• Unavoidable voluntary separation, 186

  • Uncertainty avoidance, 550, 553

  • Unemployment insurance, 370372

  • Unfair labor practices, 467

  • Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, 104

  • Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (EEOC), 89

  • Union acceptance strategy, 476478. See also Labor relations; Labor unions

  • Union avoidance strategy, 467468, 478479. See also Labor relations; Labor unions

  • Union contract, 431

  • Union dues, 465

  • Union grievance procedures, 415

  • Unions. See Labor unions

  • Union shop clause, 468

  • Union stewards, 489

  • Union substitution, 478

  • Union suppression, 478479. See also Labor unions

  • Universal concept of management, 125

  • Unpaid leave, 372373

  • Upward communication, 403

  • Utilization analysis, 101

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