M, M byte, and Mbyte, M, M byte, Mbyte
Mac and Macintosh guidelines, Key names, Key names, Key names, Mac, Macintosh
machine, computer, machine
machine language, machine language, native language
machine translation, Content for a worldwide audience, International considerations, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations, International considerations
abbreviations, International considerations
acronyms, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
error messages, International considerations
Machine-translation syntax, Global English syntax, Machine translation syntax, Machine translation syntax
Macro Assembler, Macro Assembler
macros, formatting, Document conventions
Maggio, Rosalie, Do not use stereotypes of people with disabilities
mail, email
main document, main document
makefile, makefile
malicious code, malicious code
malicious software, malicious code
malicious user, malicious user
malware, antivirus, malicious code
management information systems, management information systems
manipulate, manipulate
manual, manual
manuals, cross-references to, Structure and style of cross-references
marginal cross-references, Marginal cross-referencesNotes, Marginal cross-references, Notes
marginal notes, layout of, Marginal notes
marketing materials, terminology in, Technical terms
markup language elements, formatting, Document conventions
marquee, marquee
masculine terms, avoiding, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypes
master/slave, master/slaveMB, MB
master/subordinate, master/slave
mathematical, mathematical
mathematical constants and variables, formatting, Document conventions
matrix and matrices, matrix, matrices
maximize, maximize
Maximize button, Maximize button
may, can vs. may, should vs. must
vs. can, can vs. may
MB, M, M byte, Mbyte, MB
McConnell, Steve, Additional resources for writing code
measured service, Cloud terminology, measured service
measurements, Numerals vs. words, Measurements and units of measureMeasurements and units of measure, Measurements and units of measure, Measurements and units of measure, Abbreviations of measurements, International considerationsProcess for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations, Process for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations
abbreviations, table of, International considerationsProcess for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations, Process for adopting new acronyms or abbreviations
numerals for, Numerals vs. words, Measurements and units of measure
media, medium, mediamemory models, memory models
media ratings in global content, Legal issues with worldwide content
medium, medium, mediamemory models, memory models
meg, meg
megabit, megabit
megabits per second, megabits per second
megabyte, MB
megahertz, megahertzMicrosoft, MHz, Microsoft
member function, member function
members, formatting, Document conventions
memory, megahertz, RAM, ROM
memory models, memory models
memory-resident, memory-resident
menu bar, action bar
menu buttons, Toolbar Terminology
menu item, command, menu item
menus, Ribbon terminology, MenusToolbars, Menus, Menus, Menus, Menu terminologyKinds of menus, Menu terminology, Menu terminology, Menu terminology, Kinds of menus, Kinds of menus, Kinds of menus, Kinds of menus, Style of menu names and commands, Style of menu names and commands, Toolbars, Capitalization, Dialog box options, Dialog box options, cascading menu, context menu, drop-down
bold formatting, Style of menu names and commands
capitalization guidelines, Style of menu names and commands, Capitalization
cascading, cascading menu
checked commands, Menu terminology
commands on, Ribbon terminology, Menu terminology
drop-down, drop-down
kinds of, Kinds of menus
right angle bracket (>) format, Dialog box options
shortcut, Kinds of menus, context menu
terminology for, Menu terminologyKinds of menus, Kinds of menus
unavailable commands, Menu terminology
user interaction with, Menus, Menus, Dialog box options
message, alert, email
message box, message box
messages, Messages, MessagesOther user interface elements, ErrorsConfirmations, Errors, Errors, International considerations, Warnings, Confirmations, Confirmations, Notifications, Other user interface elements, message (email), status bar
confirmations, Confirmations
email, message (email)
error, ErrorsConfirmations, Errors, International considerations, Confirmations
formatting, Messages
notifications, Notifications
status bar, status bar
warnings, Warnings
metadata, Tags, metadata
metafile, metafile
metaphors, understandability of, Anthropomorphism
methods, formatting, Document conventions
MHz, megahertz, MHz
mice, How to refer to the mouse, mice
micro-, micro-
microblogs, Make the right content choices
microprocessor, micro-
Microsoft, Contractions, Microsoft in product and service namesHow to punctuate lists, Microsoft in product and service names, How to punctuate lists, Possessive nouns, Microsoft
contractions and, Contractions
in product and service names, Microsoft in product and service namesHow to punctuate lists, Microsoft in product and service names, How to punctuate lists
possessive form, Possessive nouns
Microsoft Accessibility Standard (MAS) requirements, Accessibility guidelines and requirements
Microsoft Accessibility website, Accessibility guidelines and requirements
Microsoft Answers, Make the right content choices
Microsoft Cloud Services, software-plus-services
Microsoft Corporate Accessibility Policy, Accessibility guidelines and requirementsAccessible webpages, Accessible webpages
