Simple models versus complex models 

SOLIDWORKS offers a wide variety of features that can help us easily create different shapes. Most of these features are for simple shapes such as simple hexahedrons: cubes; rotational shapes such as spheres and tubes; and much more. Thus, we will apply more features that build on top of each other to create more complex models.

When we were sketching, we applied and mixed multiple sketch commands to create more complex sketches. This is similar to what we do with features. The more complex the model is, the more features it will require.

To highlight this, take a look at the models shown in the following image. The one on the left is a simple model of a cube. We only used one feature to create this cube. The model on the right is a turbine rotor. It is a more complex model and we had to use 11 features to build it:

As we continue using SOLIDWORKS, we will be able to create more complex models. Now, let's learn about one fundamental aspect of all features, that is, planes.

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