
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


absolute references, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel
Access, data sharing, Exchanging Data between Access and Excel
Accounting Number Format button, Formatting Cells Containing Numbers
active cells, Surveying the Excel Screen
Add Assistant, Adding a Shape
adding data, tables, Add Data to a Data Table
Advanced Search button, Search for a Workbook and Open It
aligning graphics, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects
Alignment group (Home tab), Touring the New User Interface
Alignment tab, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping
All button, Surveying the Excel Screen
area chart, Displaying Data Graphically
Arrange All, Working with Multiple Workbooks, View Multiple Workbooks at the Same Time
Arrange All dialog box, Working with Multiple Workbooks
AutoComplete, Entering Data with Other Shortcuts
AutoCorrect entries, Defining AutoCorrect and AutoFormat Entries, Defining AutoCorrect and AutoFormat Entries, Create an AutoCorrect Entry, Create an AutoCorrect Entry
creating, Defining AutoCorrect and AutoFormat Entries
deleting, Create an AutoCorrect Entry
undoing, Create an AutoCorrect Entry
AutoFill, Enter the Current Date and Time
AutoFill Options button, Use AutoFill to Enter a Series of Values
AutoFilter, Filtering Data Quickly with AutoFilter
AutoFormat rules, Control AutoFormat Rules
AutoSum button, Creating a Summary Formula
AVERAGEIF function, Creating Formulas Using New Functions
AVERAGEIFS function, Creating Formulas Using New Functions
axes, changing scale, Change the Scale on the Category (X) Axis


backgrounds and shading, formatting, Adding Cell Backgrounds and Shading
bar chart, Displaying Data Graphically
Blank Workbook, Creating a New Workbook
borders, formatting, Change Background Shading
bubble chart, Displaying Data Graphically


cascading workbooks, Working with Multiple Workbooks
category axis scale, charts, Change the Scale on the Category (X) Axis
Cell Styles gallery, Create a Style
cells, Touring the New User Interface, Surveying the Excel Screen, Surveying the Excel Screen, Surveying the Excel Screen, Navigating the Worksheet, Select a Noncontiguous Group of Cells, Entering Text in Cells, Entering Numbers in Cells, Entering Dates and Times in Cells, Entering Dates and Times in Cells, Enter the Current Date and Time, Entering Data with Other Shortcuts, Editing Cell Contents, Inserting a Symbol in a Cell, Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Values, Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Values, Pasting Values with More Control, Clearing Cell Contents, Changing Worksheet Tab Colors, Inserting Cells in a Worksheet, Deleting Cells in a Worksheet, Copy Cells from One Worksheet to a Group of Worksheets, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel, Creating Formulas that Reference Cells in Other Workbooks, Formatting Cell Contents, Change Text Appearance, Change the Format of a Cell Based on Its Value, Locking Cells to Prevent Changes
active, Surveying the Excel Screen
alignment, Touring the New User Interface
AutoComplete, Entering Data with Other Shortcuts
AutoFill, Enter the Current Date and Time
clearing contents, Clearing Cell Contents
copying, Copy Cells from One Worksheet to a Group of Worksheets
copying values, Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Values
cutting values, Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Values
dates, entering, Entering Dates and Times in Cells
defined, Surveying the Excel Screen
deleting, Deleting Cells in a Worksheet
deselecting, Select a Noncontiguous Group of Cells
editing contents, Editing Cell Contents
formatting, Formatting Cell Contents
inserting, Changing Worksheet Tab Colors
locking, Locking Cells to Prevent Changes
moving, Inserting Cells in a Worksheet
multiple, Change Text Appearance
numbers, entering, Entering Numbers in Cells
pasting values, Pasting Values with More Control
references, Surveying the Excel Screen, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel, Creating Formulas that Reference Cells in Other Workbooks
selecting, Navigating the Worksheet
symbols, Inserting a Symbol in a Cell
text, entering, Entering Text in Cells
time, entering, Entering Dates and Times in Cells
values, conditional formatting, Change the Format of a Cell Based on Its Value
Cells group (Home tab), Touring the New User Interface, Create a Style
change history, Create a Change History
changes, Tracking Changes in Workbooks, Accepting or Rejecting Changes, Accepting or Rejecting Changes, Create a Change History
history, Create a Change History
reviewing, Accepting or Rejecting Changes
tracking, Tracking Changes in Workbooks
viewing, Accepting or Rejecting Changes
character delimiters, Bring Text into Excel
charts, Creating More Attractive Charts, Displaying Data Graphically, Creating a Chart Quickly, Change a Chart’s Layout, Change a Chart’s Layout, Changing a Chart’s Appearance, Changing a Chart’s Appearance, Changing a Chart’s Appearance, Formatting Chart Legends and Titles, Add Titles, Add Titles, Changing the Body of a Chart, Changing the Body of a Chart, Change the Scale on the Value Axis, Change the Scale on the Category (X) Axis, Change the Scale on the Category (X) Axis, Customizing Chart Data, Customizing Chart Data, Add a New Series, Delete a Series, Working with Common Charts, Working with Common Charts, Working with Uncommon Charts, Adding a Trendline to a Chart, Copying Excel Charts and Data into PowerPoint
appearance, changing, Changing a Chart’s Appearance
axes, scale, Change the Scale on the Category (X) Axis
body, changing, Changing the Body of a Chart
category axis scale, Change the Scale on the Category (X) Axis
common, Working with Common Charts
creation, Creating More Attractive Charts, Creating a Chart Quickly
customizing data, Customizing Chart Data
data labels, Add Titles
formatting, changing, Changing a Chart’s Appearance
gridlines, Changing the Body of a Chart
layout, changing, Change a Chart’s Layout
legends, Formatting Chart Legends and Titles
pie, Working with Common Charts
PowerPoint, Copying Excel Charts and Data into PowerPoint
series, adding, Add a New Series
series, deleting, Delete a Series
source data, Customizing Chart Data
style, changing, Change a Chart’s Layout
