SaaS (software as a service), software as a service (SaaS)
safe, Security
sample, sample vs. preview
sarcasm, avoiding, Attitude
save, save
scale up, scale up, upsize
scan line, scan line
scannable text, Make text scannable, Make text scannable, User interface text
scenario descriptions, Make the right content choices
scenarios, globalization of, Examples and scenarios
Schwartz, Marilyn, Do not use stereotypes of people with disabilities
screen, display, screen
screen readers, accessibility guidelines for, Accessible webpages
screen resolution, screen resolution
screen shots, localization and, Captions
screen-capture video, Make the right content choices, Make the right content choices
with procedural text, Make the right content choices
screened subnet, screened subnet
ScreenTip, Ribbons, ScreenTip
script, script, scripting language
script text, globalizing, Web, software, and HTML issues
scripting language, script, scripting language
scriptlet, script, scripting language
scroll, flick, scrollsecurity update, security update
scroll arrow, scroll bar, and scroll box, scroll arrow, scroll bar, scroll box
Scroll Lock key, Key names
scrolling marquees, avoiding, Accessible webpages
search, Help users find your content, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Links, Tags, search, search and replace
search and replace, search, search and replace
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Social Media Optimization (SMO), Links, Social Media Optimization (SMO), Social Media Optimization (SMO)
seasons, avoiding use of, Time and place
second person, use of, Sentence structure and grammatical choices
secondary menu, secondary menu
section (§), Captions
secure, Additional resources for writing code
security and security-related terms, General guidelines, SecurityCommand syntax, Security, Command syntax
code security, General guidelines
style guidelines, SecurityCommand syntax, Security, Command syntax
security patch, security patch
security update, Out-of-band release terminology, security patch
select, User interface syntax, Dialog box options, check, choose, select
Select key, Key names
selection cursor, select
selection, multiple, contiguous selection
semicolons, Punctuation, Semicolons
sensor procedures, referring to, Touch procedures
sentence fragments, limiting use, Global English syntax, Machine translation syntax
sentence-style capitalization, High-level UI text checklist, Capitalization of titles and headings, Titles and headings, Format of cross-referencesMarginal cross-references, Cross-references in “See also” sections, Marginal cross-references, Captions
captions, Captions
cross-references, Format of cross-referencesMarginal cross-references, Cross-references in “See also” sections, Marginal cross-references
titles and headings, Capitalization of titles and headings, Titles and headings
UI elements, High-level UI text checklist
sentences, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Parallelism in sentences, Parallelism in sentences, Machine translation syntax, Accessible writing, Verbs and verb forms, Prepositions, Prepositions
length for translation, Machine translation syntax
parallelism in, Parallelism in sentences
prepositions in, Prepositions
structure of, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Parallelism in sentences, Accessible writing
verbs, Verbs and verb forms
weak positions in, Prepositions
SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Social Media Optimization (SMO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Social Media Optimization (SMO)
series commas, When to use commas
serious problems, wording for, Attitude
server, computer
server names, punctuating, Slash mark
service names, Capitalization, Possessive nouns
service pack, Out-of-band release terminology, service pack, service pack
service-oriented architecture, Cloud terminology, service-oriented architecture
set, set up, setup, Setupshell, set vs. specify, shell
set up, setup, and Setup, set up, setup, Setup
set-top box, set-top box
setting, set vs. specify
sexual orientation bias, avoiding, Bias-free communicationAnthropomorphism, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypes, Anthropomorphism
shaded, dimmed, shadedshortcut menu, shortcut menu
share this feature, Links
shell, shell
Shift key, Key names, Keyboard shortcuts
ship, ship
short words, use of, Language
shortcut, shortcut
Shortcut key, Names of keyboard “quick access” keys
shortcut key, fast key, shortcut key
shortcut menu, Kinds of menus, context menu, shortcut menu, shortcut menu
should, should vs. mustsimply, simply
shut down, shutdown, and Shut Down, power down, power up, power off, power on, shut down, shutdown, Shut Down
sign in, sign out, sign on, and sign up, sign in, sign out, sign on, sign upsmall caps, small caps
simply, simply
since vs. because, because vs. since
single quotation marks, Captions
singular noun forms, (s), (es)
site, site
site map, site map
size, size
slang, avoiding, Attitude, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypes
slash mark (/), Fractions as words and decimals, Captions, Slash mark, carriage return/line feed
slate, slate
slider, progress indicator, scroll arrow, scroll bar, scroll box, slidersoftware-plus-services, software-plus-services
