
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


Add New Solution Folder button, Tip 7.4: You can use solution folders to hide projects
Add To References button (Object Browser), Tip 5.34: You can create a custom list of components for the Object Browser
aliases for commands, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window
Allow Editing Of Read-Only Files option, Tip 2.23: How to automatically refresh an open document in the editor
alphabetizing Toolbox items, Tip 5.19: You can sort items in the Toolbox alphabetically
Always Show Error List If Build Finishes With Errors option, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
Always Show Solution option, Tip 7.11: You can automatically perform a rename within an entire project when you rename a file in the Solution Explorer
Always Show This Message option, Tip 3.18: How to show and hide find messages
anchor position, swapping, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor
Animate Environment Tools check box, Tip 4.21: You can use Shift+Click to automatically dock an autohiding tool window
Apply Cut Or Copy Commands To Blank Lines option, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor
Arguments option (External Tools), Tip 6.11: You can add your own external tools to the list
assumptions in software testing, Software Testing Tips
At Startup combo box, Start Page
Auto Hide push pin, Tip 4.17: You can autohide all of your tool windows with one command
autohiding tool windows, Autohiding State
autoloading changes to open files, Tip 2.21: How to get syntax highlighting for a given file extension
Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor
Automatic setting (editor colors), Tip 1.27: How to change the editor background to black
Automatically Populate Find What With Text From The Editor option, Tip 3.1: How to behold the power of incremental search
autopopulation of Toolbox, Tip 5.16: How to stop the Toolbox from autopopulating with items found in the solution
AutoRecover feature, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color


background color, editor, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size")
background search, stopping, Tip 3.13: You can customize what files to find in
backups for autorecovery, Tip 2.20: What does Visual Studio do to autorecover files in the case of an unexpected shutdown?
base types, showing in Object Browser, Tip 5.38: You can customize both your Object pane and Members pane in the Object Browser
binary editor, Emulations
binding macros to keyboard shortcuts, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size")
blank lines, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
copying by mistake, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor
inserting, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
blocks of code, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces, Tip 2.43: How to share code snippets with your team
indenting, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces
inserting code snippets around, Tip 2.43: How to share code snippets with your team
blogging tips, Tips on Blogging Tips
bold printing, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers
Bookmark window, using, Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them
bookmarks, Tip 1.28: What’s the difference between Automatic and Default in Tools–Options–Environment–Fonts And Colors?, Tip 2.26: How to customize the number of items shown in the Recent Files lists (and where to find those lists)
colors for, Tip 1.28: What’s the difference between Automatic and Default in Tools–Options–Environment–Fonts And Colors?
managing, Tip 2.26: How to customize the number of items shown in the Recent Files lists (and where to find those lists)
bottom, jumping to, Tip 1.13: How to use the mouse wheel for scrolling in all directions
box selection, Make Your Editor Work for You
brace matching, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?
Break All Processes When One Process Breaks option, Tip 7.27: How to have all processes break when one process breaks
Break At Function command, Tip 7.20: You can press Ctrl+B to set a breakpoint at the desired function
breakpoint filters, Tip 7.18: You can set conditional breakpoints
breakpoints, Tip 6.18: How to open a file in the solution without using either a tool window or a dialog box, Breakpoints, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint, Tip 7.22: You can press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to delete all breakpoints
conditional, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint
deleting all, Tip 7.22: You can press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to delete all breakpoints
setting from Find combo box, Tip 6.18: How to open a file in the solution without using either a tool window or a dialog box
Breakpoints window, Tip 7.20: You can press Ctrl+B to set a breakpoint at the desired function
Brief emulation, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code
build configurations, Tip 7.6: How to hide or show the Project Location Is Not Trusted message box


calculator, Immediate Window as, Immediate Window
case, keyboard shortcut for changing (editor), Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor
change tracking in editor, Visual Cues
character editing, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor (see )
Choose Search Folder window, Tip 3.12: How to find in files
clearing, Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them (see )
Clipboard ring, cycling through, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
Close All But This option, File Tab Channel
Close Button Affects Active Tool Windows Only option, Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group
closing, Tip 4.10: You can use Ctrl+F4 to close the current document opened in the editor, Tip 4.30: How to resize a tool window from the keyboard
documents in editor, Tip 4.10: You can use Ctrl+F4 to close the current document opened in the editor
tool windows, Tip 4.30: How to resize a tool window from the keyboard
closing bugs, comments for, Tip 3: Help your developer however possible
code, Make Your Editor Work for You, Formatting, Outlining, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code, Tip 5.23: You can create new Toolbox tabs
collapsing or expanding, Outlining, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
cutting/pasting collapsed code, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
editing, Make Your Editor Work for You (see , )
