Creating a core module

The core module of MyDistance will contain a class that can be converted across different units, that is, from km/meter to yard/miles. Let's name this core module distance-core. To create a core module, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to File | New and click on Other…. In the Select a wizard screen, search for maven via the search box, select Maven Module, and click on the Next button, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating a core module
  2. The New Maven Module wizard appears; make sure to tick the checkbox Create a simple project (skip archetype selection), provide the module name as distance-core, and browse to select the parent as Distance-main, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating a core module
  3. In the Configure project Maven module wizard, fill in the details provided in the table after the following screenshot and click on Finish:
    Creating a core module



    Group Id






    Since the core module just contains a Java class and is available to be used as a library for a web module of an application, the packaging type is jar.

  4. The distance-core module gets created and the contents of the POM will look as follows:
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


    Please note that the parent of the module is enclosed in the <parent></parent> tag. Also, the groupId and version tags will not be present for a module since we specified the same groupId and version as the parent in the Configure Maven Module wizard. We did this in the preceding code while creating a module.

    At any point, if we wish to change or add groupId/version/artifactId, we can always edit the pom.xml file since it's an XML file.

  5. The core module consists of a class file that performs the conversion across distance units. Now let's add a class; right-click on the project, navigate to New, select Package, and specify the package name as com.packt.chpt6.mydistance.util.
  6. Create a class named ConversionUtil in the preceding package. If you remember, we created this class in Chapter 5, Spicing Up a Maven Project. So, copy the contents of this class and save it.
  7. Now let's put a unit test class in place. Create a package, com.packt.chpt6.mydistance.util, in src/test/java. Add the class ConversionUtilTest to the corresponding package. Refer to Chapter 5, Spicing Up a Maven Project, where we created this test class; copy the contents of this class and save it. The resulting src structure will look as follows:
    Creating a core module

You might notice that we have some errors, and the errors are due to the TestCase class not being resolved. To solve this error, add jUnit as a dependency to the parent module, the pom.xml file, as shown in the following code:



Usually, JUnit and log4j dependencies, that is, common dependencies across modules, are put in one place in the parent POM and the modules inherit them.

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