value axis, value axis
values, formatting, Document conventions
variables, formatting, Document conventions
verbs, Precision, Precision, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions, Capitalization of titles and headings, Grammar, Verbs and verb formsTransitive and intransitive verbs, Verbs and verb forms, Verbs and verb forms, Verbs and verb forms, Transitive and intransitive verbs, Transitive and intransitive verbs, VoiceInternational considerations, International considerations, International considerations, Mood, Indicative mood, Imperative mood, Subjunctive moodPlural nouns, Subjunctive mood, Subjunctive mood, Plural nouns
capitalization, Capitalization of titles and headings
converting to nouns, Precision
for mouse actions, Which verbs to use to refer to mouse actions
imperative, Imperative mood
indicative, Indicative mood
mood, Grammar, Mood, Subjunctive mood
single-word vs. multiple-word, Precision
subjunctive, Subjunctive moodPlural nouns, Subjunctive mood, Plural nouns
tense, Verbs and verb forms
transitive and intransitive, Transitive and intransitive verbs
voice, Verbs and verb forms, VoiceInternational considerations, International considerations, International considerations
version identifiers, File names and extensions, Version identifiers, General guidelines, higher, later, legacy
versus, versus, vs.
vertical bar (|), Names of special characters
VGA, VGAvirtual, VGA, virtual
vibration, vibration
video, Content for the web, Make the right content choices, Video content for the webVideo content for the web, Video content for the web, Video content for the web, Accessible webpages
accessibility guidelines, Accessible webpages
screen-capture, Make the right content choices
video adapter, video adapter
video board, video board
video card, display adapter, display driver, VGA
video display, video display
video driver, display adapter, display driver, video driver
video game and video-game, video game, video-game
viewport, viewport
views, formatting, Bold formatting
virtual, virtual
virtual root, virtual root
virtual server, virtual server
virtualize, virtualize
visibility, improving, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Social Media Optimization (SMO), Social Media Optimization (SMO)
visit, visit
voice, Microsoft style and voice, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, User interface text, Voice, VoiceInternational considerations, Voice, International considerations, International considerations
active voice, Sentence structure and grammatical choices
international considerations, International considerations
of UI text, User interface text
passive voice, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Voice
voice commands, SpeechHow to refer to mouse pointers, How to refer to mouse pointers
voice mail, voice mail
vs., Title and heading style and conventions, Versus vs. vs., versus, vs.
vulnerability, vulnerabilitywant, vulnerability, want
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