, 93

with construction loans, 93-94

with home equity loans, 92-93

with Title 1 loans, 93

reasons for/against, 94-96

hotel-affiliated credit cards, 59

household expenditures statistics, 120

housing bubble

effect on home buying, 63-64

role of mortgage debt in, 4

housing expenses, reducing spending on, 182

HUD-approved housing counselors, 161

hybrid mortgages, 73


important bills, 34

income. See also resources

increasing (as part of debt management plan), 186

irregular income (as part of debt management plan), 181-182

increasing income (as part of debt management plan), 186

individual retirement account (IRA), withdrawals from, 134. See also retirement savings

inflation, debt payments and, 7

information gathering phase (debt management plan), 17-20

installment loans, 17, 57

insurance, savings tips, 122

interest rates

balance-transfer offers on credit cards, 49-51

on credit cards

changing overnight, 48-49

minimizing, 54

minimum rates, 47

credit scores and, 21-23

fixed versus variable, 19

on home equity lines of credit, 89

on home equity loans, 88

lowering (as part of debt management plan), 178-179

on mortgages, effect of credit score on, 78

paying down credit card debt, 55

interest-only mortgages, 74-75


paying with home equity loans, 90

houses as (home-buying myth), 65-67

IRA (individual retirement account), withdrawals from, 134. See also retirement savings