titles, Add Titles
trendlines, Adding a Trendline to a Chart
types, Displaying Data Graphically, Changing a Chart’s Appearance
uncommon, Working with Uncommon Charts
value axis scale, Change the Scale on the Value Axis
Clip Art, Inserting Clip Art into a Worksheet
Clipboard, Clearing Cell Contents, Clearing Cell Contents, Paste an Item from the Office Clipboard, Paste an Item from the Office Clipboard
clearing, Paste an Item from the Office Clipboard
contents, Clearing Cell Contents
pasting, Paste an Item from the Office Clipboard
Clipboard group (Home tab), Touring the New User Interface
Close boxes, Close a Workbook
Close Full Screen command, Viewing a Worksheet in Full Screen Mode
closing workbooks, Close a Workbook
Collapse Formula Bar control, Entering Text in Cells
color, Using More Colors, Creating Better Conditional Formats
gradients, Creating Better Conditional Formats
management, Using More Colors
color scales, formatting, Display Color Scales
column chart, Displaying Data Graphically
column headings, Surveying the Excel Screen, Select a Noncontiguous Group of Cells
Column Width option, Resizing Multiple Rows or Columns
columns, Select a Noncontiguous Group of Cells, Inserting, Moving, and Deleting Columns and Rows, Insert a Column in a Worksheet, Move One or More Rows, Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows, Unhide Rows or Columns, Unhide Rows or Columns, Changing Row Heights and Column Widths, Changing Row Heights and Column Widths, Inserting Rows or Columns, Moving Rows and Columns, Deleting Rows and Columns, Outlining to Hide and Show Rows and Columns, Ungroup Rows and Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns, View and Zoom Worksheets in Print Preview, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page
deleting, Insert a Column in a Worksheet, Deleting Rows and Columns
headings, printing, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page
hidden, Unhide Rows or Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns
hiding, Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows, Hiding Rows and Columns
grouping, Outlining to Hide and Show Rows and Columns
inserting, Inserting, Moving, and Deleting Columns and Rows, Inserting Rows or Columns
moving, Move One or More Rows, Moving Rows and Columns
resizing, Changing Row Heights and Column Widths
selecting, Select a Noncontiguous Group of Cells
ungrouping, Ungroup Rows and Columns
unhiding, Unhide Rows or Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns
widths, changing, Changing Row Heights and Column Widths, View and Zoom Worksheets in Print Preview
Comma Style button, Formatting Cells Containing Numbers
commands, Quick Access Toolbar, Adding Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar
comments, Commenting in Cells, Commenting in Cells, Edit a Comment, Edit a Comment
adding, Commenting in Cells
deleting, Edit a Comment
editing, Edit a Comment
viewing, Commenting in Cells
conditional formatting, Creating Better Conditional Formats, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping, Change the Format of a Cell Based on Its Value, Change the Format of a Cell Based on the Results of a Formula, Edit a Conditional Formatting Rule, Delete a Conditional Formatting Rule, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied, Change the Order of Conditions
cell values, Change the Format of a Cell Based on Its Value
formula results, Change the Format of a Cell Based on the Results of a Formula
meeting conditions, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied
order of conditions, Change the Order of Conditions
rules, applying, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied
rules, deleting, Delete a Conditional Formatting Rule
rules, editing, Edit a Conditional Formatting Rule
Stop If True, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied
cone chart, Displaying Data Graphically
Context tabs, Surveying the Excel Screen
Copy as Picture option, Pasting Values with More Control
copying, Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Values, Copying Worksheets, Copying Formats with the Format Painter
cell values, Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Values
formatting, Copying Formats with the Format Painter
worksheets, Copying Worksheets
COUNTIF function, Creating Formulas Using New Functions
COUNTIFS function, Creating Formulas Using New Functions
Create Table dialog box, Creating a Data Table
creating workbooks, Touring the New User Interface
Ctrl+arrow key shortcut, Navigating the Worksheet
Ctrl+End shortcut, Navigating the Worksheet
Ctrl+Home shortcut, Navigating the Worksheet
custom gallery entries, Arranging Data into Tables
custom views, Naming and Using Worksheet Views
Custom views dialog, Switch to Another View of the Worksheet
customizing, Customizing Excel to the Way You Work, Opening Ready-to-Use Workbook Templates, Adding Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar, Controlling which Error Messages Appear, Defining AutoCorrect and AutoFormat Entries, Control AutoFormat Rules, Controlling Worksheet Gridline Appearance, Customizing Chart Data, Customizing Pictures and Objects
AutoCorrect entries, Defining AutoCorrect and AutoFormat Entries
AutoFormat rules, Control AutoFormat Rules
data, Customizing Chart Data
error messages, Controlling which Error Messages Appear
graphics, Customizing Pictures and Objects
gridlines, Controlling Worksheet Gridline Appearance
Quick Access Toolbar, Adding Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar
templates, Opening Ready-to-Use Workbook Templates
cutting cell values, Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Values
cylinder chart, Displaying Data Graphically


data, Sorting Worksheet Data, Create a Multi-Column Sort, Creating a Custom Sort List, Filtering Data Quickly with AutoFilter, Filtering Data Quickly with AutoFilter, Remove an Advanced Filter, Getting More out of Advanced Filters, Finding Unique Values in a Data List, Finding Duplicate Values in a Data List, Displaying Data Graphically, Sharing Excel Data with Other Programs, Exchanging Data between Access and Excel
Access, Exchanging Data between Access and Excel
AutoFilter, Filtering Data Quickly with AutoFilter
duplicate values, Finding Duplicate Values in a Data List
