Working with a Cube

Dimensions are useful only when incorporated into a cube. A cube uses dimension hierarchies to summarize measures from a fact table. A cube must always have at least one dimension, at least one measure, and one (and only one) fact table.

To create a cube that combines measures from multiple fact tables, you can use a virtual cube, as explained in “Creating Virtual Cubes” in Chapter 4.

Use the Cube Editor

The Cube Wizard makes it easy for you to quickly put together a cube. But a cube has many properties that aren’t available when you use the wizard. So even if you use the wizard to create a cube, you’ll undoubtedly use the Cube Editor to refine it. In fact, it isn’t much harder to create a cube by using the Cube Editor than it is to use the Cube Wizard. In the following example, you’ll use the Cube Editor to create the simplest possible cube from a fact table.

In the Chapter 3 database, right-click the Cubes folder, point to New Cube, and click Editor.

Since each cube requires a fact table, you’re immediately presented with a choice of tables to use.

Select SalesFact, and click OK. Click Yes when cautioned about counting rows in the fact table.

The Cube Editor window appears. The Cube Editor window is similar to that of the Dimension Editor. The left pane has a tree view at the top, a cube tree, which shows the components of the cube. The left pane also has a Properties pane at the bottom. As in the Dimension Editor, if the Properties pane is collapsed, you can click the Properties button to display the pane. The right pane displays either the Schema tab that shows the tables that make up the cube or the Data tab that shows either actual or sample data for the cube.

A cube must contain at least one measure from the fact table, so drag the Sales_Dollars column from the SalesFact table onto the Measures folder.

The folder expands to show the new measure in the cube.

A cube must also contain at least one dimension related to a key column in the fact table. You can actually use a key column in the fact table to create a simple private dimension.

Drag the State_ID column from the SalesFact table onto the Dimensions folder.

The folder expands to show the new dimension, which is named after the column from the fact table, with any underscore characters converted to spaces. The icon to the left of the dimension doesn’t include a hand, indicating that this is a new private dimension.

Change the All Caption property to All State. Expand the State ID dimension, and rename both the dimension and its solitary level from State ID to State.

One measure and one dimension are the minimal requirements for a cube. You can now look at sample data for the cube.

You can rename a private dimension, even after saving the cube.

Click the Data tab to see the structure of the cube, displaying sample values. To see actual values within the structure, you must process the cube.

Click the Process Cube button, and click Yes to save the cube. Type Simple Sales as the name of the cube, click OK, and click No when asked whether you want to design aggregates. Click OK when asked to choose the processing method. Close the Process log window.

The Preview pane now shows the actual values in the cube.

In this procedure, you created a simple cube—the smallest possible cube from the sample database. The cube has only one measure, and the one dimension has only a single, nondescriptive, level. The values you see in the Preview pane constitute the entire contents of the cube.


With a private dimension, you use the Cube Editor, not the Dimension Editor, to edit all the dimension properties discussed earlier in this chapter. For example, for a private dimension, you can use the Cube Editor’s Properties pane to change the dimension name and the dimension type and to choose whether to allow duplicate names. And for a level in a private dimension, you can use the Cube Editor’s Properties pane to change the level Name, the Member Name Column, the Order By property, and so forth. You can also use the Cube Editor to add member properties to a private dimension.

Add a Shared Dimension by Using the Cube Editor

When you have shared dimensions already created, you can create a substantial new cube very quickly, even using the Cube Editor. From within the Cube Editor, you can create a new cube by using either the editor or the wizard. When using the wizard, you click the New Cube button. To create a new cube using the Cube Editor, select <New> from the Cube drop-down list. Use the Cube Editor to create a new Sales cube that uses all the shared dimensions you created earlier in this chapter.

In the Cube drop-down list, select <New>.

Select SalesFact as the fact table, and click OK. Click Yes when cautioned about counting the rows in the fact table.

Drag the Sales_Dollars and Sales_Units columns from the SalesFact table into the Measures folder.

Right-click the Dimensions folder, and click Existing Dimensions. Click the Add All Dimensions button (>>), and click OK.

The four existing shared dimensions all appear in the Cube Editor. As discussed earlier in “Create a fiscal date hierarchy,” if you have two Time dimensions in a cube, you might want to control which dimension comes first. To change the order of dimensions in a cube, you simply drag the dimension name in the cube tree.

In the Dimension folder, drag the Time.Fiscal dimension on top of the Time.Calendar dimension.

The dimensions trade places within the dimension folder. The default measure for a cube is the first measure listed in the Measures folder. To change the order of measures, simply drag the measure name.

Drag the Sales Units measure on top of the Sales Dollars measure to swap the order.

Click the Process Cube button, and click Yes when asked to save the cube. Type Sales as the name of the cube, and click OK. Click No when asked to design aggregations, click OK to accept a full process method, and close the Process log window.

Because the shared dimensions have not already been processed, processing the cube automatically process them.

Click the Data tab, and collapse the Country heading.

Note that Colony Bagels appears as the value for the Product dimension. That’s because you specified it as the default member of the dimension in “Specify a default member,” earlier in this chapter.

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