A form-based POM editor

m2eclipse provides the option of editing the pom file using a form-based POM editor. In earlier chapters, we played with XML tags and edited the pom file. While directly editing an XML file, the knowledge of tags is required, and there is a high chance that the user will make some errors. However, a form-based editor reduces the chance of a simple error and eases the editing of a pom file without or very minimal XML knowledge behind the scene. I would prefer playing around with XML tags and use that option, but you are open to choose your option. The form-based editor is shown in the following screenshot and has five tabs: Overview, Dependencies, Dependency Hierarchy, Effective POM, and pom.xml:

A form-based POM editor

An overview

Overview provides general information of the project. It consists of the following sections and provides information about them as shown in the preceding screenshot:

  • Artifact
  • Parent
  • Project
  • Modules
  • Properties
  • Organization
  • SCM
  • Issue Management
  • Continuous Integration

You can change any information in this form, and this will be reflected in the XML file. We will discuss the Dependencies and the Dependencies Hierarchy tab in the next section.

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