U.K., U.K.
U.S., U.S.
un-, un-
unauthorized user, malicious user
unavailable, Toolbar Terminology, dimmed, unavailable
uncheck, unmark, and unselect, uncheck, unmark, unselect
undelete, undelete
under, less vs. fewer vs. underline, line
underline, underline, underscore
underscore (_), Captions, underline, underscore
undo, un-
unfold buttons, Other user interface elements
uninstall, remove, uninstall
United States, U.S.
United States resources, references to, Names and contact information
United States standards, globalization and, Examples and scenarios
units of measurement, Measurements and units of measureMeasurements and units of measure, Measurements and units of measure, Measurements and units of measure, Abbreviations of measurements, Table of abbreviations of measurements
abbreviations of, Abbreviations of measurements, Table of abbreviations of measurements
Universal Naming Convention, UNC
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), Plug and Play
unload, load
unnamed buttons, referring to, Unnamed buttons
unnumbered lists, International considerationsTables, Term lists, Tables
unprintable, unprintable
unregister, unregister
unwanted software, deceptive software, unwanted software
Up Arrow key, Key names
update, Out-of-band release terminology, critical update, update
update identifiers, referring to, Version identifiers
update rollup, Out-of-band release terminology, service pack, update rollup
upgrade, upgrade
UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), Plug and Play, UPnP
upper left and upper right, upper left, upper right
uppercase and lowercase, uppercase
upsize, scale up, upsize
upward, upward
URLs, URLs, addressesURLs, addresses, URLs, addresses, URLs, addresses
usable, usable
use, power cordprint, printout, press, print, printout
use terms, use terms
use-case scenarios in global content, Examples and scenarios
Usenet, Usenet
user, end user, end-user
user actions, referring to, set vs. specify
user expectations, consistent syntax and, Consistency
user input, formatting, Document conventions in procedures, Document conventions
user interface, Contractions, Anthropomorphism, Accessible writing, The user interface, Windows user interfaceWindows Phone user interface, Windows Phone user interface, Windows Phone user interfaceKeyboard, Windows Phone user interface, Start screen and Tiles, App list, Keyboard, Keyboard, User interface elements, User interface terminology, User interface syntaxRibbons, RibbonsMenus, Ribbons, Ribbons, MenusToolbars, Menus, ToolbarsWebpage controls, dialog boxes, and property sheets, Toolbars, Toolbars, Style of toolbar names and buttons, Webpage controls, dialog boxes, and property sheets, Webpage controls, Dialog boxes, Property sheetsHow to refer to Backstage view, Backstage viewHow to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view, Control PanelErrors, Messages, Errors, Errors, Warnings, Confirmations, Other user interface elements, Other user interface elements, Other user interface elements, Speech, Key namesContent for multiple platforms, Special character names, Content for multiple platforms, Content for multiple platforms, Content for multiple platforms, User interface textCapitalization, User interface text, High-level UI text checklist, High-level UI text checklist, User interface formatting, User interface formatting, User interface formattingBold formatting, Capitalization, Capitalization, Bold formatting, Bold formatting, Bold formatting, Document conventions in procedures, Title and heading style and conventions
anthropomorphism, Anthropomorphism
Backstage view, Backstage viewHow to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view
capitalization, User interface formatting, Capitalization, Document conventions in procedures, Title and heading style and conventions
contractions, Contractions
Control Panel, Control PanelErrors, Errors
controls, Other user interface elements, Other user interface elements
dialog boxes, Dialog boxes
elements, User interface elements, Ribbons, User interface formatting, Bold formatting
for multiple platforms, Content for multiple platforms
formatting, User interface formattingBold formatting, Bold formatting, Bold formatting
Help content, linking to, User interface text
interaction with, modes of, Accessible writing, Other user interface elements
key names, Key namesContent for multiple platforms, Content for multiple platforms
menus, MenusToolbars, Toolbars
messages, Messages, Errors, Warnings, Confirmations
on different devices, Content for multiple platforms
property sheets, Property sheetsHow to refer to Backstage view, How to refer to Backstage view
ribbons, RibbonsMenus, Menus
special character names, Special character names
syntax, User interface syntaxRibbons, Ribbons
terminology, User interface terminology
text, User interface textCapitalization, High-level UI text checklist, Capitalization
toolbars, ToolbarsWebpage controls, dialog boxes, and property sheets, Toolbars, Style of toolbar names and buttons, Webpage controls, dialog boxes, and property sheets
types of, The user interface
UI text checklist, High-level UI text checklist
voice commands, Speech
webpage controls, Webpage controls
Windows, Windows user interfaceWindows Phone user interface, Windows Phone user interface, Windows Phone user interface
Windows Phone, Windows Phone user interfaceKeyboard, Start screen and Tiles, App list, Keyboard, Keyboard
user location, globalization and localization for, Web, software, and HTML issues
user name, user nameVGA, VGA
user rights, access privileges, user rights
user session, ending, quit
users, Attitude, Sentence structure and grammatical choices, Content for the web, Text for the webOrganize your text, Make text scannable, Organize your text
communicating with, Content for the web
focusing discussion on, Sentence structure and grammatical choices
inspiring, Attitude
text scanning by, Text for the webOrganize your text, Make text scannable, Organize your text
users with disabilities, accessible content, Accessible contentAcceptable terminology, Accessible webpages, Accessible writing, Acceptable terminology
using, using vs. by using
utilities, Document conventions, accessory
utility, utility
utilize, utilize
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