formatting, Formatting (see )
User Tasks separate from, Tip 5.23: You can create new Toolbox tabs
code blocks, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces, Tip 2.43: How to share code snippets with your team
indenting, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces
inserting code snippets around, Tip 2.43: How to share code snippets with your team
code lines, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line (see )
Code Snippet Manager, Tip 2.40: You can insert a snippet by pressing Tab Tab
code snippets, Tip 2.37: How to turn off IntelliSense by default, Tip 2.41: How to browse code snippets and add new ones
default values and variables in, Tip 2.41: How to browse code snippets and add new ones
Collapse to Definitions command, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
collapsing code, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers, Outlining, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
cutting/pasting collapsed code, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
hiding when printing, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers
collapsing Toolbox items, Tip 5.17: You can use * to expand all and / to collapse all in the Toolbox
colors, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size"), Tip 1.27: How to change the editor background to black, Tip 1.28: What’s the difference between Automatic and Default in Tools–Options–Environment–Fonts And Colors?, Visual Cues, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?, Tip 5.10: You can enable word wrap in the Output window, Why is the executable file called devenv.exe instead of visualstudio.exe?
Automatic vs. Default settings (editor), Tip 1.27: How to change the editor background to black
bookmarks, Tip 1.28: What’s the difference between Automatic and Default in Tools–Options–Environment–Fonts And Colors?
for brace matching, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?
editor background, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size")
in Output window, Tip 5.10: You can enable word wrap in the Output window
printing boldly, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers
for tracking changes in editor, Visual Cues
in Visual Studio logo, Why is the executable file called devenv.exe instead of visualstudio.exe?
column selection, Make Your Editor Work for You
Command Window, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 1, Tip 5.2: How to search from the Command Window
logging session, Tip 5.2: How to search from the Command Window
commands, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 1, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window, Find Combo Box Runs Commands
aliases for, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window
running from Command Window, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 1
running in Find combo box, Find Combo Box Runs Commands
comments, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor, Tip 5.25: You can assign a priority to your Task List’s user tasks, Tip 3: Help your developer however possible
for closing bugs, Tip 3: Help your developer however possible
displaying in Task List, Tip 5.25: You can assign a priority to your Task List’s user tasks
Common7, numbering of, Why Are the Tool Window Tabs Shown at the Bottom of a Tool Window Group and the File Tabs Are at the Top of the File Tab Channel?
compiling, Tip 7.27: How to have all processes break when one process breaks, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts, Immediate Window
Error List, Tip 7.27: How to have all processes break when one process breaks
Immediate Window, Immediate Window
Watch windows, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
complete word functionality, Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function
completion, Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results (see )
components, Object Browser, Tip 5.31: You can create keyboard shortcuts to navigate among the various Task List categories (by using View.NextTask and View.PreviousTask) (see )
conditional breakpoints, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint
Configuration Manager, Tip 7.6: How to hide or show the Project Location Is Not Trusted message box
context menu management, Tip 4.38: How to display any toolbar at any time
Copy Here, moving text to, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location
copying, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location, File Tab Channel, Tip 5.21: You can use Show All to find your hiding Toolbox controls
(see also )
blank lines, by mistake, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor
cycling through Clipboard ring, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
file path from file tab channel, File Tab Channel
between Toolbox tabs, Tip 5.21: You can use Show All to find your hiding Toolbox controls
Ctrl+G, using, Tip 1.21: How to enable URL navigation within the editor
current anchor position, swapping, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor
current development settings, saving, Tip 6.2: How to reset your environment settings via Tools–Import And Export Settings
current line (editor), Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line, Breakpoints
cutting or deleting, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line
inserting breakpoints at, Breakpoints
Current Selection option (startup project), Tip 7.26: You can start debugging multiple projects
Current tokens for external tools, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work
current word, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things, Tip 3.1: How to behold the power of incremental search
searching for, Tip 3.1: How to behold the power of incremental search
selecting, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
CurrentSettings.vssettings file, Tip 6.6: You can save your current settings prior to doing an Import or Reset
cursor position, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Tip 2.2: How to jump to the beginning of some selected text when hitting escape, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor
(see also , )
after pressing Escape, Tip 2.2: How to jump to the beginning of some selected text when hitting escape
swapping anchor position, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor
custom components list, Object Browser, Tip 5.33: You can specify to show components in your solution only in the Object Browser