filtering, Filtering Data Quickly with AutoFilter, Getting More out of Advanced Filters
graphically displaying, Displaying Data Graphically
multi-column sorts, Create a Multi-Column Sort
sharing, Sharing Excel Data with Other Programs
sort list, custom, Creating a Custom Sort List
sorting, Sorting Worksheet Data
unique values, Finding Unique Values in a Data List
validating, Remove an Advanced Filter
data bars, Creating Better Conditional Formats, Displaying Data Bars, Icon Sets, or Color Scales Based on Cell Values
data entry, Building a Workbook, Enter the Current Date and Time, Enter the Current Date and Time, Entering Data with Other Shortcuts, Entering Data with Other Shortcuts, Entering Data and Formatting Many Worksheets at the Same Time
AutoComplete, Entering Data with Other Shortcuts
AutoFill, Enter the Current Date and Time
multiple worksheets, Entering Data and Formatting Many Worksheets at the Same Time
Pick from Drop-Down List, Entering Data with Other Shortcuts
data labels, charts, Add Titles
data ranges, Creating a Data Table
data refreshes, Modifying Web Queries
data rows, Creating a Data Table
Data tab (ribbon), Touring the New User Interface, Refresh Links
data tables, Arranging Data into Tables, Creating a Data Table, Creating a Data Table, Add Data to a Data Table, Add Data to a Data Table, Resize a Table, Resize a Table, Resize a Table
adding data, Add Data to a Data Table
creating, Creating a Data Table
filter options, Resize a Table
renaming, Add Data to a Data Table
resizing, Resize a Table
table columns, selecting, Resize a Table
date formats, Understanding How Excel Interprets Data Entry
dates, Entering Dates and Times in Cells, Formatting Cells Containing Dates
entering, Entering Dates and Times in Cells
formatting, Formatting Cells Containing Dates
debugging formulas, Debugging Your Formulas
decimals, formatting, Set the Number of Decimal Places
Decrease Decimal button, Set the Number of Decimal Places
default file folders, Change the Default File Folder
Delete dialog box, Deleting Cells in a Worksheet
deleting worksheets, Inserting and Deleting Worksheets
dependents, formulas, Checking Formula References
diagrams, Inserting and Changing a Diagram
dialog boxes, Touring the New User Interface
Dialog Expander, Touring the New User Interface
doughnut chart, Displaying Data Graphically
Down Arrow key, Navigating the Worksheet
downward-pointing arrows, Touring the New User Interface
drawing objects, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects (see )
drop-down galleries, Arranging Data into Tables
duplication, values, Finding Duplicate Values in a Data List


F11 key, Creating a Chart Quickly
file folder, default, Change the Default File Folder
file properties, Using File Properties, Using File Properties, Define Custom Properties
custom, Define Custom Properties
setting, Using File Properties
Fill handle, Enter the Current Date and Time
fills, adding to graphics, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects
filter options, data tables, Resize a Table
filtering data, Filtering Data Quickly with AutoFilter, Display All Rows in a Filtered List, Creating an Advanced Filter, Getting More out of Advanced Filters, Getting More out of Advanced Filters
advanced filters, Creating an Advanced Filter, Getting More out of Advanced Filters
AutoFilter, Filtering Data Quickly with AutoFilter
rows, filtered list, Display All Rows in a Filtered List, Getting More out of Advanced Filters
finding text, Undoing or Redoing an Action
floatie, Arranging Data into Tables (see )
Font dialog box, Understanding How Excel Interprets Data Entry
font formatting, Touring the New User Interface
Font group (Home tab), Touring the New User Interface
fonts, formatting, Formatting Cell Contents
footers, printing, Creating Headers and Footers, Creating Headers and Footers, Add Pre-Defined Text to the Header or Footer, Adjust Header and Footer Height, Adding Graphics to a Header or a Footer
adding, Creating Headers and Footers
graphics, Adding Graphics to a Header or a Footer
height, adjusting, Adjust Header and Footer Height
pre-defined text, Add Pre-Defined Text to the Header or Footer
Format As Table dialog, Creating a Data Table
Format Cells dialog, Understanding How Excel Interprets Data Entry, Entering Data and Formatting Many Worksheets at the Same Time, Formatting Cell Contents, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping
Format Painter, Copying Formats with the Format Painter
Format Trendline dialog, Adding a Trendline to a Chart
formatting, Formatting Cell Contents, Formatting Cell Contents, Change Text Appearance, Change Text Appearance, Formatting Cells Containing Numbers, Set the Number of Decimal Places, Formatting Cells Containing Dates, Adding Cell Backgrounds and Shading, Change Background Shading, Change Background Shading, Defining Cell Styles, Aligning and Orienting Cell Contents, Aligning and Orienting Cell Contents, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping, Displaying Data Bars, Icon Sets, or Color Scales Based on Cell Values, Displaying Data Bars, Icon Sets, or Color Scales Based on Cell Values, Display Color Scales, Copying Formats with the Format Painter, Merging or Splitting Cells or Data, Changing a Chart’s Appearance
backgrounds and shading, Adding Cell Backgrounds and Shading
borders, Change Background Shading
cell contents, Formatting Cell Contents
cells, multiple, Change Text Appearance
charts, Changing a Chart’s Appearance
color scales, Display Color Scales
conditional, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping
copying, Copying Formats with the Format Painter
data bars, Displaying Data Bars, Icon Sets, or Color Scales Based on Cell Values
dates, Formatting Cells Containing Dates
decimals, Set the Number of Decimal Places
fonts, Formatting Cell Contents
icon sets, Displaying Data Bars, Icon Sets, or Color Scales Based on Cell Values
merging cells, Merging or Splitting Cells or Data
numerical data, Formatting Cells Containing Numbers
patterns, Change Background Shading
styles, Defining Cell Styles
text alignment, Aligning and Orienting Cell Contents
text appearance, Change Text Appearance
text orientation, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping
text wrapping, Aligning and Orienting Cell Contents
formatting capabilities, What’s New in Excel 2007?
