
As we are targeting two different operating systems, our tasks/main.yml file needs to look as follows:

# tasks file for ansible-role-docker

- name: include the operating system specific variables
include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"

- name: install the stack on centos
import_tasks: install-redhat.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'

- name: install the stack on ubuntu
import_tasks: install-ubuntu.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'

As you can see, this is the same as when we installed our LEMP Stack on the two operating systems in Chapter 6, Targeting Multiple Distributions. The tasks/install-redhat.yml file looks pretty much like the tasks we have used to install Docker in the previous chapters:

# tasks file for ansible-role-docker

- name: add the gpg key for the docker repo
key: "{{ docker.gpg_key }}"
state: "present"

- name: add docker repo from the remote url
url: "{{ docker.repo_url }}"
dest: "{{ docker.repo_path }}"
mode: "0644"

- name: install the docker packages
name: "{{ item }}"
state: "installed"
update_cache: "yes"
enablerepo: "{{ docker.edge }}"
with_items: "{{ docker.packages }}"

- name: install pip
name: pip
state: latest

- name: install the python packages
name: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ docker.pip }}"

- name: put selinux into permissive mode
policy: targeted
state: permissive

- name: start docker and configure to start on boot
name: "docker"
state: "started"
enabled: "yes"

The only difference is that we are enabling the Docker CE Edge repository when installing the packages, and also we are not running a yum update when installing Docker. We are not doing this as it is not our role's decision to update a server when someone else is running the role; our role should only install Docker.

The final task file is tasks/install-ubuntu.yml. This, as you will have already guessed, contains the tasks to install Docker on Ubuntu hosts:

# tasks file for ansible-role-docker

- name: install the system packages
name: "{{ item }}"
state: "present"
update_cache: "yes"
with_items: "{{ docker.system_packages }}"

- name: add the apt keys from a key server
url: "{{ docker.gpg_key }}"
state: present

- name: add the apt repo
repo: "{{ docker.repo }}"
state: present

- name: install the docker package
name: "{{ item }}"
state: "present"
update_cache: "yes"
force: "yes"
with_items: "{{ docker.packages }}"

- name: install the python packages
name: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ docker.pip }}"

- name: start docker and configure to start on boot
name: "docker"
state: "started"
enabled: "yes"

That concludes all of the tasks and variables that we need in order to install Docker on the two different operating systems. In previous chapters, that would have been enough for us to add the role to our playbook and run the tasks. However, as we are going to be publishing this role on Ansible Galaxy, we need to add some more information about the role.

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