custom tokens in Task List, Tip 5.27: You can create shortcuts in your Task List
cutting collapsed code, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
cycling through Clipboard ring, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things


DataTips, DataTips
Debug build configuration, Tip 7.6: How to hide or show the Project Location Is Not Trusted message box
debug windows, viewing numeric values in, Tip 7.34: You can use the Watch window to quickly change a variable’s value
debugging, Tip 5.11: You can customize the color scheme in the Output window, Tip 6.18: How to open a file in the solution without using either a tool window or a dialog box, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer, Breakpoints, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint, Tip 7.22: You can press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to delete all breakpoints, DataTips, DataTips, Tip 7.26: You can start debugging multiple projects, Tip 7.27: How to have all processes break when one process breaks, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts, Immediate Window, Tip 1: Never assume anything
breakpoints, Tip 6.18: How to open a file in the solution without using either a tool window or a dialog box, Breakpoints, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint, Tip 7.22: You can press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to delete all breakpoints
conditional, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint
deleting all, Tip 7.22: You can press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to delete all breakpoints
setting from Find combo box, Tip 6.18: How to open a file in the solution without using either a tool window or a dialog box
DataTips, DataTips
Error List, Tip 7.27: How to have all processes break when one process breaks
with Immediate Window, Immediate Window
learning from bugs you missed, Tip 1: Never assume anything
multiple projects, DataTips, Tip 7.26: You can start debugging multiple projects
sending messages to Output window, Tip 5.11: You can customize the color scheme in the Output window
tracepoints, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer
Watch windows, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
Debugging view (window layout), Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window
default project location, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
Default setting (editor colors), Tip 1.27: How to change the editor background to black
deleting or removing, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color, Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them, Tip 5.29: How to disable the prompt for deleting the Task List’s user tasks, Tip 7.22: You can press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to delete all breakpoints
bookmarks (all), Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them
breakpoints (all), Tip 7.22: You can press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to delete all breakpoints
current line (editor), Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line
leading white space, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line
next or preceding word (editor), Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
unused using statements, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color
user tasks, Tip 5.29: How to disable the prompt for deleting the Task List’s user tasks
delimiter highlighting, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor
Design view (window layout), Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window
developers, working with, Tip 1: Never assume anything
development settings, Tip 6.4: You can add your own files to the Import And Export Settings–Reset page list (see )
Devenv.exe, name of, Visual Studio Factoids
dialog boxes, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync, Tip 7.5: You can create temp or "throw away" projects
External Tools feature, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync
Import And Export Settings feature, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2
Project Location Is Not Trusted message box, Tip 7.5: You can create temp or "throw away" projects
directories, custom, for opening files, Tip 2.23: How to automatically refresh an open document in the editor
directory tokens for external tools, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work
disabling, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint (see specific feature by name, )
displaying, Autohiding State (see )
docking and undocking, Tip 3.16: How to dock the Find And Replace window, Tool Windows, Tip 4.18: You can customize how pressing a tool window push pin autohides the tool window or tool window tab group
Find And Replace window, Tip 3.16: How to dock the Find And Replace window
tool windows, Tool Windows, Tip 4.18: You can customize how pressing a tool window push pin autohides the tool window or tool window tab group
document formatting, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
document window management, Manage Your Environment Layout, File Tab Channel, Tip 4.5: How to close just the selected files you want, Tip 4.8: How to disable the IDE Navigator, Tip 4.10: You can use Ctrl+F4 to close the current document opened in the editor
(see also )
file tab channel, File Tab Channel
IDE Navigator, Tip 4.5: How to close just the selected files you want
keyboard navigation, Tip 4.8: How to disable the IDE Navigator
MDI mode, Tip 4.10: You can use Ctrl+F4 to close the current document opened in the editor
dragging in editor, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location, Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window, Tip 5.20: You can switch between the Icon view and List Item view in the Toolbox
in General tab (Toolbox), Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window
Toolbox controls, Tip 5.20: You can switch between the Icon view and List Item view in the Toolbox


editing, advanced, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location, Make Your Editor Work for You, Make Your Editor Work for You, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor, Formatting, Outlining, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code, Emulations, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color, File Extensions
autorecovery, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color
binary editor, Emulations
brace matching, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?
