
As you may have already guessed, this role, which can be found in the roles/stack/tasks/wordpress.yml file alongside roles/stack/tasks/main.yml and roles/stack/tasks/deploy.yml,  installs and configures WordPress.

Before we progress with the tasks, we need to find out information about our RDS instance:

- name: find some information on the rds instance
module: rds
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
command: facts
instance_name: "{{ environment_name }}-rds"
become: no
register: rds_results

This is so that we can use the tasks when defining the database connection; likewise, we also need to find out about the Elastic Load Balancer:

- name: find some information on the elastic load balancer
module: elb_application_lb_facts
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
names: "{{ environment_name }}-elb"
become: no
register: elb_results

The remaining tasks do the following:

  1. Install WP-CLI.
  2. Download WordPress.
  3. Set the correct permissions on the WordPress folder.
  4. Configure WordPress to connect to our RDS using the endpoint we found when gathering facts; we are reusing the password file we generated.
  5. Install WordPress using the Elastic Load Balancer URL and details from the default variables:
- name: download wp-cli
url: "{{ wp_cli.download }}"
dest: "{{ wp_cli.path }}"

- name: update permissions of wp-cli to allow anyone to execute it
path: "{{ wp_cli.path }}"
mode: "0755"

- name: are the wordpress files already there?
path: "{{ wordpress_system.home }}/index.php"
register: wp_installed

- name: download wordpresss
shell: "{{ wp_cli.path }} core download"
chdir: "{{ wordpress_system.home }}"
become_user: "{{ wordpress_system.user }}"
become: true
when: wp_installed.stat.exists == False

- name: set the correct permissions on the homedir
path: "{{ wordpress_system.home }}"
mode: "0775"
when: wp_installed.stat.exists == False

- name: is wordpress already configured?
path: "{{ wordpress_system.home }}/wp-config.php"
register: wp_configured

- name: configure wordpress
shell: "{{ wp_cli.path }} core config --dbhost={{ rds_results.instance.endpoint }} --dbname={{ environment_name }} --dbuser={{ environment_name }} --dbpass={{ lookup('password', 'group_vars/rds_passwordfile chars=ascii_letters,digits length=30') }}"
chdir: "{{ wordpress_system.home }}"
become_user: "{{ wordpress_system.user }}"
become: true
when: wp_configured.stat.exists == False

- name: do we need to install wordpress?
shell: "{{ wp_cli.path }} core is-installed"
chdir: "{{ wordpress_system.home }}"
become_user: "{{ wordpress_system.user }}"
become: true
ignore_errors: yes
register: wp_installed

- name: install wordpress if needed
shell: "{{ wp_cli.path }} core install --url='{{ wordpress.domain }}' --title='{{ wordpress.title }}' --admin_user={{ wordpress.username }} --admin_password={{ wordpress.password }} --admin_email={{ wordpress.email }}"
chdir: "{{ wordpress_system.home }}"
become_user: "{{ wordpress_system.user }}"
become: true
when: wp_installed.rc == 1

To keep things simple, we are not managing the theme or plugins using Ansible.

This is where we stop running tasks on the instance we discovered/launched in the previous role; it is now time for us to switch back to our Ansible controller and make an AMI using our instance.

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