The vmware_vmkernel module

This module allows you to add VMkernel interfaces, which are also known as Virtual NICs on a host:

- name: Add management port with a static ip
hostname: "{{ vsphere_host }}"
username: "{{ vsphere_username }}"
password: "{{ vsphere_password }}"
validate_certs: "no"
esxi_hostname: "{{ exsi_host }}"
vswitch_name: "my_vSwitch"
portgroup_name: "my_portgroup"
vlan_id: "the_vlan_id"
type: "static"
ip_address: ""
subnet_mask: ""
state: "present"
enable_mgmt: "True"

In the previous example, we added a management interface; there are also the following options:

  • enable_ft: Enables an interface for fault tolerance traffic
  • enable_mgmt: Enables an interface for management traffic
  • enable_vmotion: Enables an interface for VMotion traffic
  • enable_vsan: Enables an interface for VSAN traffic
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