Microsoft games, achievements, achievement
Microsoft Glossary Portal, Table of acronyms and other abbreviations
Microsoft International Style Guides, Additional globalization resources
Microsoft Malware Encyclopedia, Security
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins, console
Microsoft Office 2010, Backstage viewHow to refer to Backstage view, Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view
Backstage view, Backstage viewHow to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view
File tab, Backstage view
Microsoft Office button, Backstage view
Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, Ribbons, Backstage view
Backstage view, Backstage view
Microsoft Press, Press (Microsoft Press)
Microsoft recommends, should vs. must
Microsoft Software License Terms, activate, End-User License Agreement, Microsoft Software License Terms
Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server
Microsoft style, Principles of Microsoft styleBias-free communication, Sentence structure and grammatical choicesParallelism in sentences, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Punctuation, Punctuation, Contractions, Colloquialisms and idioms, Colloquialisms and idioms, Bias-free communication, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypes, Parallelism, Parallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences
colloquialisms, Colloquialisms and idioms
contractions, Contractions
idioms, Colloquialisms and idioms
principles of, Principles of Microsoft styleBias-free communication, Punctuation, Bias-free communication
punctuation, Punctuation
sentence structure, Sentence structure and grammatical choicesParallelism in sentences, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypes, Parallelism, Parallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences
Microsoft Visual Keyboard, on-screen keyboard
Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware, Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware, Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware
Microsoft Word Equation Editor, Fractions as words and decimals
midnight, A.M., P.M., midnight
might, can vs. may
mini toolbars, Ribbons
minimize, minimize
Minimize button, Minimize button
minus sign (-), Names of special characters, En dash, minus sign (–)
Minus Sign character, Special character names
MIP mapping, MIP mapping
MIS, management information systems
misplaced modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiersDangling and misplaced modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiers
mission critical and mission-critical, mission critical, mission-critical
mobile device, mobile device
mobile phone, cellular, mobile device
modifier stacks, avoiding, Global English syntax
modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiersDangling and misplaced modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiers, Hyphens, hyphenationEn dash, En dash
hyphenating, Hyphens, hyphenationEn dash, En dash
misplaced, Dangling and misplaced modifiersDangling and misplaced modifiers, Dangling and misplaced modifiers
monitor, monitor
monospace, monospace
monospace fonts, Document conventions in procedures, Code formatting and naming guidelines
months, style for, Time and place
mood, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, MoodPlural nouns, Indicative mood, Imperative mood, International considerations, Subjunctive moodPlural nouns, Subjunctive mood, Plural nouns, Plural nouns
imperative mood, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Imperative mood
indicative mood, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Indicative mood
international considerations, International considerations
subjunctive mood, Subjunctive moodPlural nouns, Plural nouns
more than, more than vs. over, over
mouse actions, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, Mouse procedures
referring to, Mouse procedures
verbs for, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions
mouse button, left mouse button
mouse buttons, Mouse terminology
mouse devices, How to refer to the mouse
mouse over, mouse over
mouse pointers, referring to, Mouse terminologyWhich verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, How to refer to mouse pointers, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions
mouse procedures, documenting, How to document mouse procedures
mouse terminology, Mouse terminology, How to refer to mouse pointers, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, right mouse button
movable, movable
movement keys, movement keys
MS-DOS, Hyphens, hyphenation, DOS, MS-DOS
MS-DOS prompt, MS-DOS prompt
MS-DOS-based program, MS-DOS
MSDN, If you only do six things
Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines, If you only do six things
MSDN Library, Additional resources for writing code, Additional resources for writing code, Additional resources for writing code
Design guidelines, Additional resources for writing code
Program structure and code conventions (Visual Basic) section, Additional resources for writing code
Visual Studio languages section, Additional resources for writing code
multi-, multi-
multicolumn lists, Lists, Unnumbered single-column and multicolumn lists
multiple selection, adjacent selection, multiple selection, nonadjacent selection
multiplication sign (×), Measurements and units of measure, Names of special characters, multiplication sign (x)
multitasking, multi-
multithreaded, multithreaded
must, should vs. mustsimply, simply, simply
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