racial bias, avoiding, Bias-free communicationAnthropomorphism, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypes, Anthropomorphism
radio button, radio button
ragged right, ragged right
RAM, radio button
range selection, range selection
ranges of numbers, Ranges of numbersDates, Dates, En dashEllipses, Ellipses
en dash for, En dashEllipses, Ellipses
re-, re-
re-cover and recover, re-
re-create and recreate, re-
read-only, read-only
read/write, read/write
read/write permission, read/write
readability, parallel structures and, ParallelismParallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences
readme files, Formatting guidelinesReadme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes, Readme files and release notes
real time and real-time, real-time, real time
reboot, reboot
recommend, recommendremove, remove
recommendations, should vs. must
specifying, should vs. must
record, data record
Recycle Bin, Recycle Bin
redraw, refresh
reenter, re-
reference documentation, Reference documentationGeneral guidelines, Reference documentation, Reference documentation, Reference topic titles, What to include in a reference topic, Code examples, General guidelines
consistency in, Reference documentation
standardization in, Reference documentation
style guidelines, Reference documentationGeneral guidelines, Reference topic titles, What to include in a reference topic, Code examples, General guidelines
reference topics, Standardization and consistencyGeneral guidelines, Standardization and consistency, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, What to include in a reference topic, General guidelines
documenting, What to include in a reference topic
examples of, What to include in a reference topic
information included in, Standardization and consistencyGeneral guidelines, What to include in a reference topic, General guidelines
titles, Standardization and consistency
refresh, refresh
regionalisms, avoiding, Global English syntax
registered trademark symbol ((r)), Captions
registers, formatting, Document conventions
registry, registry, registry settingsremove, registry, registry settings, remove
registry settings, Document conventions, registry, registry settings
regular type, italic
Rehabilitation Act of 1998, Section 508, Accessibility guidelines and requirements
reinitialize, reinitialize
release dates, Legal issues with worldwide content
release notes, Formatting guidelines, Readme files and release notes, release notes
REM statement, REM statement
remarks, documenting, What to include in a reference topic
reminder, alert
remote, remote
remove, load, remove
remove the checkmark, User interface syntax
removing, deinstall
replace, overwrite, replace, search, search and replace
replacement characters, find and replace
requirements, specifying, should vs. must
Reset key, Key names
responsible communication, Attitude
restart, reboot
restore, restore
restore (SQL Server), restore (SQL Server)
Restore button, Restore button
Return key, Key names
return values, documenting, What to include in a reference topic
reverse video, inverse video
ribbons, Ribbons, menus, and toolbarsMenus, Menus
right, restore (SQL Server)
right align and right-aligned, right align, right-aligned
right angle brackets (>), Right angle brackets for menu items
Right Arrow key, Key names
right mouse button, How to refer to the mouse, right mouse button
right-click, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, right-click
right-hand, right-hand
rightmost, rightmost
rights, rights
rip, rip
root directory, home directory, root directory
rotate, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions
royalties, Legal issues with worldwide content
run, carry out vs. run, execute, run time, runtime, run-time
run time, runtime, and run-time, run time, runtime, run-time
running feet and running heads, running foot, running head
runs vs. runs on, runs vs. runs on
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