Configuring Protractor (e2e testing)

Protractor is a framework of functional tests for AngularJS applications. It serves as an integrated solution that combines powerful tools and technologies, such as Node.js, Selenium WebDriver, Jasmine, Cucumber, and Mocha.


You can find more information about Protractor at Jasmine is also compatible with Protractor because all the resources that are extracted from the browser to perform the tests are promises. Also, the expect() function of Jasmine internally handles these promises and makes it seem transparent validations tests.

However, the MEAN.JS generator does not have Protractor in its default installation. So, let's add the necessary dependencies to begin the test with this powerful framework. Perform the following steps:

  1. Open your terminal in the root project folder and type the following command:
    npm install protractor –save-dev
  2. In the grunt-protractor-runner folder, open the node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager file in your terminal and type the following command:


Don't forget the path grunt-protractor-runner/node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager; we'll be using it later in the chapter to run the Selenium server.

Now, let's create a Protractor configuration file in the root project folder using the following steps:

  1. Add the protractor.conf.js file and place the following code; this is a good boilerplate to start working with Protractor on your AngularJS projects:
    // Protractor configuration
    'use strict';
    exports.config = {
      // The timeout for each script run on the browser.This should be longer
      // than the maximum time your application needs to stabilize between tasks.
      allScriptsTimeout: 110000,
      * Use `seleniumAddress` for faster startup; run `./node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager start` to launch the Selenium server.
      * Use `seleniumPort` to let Protractor manage its own Selenium server instance (using the server JAR in its default location).
    seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
      // seleniumPort: 4444,
      // A base URL for your application under test. Calls toprotractor.get()
      // with relative paths will be prepended with this.
      baseUrl: 'http://localhost:' + (process.env.PORT || '3000'),
      // If true, only chromedriver will be started, not a standalone selenium.
      // Tests for browsers other than chrome will not run.
    chromeOnly: false,
      //chromeDriver: 'node_modules/grunt-protractor-runner/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/chromedriver',
      // list of files / patterns to load in the browser
      specs: [
      // Patterns to exclude.
      exclude: [],
      // ----- Capabilities to be passed to the webdriver instance ----
      // For a full list of available capabilities, see
      // and
      capabilities: {
        'browserName': 'chrome'
      // ----- The test framework -----
      // Jasmine and Cucumber are fully supported as a test and assertion framework.
      // Mocha has limited beta support. You will need to include your own
      // assertion framework if working with mocha.
      framework: 'jasmine',
      // ----- Options to be passed to minijasminenode -----
      // See the full list at
      jasmineNodeOpts: {
        defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000

    As a very well-documented file, we don't need deep analysis of every line, but the highlighted code has some important information about the SeleniumAddress instance generated, when we run the webdriver manager later in the chapter.

  2. Let's add the protractor task to our Gruntfile; just add the following line right after the Karma task:
    protractor: {
      options: {
        configFile: 'protractor.conf.js'
      chrome: {
        options: {
          args: {
            browser: 'chrome'
  3. Add the following code right after the build task at the end in the Gruntfile.js file:
    // Test task.
    grunt.registerTask('test', ['env:test', 'mochaTest','karma:unit', 'protractor']);

The initial setup is done, but we need to create the test files. Let's see what we need to do now.

Configuring the e2e testing folder

Let's add the e2e test folder to the root project. Perform the following steps:

  1. Add an e2e folder to the root application folder.
  2. Add a main folder inside the e2e folder.
  3. Add a blank file called main.po.js.
  4. Add another blank file called main.spec.js.

The e2e directory tests should be similar to the following screenshot:

Configuring the e2e testing folder

Now, let's add content to the main.po.js and main.spec.js files using the following steps:

  1. Open the main.po.js file from the e2e/main folder and add the following lines of code:
    'use strict';
    var MainPage = function() {
      // Get UI elements to test
      this.heroEl = element(by.css('.jumbotron'));
      this.h1El = this.heroEl.element(by.css('h1'));
      this.anchorEl = this.heroEl.element(by.css('a'));
      this.repeater = by.repeater('speaker in speakers'),
      this.speakerListCount = element.all(this.repeater).count();
    module.exports = new MainPage();

    Here, we just get some UI elements and a loop on the speaker object using the repeater feature.


    More information about the Protractor API and the repeater method can be found at

  2. Now, let's add content to main.spec.js from the e2e/main folder. Copy the following code and place it in the main.spec.js file:
    'use strict';
    describe('Main View', function() {
      var page;
      beforeEach(function() {
        page = require('./main.po'),
      // First test
      it('should include conference name with call to action', function() {
        // First Assertion - expect a text equal Conference
        // Second Assertion - expect a anchor tag with Call for Papers text
        expect(page.anchorEl.getText()).toBe('Call for Papers'),
        // Third Assertion - expect the url from Call for Papers link
      // Second test
      it('should render speakerList', function() {
        // First Assertion - expect a speaker list with 6 speakers
        page.speakerListCount.then(function(count) {

Again, the code comments provide a necessary understanding for us to proceed with testing. Note that the UI elements captured in main.po.js are present here and each one has an expected behavior. The tests are simple and have enough information for large-scale SPA testing.

Starting the Selenium server

Well, we have already seen all the necessary steps to configure the Protractor test environment. Let's just start with the Selenium server and run tests. Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the terminal and go to the path: grunt-protractor-runner/node_modules/protractor/bin/ and type the following command:
    webdriver-manager start

    The command will start the Selenium server, and we are ready to start the tests. It's very important to run the application before proceeding with e2e testing! Don't forget to run the server.

  2. Open the terminal in the root folder and type the following code:
    node server 
  3. In the terminal, type the following command to start the tests:
    grunt protractor

After running the tests, we can see the result on the terminal:

Starting the Selenium server

Note that the tests were performed in the Chrome browser, as we configured the Grunt task in Chrome.

Let's add another browser to Gruntfile.js using the following steps:

  1. Add the following highlighted code to the protractor task in gruntfile.js:
    protractor: {
      options: {
        configFile: 'protractor.conf.js'
      chrome: {
        options: {
          args: {
            browser: 'chrome'
    safari: {
        options: {
          args: {
            browser: 'safari'
  2. Run the test again and let's see the result.
  3. In the terminal, type the following command to start the tests:
    grunt protractor

The following screenshot illustrates the final result that runs the tests on two browsers:

Starting the Selenium server

The framework will test each browser configured in the Gruntfile.js file. However, remember that you need to have the browser installed on your workstation to perform the tests.

As you can see, the browser opens quickly, runs the test, and closes.

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