formatting multiple worksheets, Entering Data and Formatting Many Worksheets at the Same Time
Formula AutoComplete, Using Names in Formulas
Formula Bar, Surveying the Excel Screen, Entering Text in Cells, Editing Cell Contents
formulas, Using Formulas and Functions, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel, Creating Simple Cell Formulas, Creating Simple Cell Formulas, Assigning Names to Groups of Cells, Using Names in Formulas, Creating a Formula that References Values in a Table, Creating Formulas that Reference Cells in Other Workbooks, Creating Formulas that Reference Cells in Other Workbooks, Use Cells from Other Workbooks in a Formula, Summing a Group of Cells without Using a Formula, Creating a Summary Formula, Summing with Subtotals and Grand Totals, Summing with Subtotals and Grand Totals, Checking Formula References, Checking Formula References, Checking Formula References, Checking Formula References, Checking Formula References, Debugging Your Formulas, Debugging Your Formulas, Delete a Watch, Delete a Watch, Change the Format of a Cell Based on the Results of a Formula
absolute references, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel
AutoSum button, Creating a Summary Formula
building, Creating Simple Cell Formulas
cell references, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel, Creating Formulas that Reference Cells in Other Workbooks
change monitoring, Debugging Your Formulas
debugging, Debugging Your Formulas
defined, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel
dependents, Checking Formula References
editing, Creating Simple Cell Formulas
evaluating, Delete a Watch
Formula AutoComplete, Using Names in Formulas
links, Use Cells from Other Workbooks in a Formula
named ranges, Assigning Names to Groups of Cells, Checking Formula References
precedents, Checking Formula References
relative references, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel
remove tracer arrows, Checking Formula References
results, conditional formatting, Change the Format of a Cell Based on the Results of a Formula
subtotals, Summing with Subtotals and Grand Totals
summary, Summing a Group of Cells without Using a Formula
table references, Creating a Formula that References Values in a Table
totals, Summing with Subtotals and Grand Totals
tracer arrows, Checking Formula References
watches, deleting, Delete a Watch
workbook cell references, Creating Formulas that Reference Cells in Other Workbooks
Formulas option, Pasting Values with More Control
Formulas tab (ribbon), Touring the New User Interface
fractions, Understanding How Excel Interprets Data Entry
Freeze Panes, View Multiple Parts of a Worksheet by Freezing Panes, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page
Full Screen mode, Viewing a Worksheet in Full Screen Mode
functions, Creating Formulas Using New Functions, Exploring the Excel Function Library, Exploring the Excel Function Library, Exploring the Excel Function Library, Exploring the Excel Function Library, Using the IF Function
IF, Using the IF Function
Insert Function dialog box, Exploring the Excel Function Library
library, Exploring the Excel Function Library
ScreenTips, Exploring the Excel Function Library


galleries, Arranging Data into Tables, Working with the User Interface
goals, A Quick Overview
graphics, Adding Graphics to a Header or a Footer, Working with Graphics in Your Worksheets, Working with Graphics in Your Worksheets, Adding Graphics to Worksheets, Adding Drawing Objects to a Worksheet, Add Text to Any Shape, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects, Fill an Object with a Picture, Adding Effects to Drawing Objects, Adding Effects to Drawing Objects, Adding Effects to Drawing Objects, Customizing Pictures and Objects, Customizing Pictures and Objects, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects, Change the Order of Objects, Using WordArt to Create Text Effects in Excel, Using WordArt to Create Text Effects in Excel, Change WordArt Text Colors, Inserting Clip Art into a Worksheet, Inserting and Changing a Diagram, Creating an Organization Chart
aligning, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects
Clip Art, Inserting Clip Art into a Worksheet
customizing, Customizing Pictures and Objects
diagrams, Inserting and Changing a Diagram
effects, adding, Adding Effects to Drawing Objects
fills, adding, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects
grouping, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects
headers and footers, Adding Graphics to a Header or a Footer
Insert tab, Working with Graphics in Your Worksheets
order of objects, Change the Order of Objects
organization charts, Creating an Organization Chart
pictures, Adding Graphics to Worksheets
pictures, as fills, Fill an Object with a Picture
resizing, Customizing Pictures and Objects
rotating objects, Adding Effects to Drawing Objects
shadows, Working with Graphics in Your Worksheets, Adding Effects to Drawing Objects
shapes, Adding Drawing Objects to a Worksheet
shape styles, applying, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects
text, Add Text to Any Shape
text colors, Change WordArt Text Colors
text effects, Using WordArt to Create Text Effects in Excel
ungrouping, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects
WordArt, Using WordArt to Create Text Effects in Excel
grid layout galleries, Arranging Data into Tables
