The phpinfo file

As with the Apache installation, we can add the option to upload a test file, in this case, a simple PHP file that calls the php_info function. This displays information about our PHP installation. The task to upload this file looks like the following:

- name: copy the test PHP page to the document root
src: "info.php"
dest: "{{ document_root }}/info.php"
mode: "0755"
owner: "{{ }}"
group: "{{ apache_group }}"
when: php_info == true

As you can see, it is only being called when the following is set in roles/php/default/main.yml:

php_info: true

The file we are copying to the host from our Ansible controller can be found in roles/php/files/info.php, and it contains the following three lines:


While this demonstrates that PHP is installed and working, it isn't very interesting, so before we run our playbook, let's add a few more steps that tie all of the elements of our LAMP stack together.

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