Adding new information to the information block 

In addition to editing information and filling in existing text boxes, we can also add new text boxes to our information block. In this exercise, we will add the following text under COMMENTSThis drawing was a practice. To do this, follow these steps: 

  1. Right-click the drawing sheet and select Edit Sheet Format to start editing the information sheet. 
  2. Note that the note field doesn't have an existing text box. To add text, we need to add a normal note. We can do this by selecting the Annotation tab and then selecting Note, as highlighted in the following screenshot. Then, we can insert the note under the COMMENTS heading in the information sheet:

  1. After inserting the note, we can type in the text This drawing was a practice., as shown in the following image:

  1. Exit the sheet format editing mode. The final drawing will look as follows:

This concludes adding additional text to our drawing information block. At this point, our drawing is complete. However, to share the drawing with other individuals, especially if they don't have access to SOLIDWORKS, we will need to export the drawing as an image or PDF so that they can view it. We will learn how to do this next. 

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