gridlines, Changing a Worksheet’s Gridlines, Show or Hide Cell Gridlines, Choosing Whether to Print Gridlines and Headings, Controlling Worksheet Gridline Appearance, Controlling Worksheet Gridline Appearance, Change Gridline Color, Changing the Body of a Chart
charts, Changing the Body of a Chart
color, changing, Changing a Worksheet’s Gridlines, Change Gridline Color
customizing, Controlling Worksheet Gridline Appearance
hiding, Show or Hide Cell Gridlines, Controlling Worksheet Gridline Appearance
printing, Choosing Whether to Print Gridlines and Headings
group environments, Using Excel in a Group Environment, Sharing Workbooks in Excel, Commenting in Cells, Tracking Changes in Workbooks, Accepting or Rejecting Changes, Saving Worksheets to the Web, Dynamically Update Worksheets Published to the Web, Retrieving Web Data from Excel, Modifying Web Queries, Introducing XML
changes, Accepting or Rejecting Changes
changes, tracking, Tracking Changes in Workbooks
commenting in cells, Commenting in Cells
sharing workbooks, Sharing Workbooks in Excel
updating published Web pages, Dynamically Update Worksheets Published to the Web
Web, saving to, Saving Worksheets to the Web
Web data, retrieving, Retrieving Web Data from Excel
Web queries, Modifying Web Queries
XML, Introducing XML
grouping graphics, Aligning and Grouping Drawing Objects


keyboard shortcuts, Navigating the Worksheet
Keywords field, Using File Properties


Name box, Surveying the Excel Screen
Name Manager, Delete a Named Range
named ranges, Assigning Names to Groups of Cells, Checking Formula References
New Book option, Copying Worksheets
new features, What’s New in Excel 2007?, What’s New in Excel 2007?, What’s New in Excel 2007?, What’s New in Excel 2007?, Touring the New User Interface, Touring the New User Interface, Arranging Data into Tables, Arranging Data into Tables, Arranging Data into Tables, Creating Formulas Using New Functions, Using More Colors, Using More Colors, Creating Better Conditional Formats, Creating Better Conditional Formats, Creating More Attractive Charts
chart creation, Creating More Attractive Charts
color management, Using More Colors
conditional formats, Creating Better Conditional Formats
data tables, Arranging Data into Tables
Dialog Expander, Touring the New User Interface
formatting capabilities, What’s New in Excel 2007?
functions, Creating Formulas Using New Functions
galleries, Arranging Data into Tables
Microsoft Office button, Touring the New User Interface
Mini toolbar, Arranging Data into Tables
ribbon, What’s New in Excel 2007?
rules, Creating Better Conditional Formats
themes, Using More Colors
user interface, What’s New in Excel 2007?
no Borders option, Pasting Values with More Control
number formats, Touring the New User Interface
Number group (Home tab), Touring the New User Interface
numbers, cell entry, Entering Numbers in Cells
numerical data, formatting, Formatting Cells Containing Numbers


page breaks, Setting and Viewing Page Breaks
Page Down key, Navigating the Worksheet
Page Layout tab (ribbon), Touring the New User Interface, Create a New Workbook Theme
Page Layout View, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing
Page Setup dialog, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages
Page Up key, Navigating the Worksheet
paper, choosing, Choose the Paper
Paste as Hyperlink option, Pasting Values with More Control
Paste as Picture Link option, Pasting Values with More Control
Paste as Picture option, Pasting Values with More Control
Paste Link option, Pasting Values with More Control
Paste option, Pasting Values with More Control
Paste Special option, Pasting Values with More Control
Paste Values option, Pasting Values with More Control
pasting cell values, Pasting Values with More Control
patterns, Change Background Shading, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects
formatting, Change Background Shading
objects, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects
Percent Style button, Formatting Cells Containing Numbers
Pick from Drop-Down List items, Entering Data with Other Shortcuts
pictures, Adding Graphics to Worksheets, Fill an Object with a Picture
(see also )
pie chart, Displaying Data Graphically, Working with Common Charts, Working with Common Charts, Create a 3-D Exploded Pie Chart, Change the Way You View 3-D Charts
3-D exploded, Create a 3-D Exploded Pie Chart
3-D options, Change the Way You View 3-D Charts
slicing, pulling out, Working with Common Charts
portrait mode, Printing Worksheets, Setting Page Orientation and Scale
positioning worksheets, Move Worksheets to Another Workbook
PowerPoint, data sharing, Copying Excel Charts and Data into PowerPoint
precedents, formulas, Checking Formula References
previewing, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing, Adjust Page Margins in Print Preview, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages
print areas, Printing Part of a Worksheet
Print Preview, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing
printers, choosing, Choosing Printers and Paper Options
printing worksheets, Touring the New User Interface, Printing Worksheets, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing, Printing Worksheets with Current Options, Printing Worksheets with Current Options, Choosing Whether to Print Gridlines and Headings, Choosing Whether to Print Gridlines and Headings, Printing Part of a Worksheet, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page, Setting and Changing Print Margins, Adjust Page Margins in Print Preview, Setting Page Orientation and Scale, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages, Creating Headers and Footers, Creating Headers and Footers, Setting and Viewing Page Breaks
