Changing the drawing scale for the front parent view

To change the drawing scale for the front parent view for our drawing, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the front (parent) view. 
  2. On the PropertyManager, scroll down to find the scale listing. When clicking on the drop-down menu, we will see multiple options for drawing scales. We can also select User Defined if we wish to define our own scale:

  1. Set the scale to 1:5. We will notice that all the drawing views become smaller, as shown in the following image. Note that all the views changed in scale as well. This is because they are linked to the parent view by default:

Note that after changing to the new scale, the views are very small in relation to the drawing sheet. It would be better if we were to enlarge the scale more. 

  1. Select the front view again and change the scale to 1:2

Note that there is no right or wrong scale. The best way to find the best scale is to try different ones until you are satisfied with the size and proportion of your drawing views. Now that we've looked at the parent view, we will learn about changing the scale of a child view. 

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