commenting, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor
delimiter highlighting, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor
drag and drop, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location (see )
emulations, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code
file extensions, File Extensions
formatting, Formatting
outlining (code collapse/expand), Outlining
selection, Make Your Editor Work for You
unused code, cleaning, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color
editing read-only files, Tip 2.23: How to automatically refresh an open document in the editor
editor emulations, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code
editor tips, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor, Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Navigating Within and Among Editors, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size"), Visual Cues, Tip 1.31: How to show line numbers in the editor, Tip 1.34: How to print boldly, Tip 2.21: How to get syntax highlighting for a given file extension
fonts and colors, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size"), Visual Cues
font colors, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size")
font size, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space
visual cues, Visual Cues
opening files and, Tip 2.21: How to get syntax highlighting for a given file extension
printing options, Tip 1.31: How to show line numbers in the editor
scrolling and navigation, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Navigating Within and Among Editors, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space
navigating within and among editors, Navigating Within and Among Editors
scrolling, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar
word wrap and virtual space, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space
status bar options, Tip 1.34: How to print boldly
text editing, Get Back to Basics with Your Editor
undo and redo, Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor
Editor ToolTip settings, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space
EditorBrowseableAttribute class, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser
Emacs emulation, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code
emulations, editor, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code
Enable Breakpoint Filters option, Tip 7.18: You can set conditional breakpoints
Enable Single-Click URL Navigation option, Tip 1.21: How to enable URL navigation within the editor
enabling, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint (see specific feature by name, )
environment layout, Manage Your Environment Layout (see )
environment settings, Tip 6.1: How to find what development settings you last reset to, Tip 6.1: How to find what development settings you last reset to, Tip 6.2: How to reset your environment settings via Tools–Import And Export Settings, Tip 6.2: How to reset your environment settings via Tools–Import And Export Settings, Tip 6.4: You can add your own files to the Import And Export Settings–Reset page list, Tip 6.5: What’s the difference between resetting settings and importing settings?, Tip 6.6: You can save your current settings prior to doing an Import or Reset, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync
importing, Tip 6.4: You can add your own files to the Import And Export Settings–Reset page list
last reset to, Tip 6.1: How to find what development settings you last reset to
preferred, Tip 6.2: How to reset your environment settings via Tools–Import And Export Settings
resetting, Tip 6.1: How to find what development settings you last reset to
saving current, Tip 6.2: How to reset your environment settings via Tools–Import And Export Settings, Tip 6.5: What’s the difference between resetting settings and importing settings?
synchronizing across team, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync
where saved, Tip 6.6: You can save your current settings prior to doing an Import or Reset
erasing, Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them (see )
Error List, Tip 7.27: How to have all processes break when one process breaks
errors in Output window, navigating, Output Window
escape, cursor jump after, Tip 2.2: How to jump to the beginning of some selected text when hitting escape
executables, running from Command Window, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window
expanding code, Outlining
expanding Toolbox items, Tip 5.17: You can use * to expand all and / to collapse all in the Toolbox
exporting development settings, Tip 6.8: You can copy the full file path from the final wizard page when exporting settings
exporting Object Browser customizations, Tip 5.48: How to use type-ahead selection support in the Object Browser
exporting window layout states, Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window
External Tools feature, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync, Tip 6.11: You can add your own external tools to the list, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work
adding own tools, Tip 6.11: You can add your own external tools to the list
prompting for arguments, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work
tokens for, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work


failed build, Error List after, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
file extensions, File Extensions
file path, Tip 1.34: How to print boldly, File Tab Channel, Tip 5.29: How to disable the prompt for deleting the Task List’s user tasks, Tip 6.8: You can copy the full file path from the final wizard page when exporting settings
copying from file tab channel, File Tab Channel
copying with exporting settings, Tip 6.8: You can copy the full file path from the final wizard page when exporting settings
printing as page header, Tip 1.34: How to print boldly
in Task List, Tip 5.29: How to disable the prompt for deleting the Task List’s user tasks
file tab channel, File Tab Channel, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?, Solution Explorer: Is it on the left side or right side of the IDE?
placement of files tabs in, Solution Explorer: Is it on the left side or right side of the IDE?
