• MAA (Management Association of America), 304

  • Male bashing, 142

  • Management. See also Performance management

    • cultural relativity concept of, 125

    • securing commitment of, 23

    • universal concept of, 125

  • Management Association of America (MAA), 304

  • Management by objectives (MBO), 212, 214

  • Management by walking around (MBWA), 412

  • Management in performance appraisal, 205

  • Management of diversity, 120. See also Employee diversity

  • Management rights

  • Managerial perspective

    • on compensation, 287

    • on downsizing, 182

    • on employee benefits, 361

    • on employee diversity, 118119

    • on employee recruitment/selection, 150

    • on employee relations, 400

    • on employee rights, 429

    • on employee training, 236

    • on global companies, 530

    • on human resource management, 2

    • on labor unions, 465

    • on legal issues, 83

    • on pay for performance, 324

    • on performance appraisals, 205

    • on safety and health, 501502

    • on work, 83

  • Managerial philosophy, 32

  • Managers

    • as coaches, 225

    • explanation of, 2

    • female, 135136

    • global, 535536. See also Expatriates

    • incentives for diversity initiatives, 138

    • partnership between human resource department and, 3435

    • role in labor relations, 466

  • Manufacturing trends, 8

  • Marketing strategies, 123124

  • Market surveys, 306

  • Masculinity/femininity, 550, 554

  • MBA programs, 145146

  • MBO (management by objectives), 212, 214

  • MBWA (management by walking around), 412

  • McDonnell-Douglas test, 89

  • Measurement in performance appraisal, 205, 207

  • Media relations, 194

  • Mediators, collective bargaining, 486487

  • Medical testing, 1415

  • Medicare, 369

  • Meetings, 410411

  • Membership-contingent compensation, 293

  • Memos, 405

  • Men as sexual harassment victims, 92

  • Mental health issues

    • employee assistance programs for, 520521

    • global case, 526527

    • job insecurity and, 20

  • Mentoring

    • for career development purposes, 276

    • as global development, 285

    • interdepartmental, 276

    • for women and minorities, 141

  • Meritocracy, 355356

  • Merit pay. See also Individual-based pay-for-performance plans

    • ethics and, 358359

    • explanation of, 334

    • labor unions and, 492

  • Metaphors, 250

  • Mexico, 532533

  • Military, recruitment of former, 159

  • Military reservists, 104

  • Mind mapping, 250

  • Minimum wage, 313

  • Minority groups. See also specific groups

    • career advancement and, 265

    • competition for jobs and opportunities among, 126

    • mentoring, 276

    • mentoring programs for, 141

    • religious, 133135

    • as small-business owners, 121122

    • statistics for, 6, 120121

  • Mistreatment perceptions, 105

  • MNCs (multinational corporations), 532, 548

  • Mobile workplace, 7374

  • Modular plans, 389

  • Moonlighting, 442

  • Moral commitment, 32

  • Motivation

    • as employee training, 237

    • explanation of, 19, 53

    • pay-for-performance and, 332

    • performance and, 156157

  • Motivation theory

    • goal-setting, 54

    • job characteristics, 5455

    • two-factor, 53

    • work adjustment, 5354

  • Multimedia technology, 409410

  • Multinational corporations (MNCs), 532, 548

  • Multiple-hurdle selection strategy, 171

  • Muslims, 134

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