sliders, Property sheets
small caps, small caps
smart card and Smart Card, smart card, Smart Card
smartphone, mobile phone, smartphone
SMO (Social Media Optimization), Help users find your content, Social Media Optimization (SMO)
snap-in, console, snap-in
social media for wikis, Wikis
Social Media Optimization (SMO), Help users find your content, Social Media Optimization (SMO)
socioeconomic bias, avoiding, Bias-free communicationAnthropomorphism, Anthropomorphism
soft copy, soft copy
software, ship
releasing, ship
software as a service (SaaS), Cloud terminology, software as a service (SaaS)
software restrictions, legal requirements of, Web, software, and HTML issues
software update, Out-of-band release terminology, bug fix, software update
software-plus-services, software-plus-services
solid-state drive (SSD), drive
song titles, formatting, Document conventions
sorry, Attitude
sound card, sound card
source material, citing, Bibliographies and citationsPage breaks, Citing electronic information, Page breaks, Page breaks
SP, service pack
Spacebar key, Key names
spaces, En dash
spam, spam
special character names, Special character names
special characters, Sort order, Special characters
special offers, legal considerations, Legal issues with worldwide content
specification, specification
specify, set vs. specifyshell, set vs. specify, shell
speech recognition, SpeechHow to refer to mouse pointers, How to refer to mouse pointers
Speed key, Names of keyboard “quick access” keys
speed key, speed key
spell check, spelling checker
spelling checker, spelling checker
spelling errors, avoiding, Machine translation syntax
spider, spider
spin box, Other user interface elements, spin box
split bar, split bar
split box, split bar
split buttons, Toolbar Terminology
spoofing, spoofingstart, Start (the menu), start, Start (the menu)
spreadsheet, spreadsheet
spyware, spyware
SQL Server, SQL Serverstatus bar, status bar
stand-alone, stand-alone
Standard English, Machine translation syntax, Capitalization
standard legal language, use of, Legal issues with worldwide content
Standard toolbar, Toolbar Terminology
start, boot, initialize, start, Start (the menu)
Start (the menu), start, Start (the menu)
Start key, Names of keyboard “quick access” keys
start page, start page
Start screen on Windows Phone, Start screen and Tiles
start up and startup, startup, start upstyle sheet, style sheet
startup disk, bootable disk
state or province, Names and contact information
statements, formatting conventions, Document conventions
status bar, status bar
stereotypes, avoiding, Do not use racial, cultural, sexual, and other stereotypesAnthropomorphism, Do not use stereotypes of people with disabilities, Anthropomorphism
stop, abort, stop
stop responding, crash
storage, storage, storage device
storage device, storage, storage device
straight quotation marks, Names of special characters, Quotation marks
stream and streaming, stream, streaming
stretch, stretch
strike, strike
strikethrough, strikethrough
strings, formatting, Document conventions
struct, struct
structures, formatting, Document conventions
style, Microsoft style and voice, GrammarDangling and misplaced modifiers, Voice, Voice, Mood, Subjunctive mood, Dangling and misplaced modifiers, PunctuationFormatting punctuation, Formatting semicolons, Placement of quotation marks, Ellipses, Formatting punctuation
grammatical issues, GrammarDangling and misplaced modifiers, Voice, Voice, Mood, Subjunctive mood, Dangling and misplaced modifiers
punctuation issues, PunctuationFormatting punctuation, Formatting semicolons, Placement of quotation marks, Ellipses, Formatting punctuation
voice, establishing, Microsoft style and voice
style sheet, style sheet
sub-, sub-
subaddress, subaddress
subclass, subclass
subdirectory, child folder
subfolder, child folder
subheadings in web content, Make text scannable
subjunctive mood, MoodPlural nouns, Subjunctive mood, Plural nouns
submenu, hierarchical menu, submenu
submenus, running commands on, Folders and icons
subordinate, master/slave
such as, like
suffixes, -able, -ible
Super VGA and SVGA, Super VGA, SVGA
supplementary information, documenting, Multiple input methods and branching within procedures
supportive tone of communication, Attitude
surf, surf
Surround Video, panorama
suspended compound adjectives, Hyphens, hyphenation
swipe, Sensor procedures, swipesync, sync
switch, switch, toggle
switches, formatting, Document conventions, Document conventions
symbols, Special character names, symbolsync, symbol, sync
for special characters, Special character names
sync, sync
syntax, Consistency, User interface elementsRibbons, Ribbons
user interface, User interface elementsRibbons, Ribbons
sysop, sysop
system, sysop
system administrator, administrator, sysop
system commands, formatting, Document conventions
system disk, bootable disk
system prompt, system prompt
system requirements, referring to, greater, better
system responses, describing, Supplementary information and text within procedures
system software, system
system tray, system tray
system-level features, configuring, Control Panel
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