Creating a webapp module

The webapp module has a JSP file that has a form to accept the input. It also has a servlet that accepts the request parameters and performs the conversion using a core module and provides the response. Now let's see how to get the webapp module in place by performing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to File | New and click on Other...; in the Select a wizard screen, search for maven via the search box, select Maven Module, and click on the Next button as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating a webapp module
  2. In the New Maven Module window that will follow, provide the module name as distance-webapp and browse to select the parent as Distance-main.
    Creating a webapp module
  3. In the Select an Archetype window, search for webapp via the search box, select maven-archetype-webapp, and click on Next to proceed, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating a webapp module
  4. In the New Maven module window, fill in the details provided in the following table and click on Finish as shown in the screenshot that follows this table:



    Group Id






    Creating a webapp module
  5. The webapp module will be created, and the resulting structure will look like the following screenshot:
    Creating a webapp module
  6. Now if we look at the parent project's structure, we might notice that it has a reference to each of the modules, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating a webapp module
  7. Also, if we take note of the pom.xml file of the parent project, we will see how modules are being added to the <module> tag as follows:
  8. Open the webapp module's pom.xml file and add the dependencies for log4j, servlet, and Tomcat, as shown in the following code; this is also discussed in Chapter 5, Spicing Up a Maven Project, in more detail:
        <!-- Include servlet  API -->
      <!-- For logging purpose could be put in parent POM for modules to inherit  -->
    <!--  For tomcat  
  9. Also, add distance-core as a dependency since it is used by the webapp to perform the conversion, as shown in the following code:
  10. Add the file to the resources folder. Refer to the Adding Resources section in Chapter 5, Spicing Up a Maven Project.
  11. Add the form to get input and add servlets (refer to sections Adding a form for getting input and Adding Servlet of Chapter 5, Spicing Up a Maven Project).
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