Infrastructure as code

Before we finish this chapter and move on to installing Ansible, let's quickly discuss infrastructure as code, first of all by looking at some actual code. The following bash script installs several RPMs using the yum package manager:

LIST_OF_APPS="dstat lsof mailx rsync tree vim-enhanced git whois iptables-services"
yum install -y $LIST_OF_APPS

The following is a Puppet class that does the same task as the previous bash script:

class common::apps {
ensure => installed,

Next up, we have the same task using SaltStack:

- pkgs:
- dstat
- lsof
- mailx
- rsync
- tree
- vim-enhanced
- git
- whois
- iptables-services

Finally, we have the same task again, this time using Ansible:

- name: install packages we need
name: "{{ item }}"
state: "latest"
- dstat
- lsof
- mailx
- rsync
- tree
- vim-enhanced
- git
- whois
- iptables-services

Even without going into any detail, you should be able to get the general gist of what each of the three examples is doing. All three, while not strictly infrastructure, are valid examples of infrastructure as code.

This is where you manage the code that manages your infrastructure in exactly the same way as a developer would manage the source code for their application. You use source control, store it in a centrally available repository where you can collaborate with your peers, you branch and use pull requests to check in your changes, and, where possible, you write and execute unit tests to ensure that changes to your infrastructure are successful and error-free before deploying to production. This should be as automated as possible. Any manual intervention in the tasks mentioned should be seen as potentially a point of failure and you should work to automate the task.

This approach to infrastructure management has a few advantages, one being that you, as system administrators, are using the same processes and tooling as your developer colleagues, meaning that any procedures that apply to them also apply to you. This makes for a more consistent working experience, as well as exposing you to tools that you may not have been exposed to or used before.

Secondly, and more importantly, it allows you to share your work. Before this approach, this type of work seemed to others a dark art performed only by system administrators. Doing this work in the open allows you to have your peers review and comment on your configuration, as well as being able to do the same yourself to theirs. Also, you can share your work so that others can incorporate elements into their own projects.

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