irregular income (as part of debt management plan), 181-182


contacting during debt crisis, 164

tax implications of “forgiven debt,” 173

itemized deductions, 20, 68


joint users on credit cards, 57

judgments, effect of statute of limitations on, 167-169

junk fees for mortgages, 79-80

late fees on credit cards, 49

leasing versus buying cars, 126

lenders. See creditors

lifetime cost of cars, 123-125

limiting financial flexibility, 8

loan forgiveness (student loans), 111


car loans. See car loans

construction loans for home improvement projects, 93-94

cosigning, 153-155

debt-consolidation loans, 151

high-rate loans. See high-rate loans

home equity loans. See home equity loans

installment loans, 57

lowering interest rates on, 178-179

margin loans, 151-152

mortgages. See mortgages

personal loans, 155-156

PLUS loans, 91

from retirement savings, 11, 133-134, 152

cost of, 135-138

types of, 134-135

student loans. See student loans

Title 1 loans for home improvement projects, 93

local community banks, loans from, 152

lowering interest rates (as part of debt management plan), 178-179

luxuries, paying with home equity loans, 90


margin loans, 151-152

matching resources and debts, 35-36

medical bills, paying with retirement savings, 140

medical providers, contacting during debt crisis, 164-165

minimum interest rates on credit cards, 47

minimum payments on credit cards, 40

mortage prepayments, 7-8

mortgage brokers, 78

mortgage debt in housing bubble, 4

mortgage lenders, contacting during debt crisis, 161-162


determining affordability, 70-72

evaluating options, 75-76

interest as tax deductible, 20

lowering interest rates on, 178

prepaying, 83-84

refinancing, 80-83

shopping for, 76-80

tips for, 84

types of, 73-76, 22


National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, 37

National Foundation for Credit Counseling, 37

neglecting retirement savings, 9-10


with collection agencies, 173

with creditors, 174

nonessential bills, 34

online sales (as part of debt management plan), 187-188

open-ended accounts, statute of limitations, 168

oral agreements, statute of limitations, 168

over-limit fees on credit cards, 49


pawnshop loans, 149

paycheck advances, 152

payday loans, 148


on credit card debt, 53-55

mortgage prepayments, 7-8

prioritizing, 5

penalties for prepayment, 19

Perkins loans, 109

personal loans

statistics, 155

to family/friends, 155-156

“pink slip” loans, 148

PLUS loans, 91

points (mortgages), 77

preapproval for mortgages, 79


car loans, 128

mortgages, 83-84

penalties for, 19

prequalification for mortgages, 79

price of debt, 5-6


debts, 5, 33, 35, 189-192

financial goals, 23

financial flexibility, 25-30

retirement savings, 23-25

productivity, effect on cost of college education, 114

promissory notes, statute of limitations, 168


quick fixes, dangers of, 193

raising cash (as part of debt management plan), 186-188

re-aging credit card debt, 165

real estate bubble

effect on home buying, 63-64

role of mortgage debt in, 4

rebuilding credit, steps in, 56-58

recession, effect on home buying, 63-64


car costs, 126-129

spending (as part of debt management plan), 182-185


car loans, 129-130

mortgages, 80-83

refund anticipation loans, 148-149

remodeling projects. See home improvement projects

renegotiating child support and alimony payments, 166

rent-to-own deals, 148

renting, buying as better than (home-buying myth), 67

repayment plan. See debt repayment plan

resources, matching to debts, 35-36

retirement, debt-free in, 14

retirement savings. See also 401(k) plans

bankruptcy and, 140

for debt repayment, 10, 12

loans from, 11, 133-134, 152

cost of, 135-138

types of, 134-135

neglecting, 9-10

prioritizing, 23-25

tips for, 145-146

withdrawals from

costs of, 140-142

IRAs/Roth IRAs, 134

reasons for, 138-139

taxes on, 11

revolving debts, 17

reward cards, choosing, 58-62

rights regarding collection agencies, 171-173

rollover loans (construction loans), 94

Roth IRA, withdrawals from, 134


salary, effect of college degree on, 101

saving. See also retirement savings

debt repayment versus, 26-27

spending versus, 13-14

savings accounts

paying off debt with (as part of debt management plan), 186

setting up, 56

scholarships, 106-108

secured credit cards, 57

selecting reward cards, 58-62

selling possessions (as part of debt management plan), 186-188

settling student loan debt, 112

Shiller, Robert J., 66

short sales, foreclosures versus, 161-162

short-term, adjustable-rate mortgages, 74

short-term cash flow, improving, 150-151

short-term, fixed-rate mortgages, 73

small businesses, funding with credit cards, 44-45

social lending sites, 156

Social Security, 24

SOL (statute of limitations), 167-169


reducing (as part of debt management plan), 182-185

saving versus, 13-14

tracking (as part of debt management plan), 179-181

Stafford loans, 109


cars, cost of, 120-121

college education costs, 101

credit scores and default risk, 154

household expenditures, 120

personal loans, 155

statute of limitations (SOL), 167-169

stocks in 401(k) plans, 143-144, 30

student loan lenders, contacting during debt crisis, 163-164

student loans

amount to borrow, 104-106

benefits of, 103-104

consolidation, 111-112

dangers of, 4

defaulting on, 112

deferred payment programs, 112

federal student loan payment options, 163

forbearance, 5

interest as tax deductible, 21

level of debt with, 99-103

loan forgiveness, 111

myths about, 109-110

paying off with credit cards/home equity loans, 113-114

prepayments, 8

settling the debt, 112

tips for, 116-117

types of, 108-109

Subaru Rewards Card, 60

subsidized student loans, 109


tax authorities, contacting during debt crisis, 164

tax breaks of home ownership (home-buying myth), 67-69

tax implications of “forgiven debt,” 173

tax-deductible debts

after-tax rate, calculating, 19-20

types of, 20-21


adjusting withholding (as part of debt management plan), 186

AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax), 20, 87

itemized deductions, 20

personal loans to family/friends and, 156

on retirement savings withdrawals, 11, 136

Title 1 loans for home improvement projects, 93

title loans, 148

tracking spending (as part of debt management plan), 179-181

traditional mortgages, 73

transportation. See cars

travel expenses, currency conversion fees on credit cards, 52

travel-reward programs, 59


underearning, 156, 186

unemployment rate, effect of college degree on, 101

United States, debt in, 5-6

unsecured debt consolidation loans, 32

unsecured lenders, contacting during debt crisis, 166

unsubsidized student loans, 109

“upside down” on car loans, 121-122, 128

used cars, advantages of buying, 127

utilities, reducing spending on, 182

variable rates, 19

vehicles. See cars, 120

vested, definition of, 134


Warren, Elizabeth, 72

websites, 22

Dollar Stretcher, 30, 22

National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, 37

National Foundation for Credit Counseling, 37

weekly expenses worksheet, 180

wish lists, 193

withdrawals from retirement savings

costs of, 140-142

IRAs/Roth IRAs, 134

reasons for, 138-139

taxes on, 11, 136

withholding, adjusting (as part of debt management plan), 186

written agreements, statute of limitations, 168

Your Credit Score (Weston), 23, 61

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