Using Q&A in report authoring

Q&A can also be used for report authoring. To use Q&A in this manner, follow these steps:

  1. Click on a blank area of the canvas on our Buttons page.
  2. Select the Home tab of the ribbon and from the Insert section, choose Ask a Question. A blank visualization will appear on the page, along with a similar dialog to before, stating Ask a question about your data.
  3. Type the same question as before, that is, hours by city. Note that the same Map visualization is displayed and that we have the same underlined words in our question, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 5 – Using Q&A to create visualizations
  1. Click on hours and change this to hours (Hours > Hours).
  2. Click on a blank area of the canvas. The Q&A dialog will go away.

We now have a standard Map visualization that we can resize and move. The Q&A dialog is simply used as a means of creating a visualization. The Q&A feature can also be activated in a different way by simply double-clicking on a blank area of the canvas. To create a visual this way, do the following:

  1. Double-click on a blank area of the canvas.
  2. This time, ask the question hours by city as bar chart. Note that Q&A follows the direction to create the visualization as a bar chart instead of a map visual.
  3. Click on hours and change this to hours (Hours > Hours).
  4. Click on a blank area of the canvas.

We now have a second visualization that we've created via Q&A.

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