column headings, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page
footers, Creating Headers and Footers
freezing panes, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page
gridlines, Choosing Whether to Print Gridlines and Headings
headers, Creating Headers and Footers
headings, Choosing Whether to Print Gridlines and Headings, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page
margins, Setting and Changing Print Margins
multiple, Printing Worksheets with Current Options
number of pages, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages
orientation, Setting Page Orientation and Scale
page breaks, Setting and Viewing Page Breaks
Page Layout View, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing
previewing, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing, Adjust Page Margins in Print Preview, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages
print areas, Printing Part of a Worksheet
Quick Print button, Printing Worksheets with Current Options
row headings, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page
scale, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages
zooming, Previewing Worksheets Before Printing
program options, changing, Touring the New User Interface
properties, Using File Properties, Using File Properties, Define Custom Properties
custom, Define Custom Properties
setting, Using File Properties
Properties group, Add Data to a Data Table
Protect Sheet dialog, Protecting Worksheets from Changes
protecting, Protecting Worksheets from Changes
pyramid chart, Displaying Data Graphically


radar chart, Displaying Data Graphically
Recent Documents menu, Starting Excel
Redo button, Undoing or Redoing an Action
relative references, formulas, Understanding Formulas and Cell References in Excel
remove tracer arrows, Checking Formula References
renaming data tables, Add Data to a Data Table
renaming worksheets, Renaming Worksheets
Replace All, Replace a Word or Value
replacing text, Replace a Word or Value
resizing, Sizing and Viewing Windows, Resize a Table, Customizing Pictures and Objects
data tables, Resize a Table
graphics, Customizing Pictures and Objects
Windows, Sizing and Viewing Windows
Restore button, Sizing and Viewing Windows
Review tab (ribbon), Touring the New User Interface, Checking the Spelling of Your Worksheet
ribbon, What’s New in Excel 2007?, Working with the User Interface
Right Arrow key, Navigating the Worksheet
rotating objects, Adding Effects to Drawing Objects
row headings, Surveying the Excel Screen
Row Height option, Resizing Multiple Rows or Columns
rows, Select a Noncontiguous Group of Cells, Inserting, Moving, and Deleting Columns and Rows, Insert a Column in a Worksheet, Move One or More Rows, Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows, Unhide Rows or Columns, Unhide Rows or Columns, Changing Row Heights and Column Widths, Changing Row Heights and Column Widths, Inserting Rows or Columns, Moving Rows and Columns, Deleting Rows and Columns, Outlining to Hide and Show Rows and Columns, Ungroup Rows and Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns, View and Zoom Worksheets in Print Preview, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page, Display All Rows in a Filtered List
deleting, Insert a Column in a Worksheet, Deleting Rows and Columns
filtered list, Display All Rows in a Filtered List
grouping, Outlining to Hide and Show Rows and Columns
headings, printing, Printing Row and Column Headings on Each Page
heights, changing, Changing Row Heights and Column Widths, View and Zoom Worksheets in Print Preview
hidden, Unhide Rows or Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns
hiding, Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows, Hiding Rows and Columns
inserting, Inserting, Moving, and Deleting Columns and Rows, Inserting Rows or Columns
moving, Move One or More Rows, Moving Rows and Columns
resizing, Changing Row Heights and Column Widths
selecting, Select a Noncontiguous Group of Cells
ungrouping, Ungroup Rows and Columns
unhiding, Unhide Rows or Columns, Hiding Rows and Columns
rules, Creating Better Conditional Formats, Edit a Conditional Formatting Rule, Edit a Conditional Formatting Rule, Delete a Conditional Formatting Rule, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied
applying, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied
deleting, Delete a Conditional Formatting Rule
editing, Edit a Conditional Formatting Rule


Save As dialog box, Saving and Closing an Excel Workbook
Save button, Saving and Closing an Excel Workbook
saving workbooks, Touring the New User Interface, Saving and Closing an Excel Workbook
Scale to Fit dialog, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages
scatter plot chart, Displaying Data Graphically
scientific notation, Entering Numbers in Cells
screen, Surveying the Excel Screen
ScreenTips, functions, Exploring the Excel Function Library
scroll bars, Surveying the Excel Screen
Search button, Get Help on the Web
searching for workbooks, Search for a Workbook and Open It
Select All Sheets option, Viewing and Selecting Worksheets
selecting worksheets, Viewing and Selecting Worksheets
series, charts, Add a New Series
Setup, No Computerese!