File view (window layout), Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window
files, Emulations, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color, Tip 2.21: How to get syntax highlighting for a given file extension, Tip 2.23: How to automatically refresh an open document in the editor, Tip 3.11: You can use Shift+Alt+F12 to use Find Symbol
autorecovery, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color
opening, Emulations, Tip 2.21: How to get syntax highlighting for a given file extension
in binary editor, Emulations
editor windows and, Tip 2.21: How to get syntax highlighting for a given file extension
read-only, editing, Tip 2.23: How to automatically refresh an open document in the editor
searching in, Tip 3.11: You can use Shift+Alt+F12 to use Find Symbol
filters for breakpoints, Tip 7.18: You can set conditional breakpoints
Find And Replace window, Tip 3.1: How to behold the power of incremental search, Tip 3.14: You can stop a Find In Files search
searching without bringing up, Tip 3.1: How to behold the power of incremental search
Find combo box, Tip 3.5: You can use Ctrl+F to use Quick Find in the current document, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work
Find In Files searches, Tip 3.11: You can use Shift+Alt+F12 to use Find Symbol
Find Message In Code button, Output Window
Find Results window, Tip 3.16: How to dock the Find And Replace window
Find Symbol, Tip 3.9: How to hide the Quick Find/Quick Replace window after the first search hit, Tip 3.18: How to show and hide find messages, Tip 5.46: You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever is selected
browsing results, Tip 3.18: How to show and hide find messages
in Object Browser, Tip 5.46: You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever is selected
FindAllReferences command, Tip 5.46: You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever is selected
finding, Find What You Are Searching For (see )
floating, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position, Toolbars
tool windows, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position
toolbars, Toolbars
for statement completion, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function
fonts in editor, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size"), Visual Cues, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function
font colors, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size")
font size, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space
printing boldly, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers
for statement completion, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function
visual cues, Visual Cues
Format Document command, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
formatting (advanced editing), Formatting
four window layouts, Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window
Full Screen mode, Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window, Tip 4.34: How to quickly access Full Screen mode
functions, setting breakpoint at desired, Tip 7.20: You can press Ctrl+B to set a breakpoint at the desired function


HACK tokens in Task List, Tip 5.27: You can create shortcuts in your Task List
header (printed page), file path as, Tip 1.34: How to print boldly
Help documentation for Error List, Tip 7.30: You can view an error’s documentation directly from the Error List
hexadecimal format, viewing numeric variables in, Tip 7.34: You can use the Watch window to quickly change a variable’s value
hidden keyboard shortcuts state (tool windows), Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
hidden text, searching within, Tip 3.19: How to browse Find Symbol results
hide state (tool windows), Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group
hiding and displaying, Tip 1.14: How to jump to the top or bottom of the current view in the editor without scrolling, Visual Cues, Tip 1.31: How to show line numbers in the editor, Tip 1.34: How to print boldly, Formatting, Outlining, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?, File Extensions, Tip 2.25: How to customize what directory the File–Open–File dialog box opens to, Statement Completion, Parameter Info, and Complete Word, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function, Tip 3.9: How to hide the Quick Find/Quick Replace window after the first search hit, Tip 3.18: How to show and hide find messages, Tip 4.11: How to enter MDI mode, Autohiding State, Toolbars, Tip 4.37: You can hide or show the default buttons from any toolbar, Tip 4.38: How to display any toolbar at any time, Tip 5.8: You can use the keyboard to jump to various panes within the Output window, Tip 5.20: You can switch between the Icon view and List Item view in the Toolbox, Tip 5.33: You can specify to show components in your solution only in the Object Browser, Tip 5.38: You can customize both your Object pane and Members pane in the Object Browser, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser, Tip 5.43: How to stop displaying all inherited members in the Object Browser Member pane, Tip 7.11: You can automatically perform a rename within an entire project when you rename a file in the Solution Explorer, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
autohiding tool windows, Autohiding State
avoiding show and hide find messages, Tip 3.18: How to show and hide find messages
brace matching, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?
