Using a Q&A button

Let's understand how to use a Q&A button:

  1. Click back on the Blank button we created earlier and change its Action to Q&A.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key and click the button. The Q&A dialog will be displayed:

Figure 3  Q&A dialog

Down the left-hand side are a number of example questions. In the main area, to the top right, there is an entry area that says Ask a question about your data.

  1. Click inside this box and type hours by location. In the main area, a map is displayed, showing bubbles over Cleveland, OH; Nashville, TN; and Charlotte, NC:

Figure 4  Q&A hours by location

The size of the bubbles on the map denote the total relative number of hours worked by employees in each location. Note that you can hover your mouse over the bubbles and receive a Tooltip stating the Location and Count of Hours. Count of Hours is probably not what was intended. This means that the number is the count of the rows within the Hours table that are related to each location instead of the sum of hours for each location. Further confirmation that this is using a Count of Hours can be found at the bottom of the map where it says Showing location that employees are in and Number of hours. The exact phase may vary.

To fix this, note that hours and location are underlined. Just below the question entry field is a statement reading Showing results for: hours by person location. The underlined words indicate that Power BI has found a table or column name in the model.

  1. Inside the textbox where you entered the question, click on the underlined word hours. Note that there are multiple possible suggestions Q&A provides for data model entities that could possibly refer to the word hours. The top item that has been chosen is hours (Hours). This refers to the table called Hours. Just below this option is another option, hours (Hours > Hours). This refers to the Hours column within the Hours table. Choose the second option.
  2. Now, hover over one of the bubbles again and note that the Tooltip that's displayed just states Hours instead of Count of Hours.

We know that this is the Sum of hours in these locations because the default summarization for our Hours column is Sum. Further confirmation that this is a sum or total can be found in the information that's displayed underneath the map visual that states Showing location that employees are in and Total hours:

  1. Now, click on location and note that there are two suggestions, person location and budgets and forecast location. This is because we have a Location column in both the People table and the Budgets and Forecasts table. Because we have set the Data Categorization for the Location column in our People table to City, we can remove this ambiguity.
  2. Click at the end of the question to place the cursor after location. Remove location and replace it with the word city so that our question now reads hours by city. Note that the same visualization is displayed but that the ambiguity has been removed.
  3. Add this question to the list of suggested questions by clicking the Add this question button. Note that after this button is pushed, two sections are displayed in the list of Questions to get you started. These sections are From the report author and Other suggestions.
  4. Click Save and close to close the Q&A dialog.

Our question is now saved for future users of Q&A.

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