Chapter 3 – SOLIDWORKS 2D Sketching Basics

  1. SOLIDWORKS sketches are the first step we take into creating a 3D model. It provides a guide for how to implement and apply 3D features.
  2. The two common stages we follow when sketching are outlining and defining. 
  3. First, make sure your measurement system is set to MMGS. To sketch the shape, we can start by drawing the circle and setting its radius to 100 mm. We can use the origin point as the center of the circle. Then, we can draw the right-angle triangle inside with one vertex being coincident with the origin and the other two with the perimeter of the square. 
  4. First, make sure your measurement system is set to IPS. We can start this sketch by sketching a center-rectangle and having the center of the origin. Note that it is a square, so we can also set the two perpendicular sides equal to each other. The two have circles that can be created with the arc command. We can use the Centerpoint Arc and setting the center of the arc to have a Coincident relation with the center of the square side and top lines. The isosceles triangle can be created with two different lines.


  1. First, make sure your measurement system is set to CGS. We can start by the Straight Slot command to generate the outer shape. We can then define the slot by setting its radius and length as 3 cm and 10 cm. The middle diamond can be created with four different lines. The top and bottom vertices are midpoints to the top and bottom lines of the slot, while the side vertices coincide with the center points of the side arcs. 
  2. First, make sure to set your measurement units to MMGS. We can then start the sketch by sketching a rectangle with 100 and 50 mm sides. Then, we can set up the corners using the sketching commands fillets and chamfers. The fillet is simple with a radius of 20 mm. For the chamfers, one is an angle-distance chamfer while the other is a distance-distance chamfer.
  3. Under defined, fully defined, and over defined sketches are the different statuses that SOLIDWORKS uses to categorize our sketches. Under defined sketches have parts of them that are loose or lack proper definition. Fully defined sketches have all parts of the sketch fully fixed. Over defined sketches are those with more relations and dimensions than needed to have all of the sketch elements fully fixed
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