shadows, Working with Graphics in Your Worksheets, Adding Effects to Drawing Objects
Shape Styles gallery, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects
shape styles, applying, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects
shapes, graphics, Adding Drawing Objects to a Worksheet
sharing data, Sharing Excel Data with Other Programs, Introducing Linking and Embedding, Introducing Linking and Embedding, Exchanging Table Data between Excel and Word, Copying Excel Charts and Data into PowerPoint, Exchanging Data between Access and Excel, Importing a Text File
Access, Exchanging Data between Access and Excel
embedding, Introducing Linking and Embedding
linking, Introducing Linking and Embedding
PowerPoint, Copying Excel Charts and Data into PowerPoint
text files, importing, Importing a Text File
Word, Exchanging Table Data between Excel and Word
Sheet tabs, Surveying the Excel Screen, Coloring Sheet Tabs
shortcut menus, Using the Excel Help System
Show/Hide Comments, Commenting in Cells
SmartArt Tools, Change the Design of Your Organization Chart
sort list, custom, Creating a Custom Sort List
sorting data, Sorting Worksheet Data
source data, charts, Customizing Chart Data
spelling checker, Checking the Spelling of Your Worksheet
splitting worksheets, Changing How You Look at Excel Workbooks
Start button, Starting Excel
Start menu, Starting Excel
starting program, Starting Excel
Status bar, Surveying the Excel Screen
stock charts, Displaying Data Graphically, Working with Uncommon Charts
Stop If True, Changing How Conditional Formatting Rules Are Applied
styles, Defining Cell Styles, Defining Cell Styles, Create a Style, Modify a Style, Delete a Style, Change a Chart’s Layout
applying, Defining Cell Styles
charts, Change a Chart’s Layout
creating, Create a Style
defined, Defining Cell Styles
deleting, Delete a Style
modifying, Modify a Style
Styles group (Home tab), Touring the New User Interface
subtotals, Summing with Subtotals and Grand Totals
SUMIF function, Creating Formulas Using New Functions
SUMIFS function, Creating Formulas Using New Functions
summary formulas, Summing a Group of Cells without Using a Formula
surface chart, Displaying Data Graphically
Switch Windows, Working with Multiple Workbooks
Symbol tab, Inserting a Symbol in a Cell
symbols, Inserting a Symbol in a Cell


Tab Color options, Changing Worksheet Tab Colors
Tab key, Navigating the Worksheet
table columns, selecting, Resize a Table
table references, formulas, Creating a Formula that References Values in a Table
Table Tools, Add Data to a Data Table
tables, Arranging Data into Tables
templates, Opening Ready-to-Use Workbook Templates, Opening Ready-to-Use Workbook Templates, Create a Workbook from a Template, Modify a Template, Saving a Workbook as a Template
modifying, Modify a Template
online, Create a Workbook from a Template
workbooks, creating from, Opening Ready-to-Use Workbook Templates
workbooks, saving as, Saving a Workbook as a Template
text, Entering Text in Cells, Undoing or Redoing an Action, Replace a Word or Value, Change Text Appearance, Aligning and Orienting Cell Contents, Aligning and Orienting Cell Contents, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping, Add Text to Any Shape, Using WordArt to Create Text Effects in Excel, Change WordArt Text Colors
alignment, Aligning and Orienting Cell Contents
appearance, Change Text Appearance
cell entries, Entering Text in Cells
colors, Change WordArt Text Colors
effects, Using WordArt to Create Text Effects in Excel
finding, Undoing or Redoing an Action
graphics, Add Text to Any Shape
orientation, Set Text Orientation and Wrapping
replacing, Replace a Word or Value
wrapping, Aligning and Orienting Cell Contents
text files, importing, Importing a Text File
Text Import Wizard, Importing a Text File
text value, numbers, Entering Numbers in Cells
textures, Adding Fills to Drawing Objects
themes, Using More Colors, Move Worksheets to Another Workbook, Applying Workbook Themes, Applying Workbook Themes, Applying Workbook Themes, Change Fonts within a Theme, Change Fonts within a Theme, Create a New Workbook Theme
applying, Applying Workbook Themes
colors, changing, Applying Workbook Themes
creating, Create a New Workbook Theme
effects, changing, Change Fonts within a Theme
fonts, changing, Change Fonts within a Theme
times, entering, Entering Dates and Times in Cells
Title Bar, Surveying the Excel Screen, Sizing and Viewing Windows
titles, charts, Add Titles
toolbars, What’s New in Excel 2007? (see )
totals, Summing with Subtotals and Grand Totals
Trace Dependents button, Checking Formula References
Trace Precedents button, Checking Formula References
tracer arrows, Checking Formula References
Track Changes, Tracking Changes in Workbooks
Transpose option, Pasting Values with More Control
trendlines, charts, Adding a Trendline to a Chart
Try This! exercises, Entering Text in Cells, Use AutoFill to Enter a Series of Values, Add Data to a Data Table, Creating Simple Cell Formulas, Change the Format of a Cell Based on the Results of a Formula, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages
AutoFill data entry, Use AutoFill to Enter a Series of Values
commonly used formulas, Creating Simple Cell Formulas
conditional formatting, Change the Format of a Cell Based on the Results of a Formula
data tables, header rows, Add Data to a Data Table
printing, Fit To option, Scale the Printout to a Fixed Number of Pages
text entry in cells, Entering Text in Cells
