
We finished our chapter with a lot of new information about the whole process to create a Node server and run web applications.

We covered the essential topics to start the development of our example application, starting with our Node server, NPM, and how to install modules and dependencies, import modules with require, and export modules to use later with module.exports. We saw that MongoDB has a GUI administration interface and learned some command lines to help us in our future queries.

We learned the power of the Express framework, where we can build simple to complex web applications and also how to use object modeling with the Mongoose module to create schemas and models for our data. But don't worry if you do not understand all the concepts here; we will discuss them in more detail in the next chapters.

Our journey has just begun; we'll see another bunch of tools and get our hands dirty with a lot of code to start building our API in the following chapters. In the next chapter, we will see how the API works, some lines about the RESTful architecture, and how to start the development using Yeoman generators.

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