Finding the center of mass in relation to the new coordinate system in millimeters

In this task, we need to find the same information that we found in the second task, but in relation to a different coordinate system. We created the new coordinate system for the model earlier in this chapter. To change the calculations so that they relate to the new coordinate system, you can change the field next to Report coordinate values relative to to the other coordinate system, as shown in the following screenshot:

After selecting the new coordinate system, we will notice that the relational values, including the Center of mass, will change, as shown in the following screenshot. The absolute values such as Mass and Volume are the same. Note that the new Center of mass (millimeters) is X = 10.00, Y = 64.68, and Z = 16.17as indicated in the following screenshot:

Lastly, we will find the mass of the model in pounds. 

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