types, charts, Displaying Data Graphically, Changing a Chart’s Appearance


watches, formulas, Delete a Watch
Web data, retrieving, Retrieving Web Data from Excel
Web pages, Add a Hyperlink to a Web Page, Add a Worksheet to an Existing Web Page, Dynamically Update Worksheets Published to the Web, Retrieving Web Data from Excel, Copy Data from the Web to Excel
data, copying, Copy Data from the Web to Excel
data, retrieving, Retrieving Web Data from Excel
hyperlinks, Add a Hyperlink to a Web Page
updating, Dynamically Update Worksheets Published to the Web
workbooks, adding, Add a Worksheet to an Existing Web Page
Web queries, Modifying Web Queries
Web, saving to, Saving Worksheets to the Web
windows, Sizing and Viewing Windows
resizing, Sizing and Viewing Windows
Word, data sharing, Exchanging Table Data between Excel and Word
WordArt, Using WordArt to Create Text Effects in Excel
workbooks, Starting Excel, Starting Excel, Finding and Opening Existing Workbooks, Search for a Workbook and Open It, Creating a New Workbook, Working with Multiple Workbooks, Working with Multiple Workbooks, Saving and Closing an Excel Workbook, Close a Workbook, Building a Workbook, View Multiple Workbooks at the Same Time, View Multiple Workbooks at the Same Time, Creating Formulas that Reference Cells in Other Workbooks, Applying Workbook Themes, Opening Ready-to-Use Workbook Templates, Sharing Workbooks in Excel, Add a Worksheet to an Existing Web Page, Introducing XML
adding to Web, Add a Worksheet to an Existing Web Page
arranging, View Multiple Workbooks at the Same Time
blank, Starting Excel
building, Building a Workbook
cascading, Working with Multiple Workbooks
cell references, Creating Formulas that Reference Cells in Other Workbooks
closing, Close a Workbook
creating, Creating a New Workbook
existing, Starting Excel
multiple, Working with Multiple Workbooks, View Multiple Workbooks at the Same Time
opening, Finding and Opening Existing Workbooks
saving, Saving and Closing an Excel Workbook
searching for, Search for a Workbook and Open It
sharing, Sharing Workbooks in Excel
templates, Opening Ready-to-Use Workbook Templates
themes, Applying Workbook Themes
XML, identifying, Introducing XML
worksheet screen, Surveying the Excel Screen (see )
worksheets, Viewing and Selecting Worksheets, Viewing and Selecting Worksheets, Renaming Worksheets, Renaming Worksheets, Move Worksheets to Another Workbook, Copying Worksheets, Inserting and Deleting Worksheets, Inserting and Deleting Worksheets, Hiding or Showing a Worksheet, Hiding or Showing a Worksheet, Changing Worksheet Tab Colors, Changing Worksheet Tab Colors, Inserting Cells in a Worksheet, Deleting Cells in a Worksheet, Inserting, Moving, and Deleting Columns and Rows, Inserting, Moving, and Deleting Columns and Rows, Insert a Column in a Worksheet, Insert a Column in a Worksheet, Insert a Column in a Worksheet, Move One or More Rows, Move One or More Rows, Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows, Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows, Unhide Rows or Columns, Unhide Rows or Columns, Entering Data and Formatting Many Worksheets at the Same Time, Entering Data and Formatting Many Worksheets at the Same Time, Copy Cells from One Worksheet to a Group of Worksheets, Changing How You Look at Excel Workbooks, Changing How You Look at Excel Workbooks, View Multiple Parts of a Worksheet by Freezing Panes, Naming and Using Worksheet Views, Formatting the Worksheet, Changing a Worksheet’s Gridlines, Protecting Worksheets from Changes, Printing Worksheets, Saving Worksheets to the Web, Dynamically Update Worksheets Published to the Web
cells, copying, Copy Cells from One Worksheet to a Group of Worksheets
cells, deleting, Deleting Cells in a Worksheet
cells, inserting, Changing Worksheet Tab Colors
cells, moving, Inserting Cells in a Worksheet
columns, deleting, Insert a Column in a Worksheet
columns, hiding, Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows
columns, inserting, Inserting, Moving, and Deleting Columns and Rows
columns, moving, Move One or More Rows
columns, unhiding, Unhide Rows or Columns
copying, Copying Worksheets
data entry, multiple, Entering Data and Formatting Many Worksheets at the Same Time
deleting, Inserting and Deleting Worksheets
formatting, Formatting the Worksheet
formatting multiple, Entering Data and Formatting Many Worksheets at the Same Time
Freeze Panes, View Multiple Parts of a Worksheet by Freezing Panes
gridlines, Changing a Worksheet’s Gridlines
hiding, Hiding or Showing a Worksheet
Insert Options, Insert a Column in a Worksheet
inserting, Inserting and Deleting Worksheets
moving, Renaming Worksheets
positioning, Move Worksheets to Another Workbook
printing, Printing Worksheets
protecting, Protecting Worksheets from Changes
renaming, Renaming Worksheets
rows, deleting, Insert a Column in a Worksheet
rows, hiding, Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows
rows, inserting, Inserting, Moving, and Deleting Columns and Rows
rows, moving, Move One or More Rows
rows, unhiding, Unhide Rows or Columns
selecting, Viewing and Selecting Worksheets
splitting, Changing How You Look at Excel Workbooks
Tab Color options, Changing Worksheet Tab Colors
unhiding, Hiding or Showing a Worksheet
viewing, Viewing and Selecting Worksheets, Changing How You Look at Excel Workbooks
views, Naming and Using Worksheet Views
Web, saving to, Saving Worksheets to the Web
Web, updating, Dynamically Update Worksheets Published to the Web
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