collapsing code, Outlining (see )
delimiter highlighting, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor
Error List, after failed build, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
formatting guidelines in editor, Formatting
keyboard shortcuts for toolbar buttons, Tip 4.38: How to display any toolbar at any time
line numbers in editor, Visual Cues
making something hideable, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser
in Object Browser, Tip 5.33: You can specify to show components in your solution only in the Object Browser, Tip 5.38: You can customize both your Object pane and Members pane in the Object Browser, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser, Tip 5.43: How to stop displaying all inherited members in the Object Browser Member pane
all inherited members, Tip 5.43: How to stop displaying all inherited members in the Object Browser Member pane
base types, Tip 5.38: You can customize both your Object pane and Members pane in the Object Browser
hidden members and types, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser
outlining selection margin, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code
Output window, Tip 5.8: You can use the keyboard to jump to various panes within the Output window
parameter info, Statement Completion, Parameter Info, and Complete Word
Quick Find and Quick Replace windows, Tip 3.9: How to hide the Quick Find/Quick Replace window after the first search hit
quick info, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function
Recent Files lists, customizing, Tip 2.25: How to customize what directory the File–Open–File dialog box opens to
scroll bars (editor), Tip 1.14: How to jump to the top or bottom of the current view in the editor without scrolling
in Solution Explorer, Tip 7.11: You can automatically perform a rename within an entire project when you rename a file in the Solution Explorer, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer
status bar (editor), Tip 1.34: How to print boldly
syntax highlighting for specific file extensions, File Extensions
Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically buttons, Tip 4.11: How to enter MDI mode
toolbar buttons, Toolbars
toolbars, Tip 4.37: You can hide or show the default buttons from any toolbar
Toolbox controls, Tip 5.20: You can switch between the Icon view and List Item view in the Toolbox
viewing visible white space, Tip 1.31: How to show line numbers in the editor
highlighting delimiters, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor
highlighting syntax for specific file extensions, File Extensions
horizontal scroll bar (editor), hiding, Tip 1.14: How to jump to the top or bottom of the current view in the editor without scrolling
horizontal white space, deleting, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line
hovering (tool windows), Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position
Hunt the Wumpus, How I Started Programming
hyperlink navigation, enabling in editor, Tip 1.21: How to enable URL navigation within the editor


Icon view, Toolbox, Tip 5.19: You can sort items in the Toolbox alphabetically
icons in New Project dialog box, Tip 7.2: How to change the default new-project location
IDE, why named Devenv.exe, Visual Studio Factoids
IDE Navigator, Tip 4.5: How to close just the selected files you want, Tip 6.10: You can run external tools from the IDE
running external tools from, Tip 6.10: You can run external tools from the IDE
IDE settings, Tip 6.4: You can add your own files to the Import And Export Settings–Reset page list (see )
Immediate Window, Tip 5.11: You can customize the color scheme in the Output window, Immediate Window
redirecting debug messages, Tip 5.11: You can customize the color scheme in the Output window
Import And Export Settings feature, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2
importing environment settings, Tip 6.4: You can add your own files to the Import And Export Settings–Reset page list
Include Insertion Point Movements In Undo List option, Tip 1.16: How to navigate forward and backward in the editor all because of go-back markers
incremental search, Find What You Are Searching For
indentation (code), Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces
(see also )
changing from editor toolbar, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces
fixing quickly, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
smart vs. block indenting, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces
tabs vs. spaces, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
infinity symbol, logo as, Why is the executable file called devenv.exe instead of visualstudio.exe?
Initial Directory option (External Tools), Tip 6.11: You can add your own external tools to the list
inserting blank lines (editor), Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
inserting breakpoints, Breakpoints (see )
IntelliSense technology, Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results
interviewing at Microsoft, Studying in College
Item tokens for external tools, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work


Keep Modified Files Open After Replace All option, Tip 3.14: You can stop a Find In Files search
keyboard navigation, Tip 4.8: How to disable the IDE Navigator, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
document windows, Tip 4.8: How to disable the IDE Navigator
tool windows, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
keyboard shortcuts, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size"), Tip 4.8: How to disable the IDE Navigator, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts, Tip 4.38: How to display any toolbar at any time, Tip 5.8: You can use the keyboard to jump to various panes within the Output window, Tip 5.25: You can assign a priority to your Task List’s user tasks, Tip 5.30: You can show a full file path in the Task List, Tip 5.36: How to use navigate forward and back in the Object Browser, Tip 5.50: Why the Object Browser has so many commands you can bind to (and how to create a keyboard shortcut to clear the search results), Tip 6.11: You can add your own external tools to the list, Tip 6.17: You can press Ctrl+/ to run Visual Studio commands in the Find combo box, Tip 7.31: You can do multicolumn sorting (secondary sort, and so forth) in both the Error List and the Task List
binding macros to, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size")
for Error List buttons, