Invoking the Grip Editing Copy Option

A Copy option also exists in each of the five grip editing modes. When this option is invoked, the original objects are left unchanged and any changes are made to copies of the original. An alternative when using the Copy option is to hold down the Shift key after you have placed the first copy. Be aware, however, that if you continue to press the Shift key, AutoCAD uses the distance and direction between the original object and the first copy point to create a set of invisible snap points. For the STRETCH, MOVE, and SCALE commands, the snap points are arranged into a grid, with one of the grid axes running from the base point to the first selected point (see Figure 11.9).

Figure 11.9. The Shift key can be used to place copies with temporary invisible snap points that are arranged into a snap-like grid. (Invisible snap points shown for clarity.)

For the Rotate and Mirror grip modes, the snap points are arranged into a circular arrangement such that the angular displacement between adjacent snap points is equal (see Figure 11.10). When used with the Shift key, this process presets the available angles in increments equal to the first angle selected.

Figure 11.10. The Shift key also can be used to place copies with temporary snap angles that are arranged into a polar configuration.

In the following exercise, you use grips to make changes and additions to the office layout in the drawing CHAP11-1.dwg. These changes include rotating and duplicating a chair in the office layout and stretching the cabinet.

Exercise 11.2 Using Grips to Make Changes and Additions

Open the drawing CHAP11-1.dwg.

Choose Named Views from the View pull-down menu; select the view named OFFICE-A. Click the Restore button in the View Control dialog box, and click OK.

Pick the chair located below the desk and the other chair (see Figure 11.11). Each chair is a block, which explains why only one grip is displayed.

Figure 11.11. In this drawing, grips are used to relocate and copy a chair block and to resize a file cabinet.

Select the grip at . You have just activated the grip editing modes and the default mode of Stretch is current. Right-click and choose Rotate from the shortcut menu. Type 180 to rotate the chair 180 degrees.

Select the same grip, and press the spacebar once to cycle to the Move grip mode.

Type C to specify the Copy option, then type @3'<270 . Press Enter to exit the Move grip mode. Press Esc to remove the selected grips on screen.

Use Implied Windowing to pick at and to select the cabinet. Because the cabinet was drawn with four lines, it displays grips at the endpoints and midpoints.

While holding down the Shift key, pick and to select the multiple grips to stretch.

Release the Shift key, and pick to activate the grip modes. Type @2'<0 to stretch the rectangle 2' to the right and exit the command.

Press the Esc key once to clear the selection and the grips.

Refer to step 1 and restore the view OFFICE-B. Select the single chair (see Figure 11.12), and pick the grip to enable the grip editing modes.

Figure 11.12. In this drawing, grips are used to array copies of the chair around the table.

Right-click and choose Rotate, then right-click again and choose Base Point.

Move your cursor to a point that’s not on a grip, hold the Shift key and right-click the mouse, then select Center from the Object Snap shortcut menu. Then pick the desk at .

Right-click and choose Copy. Then type 90 , 180 , and 270 to make three copies at the three respective angle positions. Press the Enter key to exit the Rotate grip mode.

Restore the view OFFICE-E, then select the office cubicles on the left side of the room with an implied crossing window by picking and (see Figure 11.13).

Figure 11.13. In this drawing, grips are used to mirror a set of room objects about an axis line.

Pick one of the displayed grips, then right-click and pick Mirror, then right-click and pick Copy. Now right-click and choose Base Point.

Use Midpoint object snap and pick . Turn on Ortho and pick . By turning on Ortho, you ensure that you create a horizontal or vertical mirror line.

Press Enter to exit Mirror grip edit mode. You do not need to save the changes.

So far, this chapter has discussed how to use grips to modify objects. The following section covers AutoCAD 2002’s object modification tools.

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