Changing the drawing scale of the isometric child view 

To change the drawing scale of the isometric child view, we can follow the same steps that we followed for the front view. However, there is one slight difference. Follow these steps to change the scale:

  1. Select the isometric view and find the scale menu in the PropertyManager. Note that the scale is set to Use parent scale. This is why the scale of the isometric view changed as well when we changed the scale of the front view. To change the scale, select Use custom scale. Then, adjust the scale to 1:1: 

  1. As we can see, the front view became much bigger, while all the other views remained the same size. The resulting drawing will look as follows:

You can move the views around by clicking and holding the left mouse bottom. We usually do this to arrange our views. 

Now, we have the final scale for our drawing set. However, before we move on to adjusting the display, let's talk about the scale ratios that are provided within SOLIDWORKS. 

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