Fine-tuning the linear/linear coupler mate

If we look back at the resulting assembly we have after applying the linear/linear coupler mate, we will notice that the part does not have a starting point from the backend of the outer shell. Also, the linear movements are not restrained for the two parts. To set a starting point and limit the linear movement, we will utilize the coincident and distance range mates respectively.

Before creating those adjustments, we need to suppress the linear/linear coupler mate we applied earlier. To do this, we can click on the mate in the design tree and select the suppress icon, as highlighted in the following screenshot. We will unsuppress the mate after adjusting the other settings:

Now, we will start by setting our starting point using the coincident standard mate. Here, we will create a coincident mate between the back of the drawer and the drawer support to coincide with the back of the outer shell, as indicated in the following cross section shown in the diagram:

Note that we are only applying this mate for positioning purposes only. To limit the mate to the positioning effect only, we can select the Use for positioning only option, as highlighted in the screenshot. We can find this option at the bottom of the PropertyManager when setting up the mate. Checking this option will not list the mate in the design tree as an active mate; rather, it will only bring the parts to the position as if the mate was applied. After applying this to both the drawer and the drawer support, you will notice that the coincident positioning mate will not be listed in the design tree with other mates:

After applying the two positioning mates, our assembly should look like the following cross section:

Now, we can use the distance range advanced mate to limit the movement of the drawer support to be from 0 to 30 mm. Make sure that you set the initial distance to 0 mm to keep the positioning. After that, we can unsuppress the linear/linear coupler mate we suppressed earlier. After this, you may start testing the functionality of the mate by moving the drawer or the drawer support. An alternative approach to this exercise will be to set the positioning and the movement limitation first, and then apply the linear/linear coupler mate

This concludes our coverage of the linear/linear coupler advanced mate. We covered what it is, how to set it up, and how to use different mates to support it. This mate can help to simulate different common sliding mechanisms such as the ones in common drawers, making it an important tool in our mechanical design toolkit. 

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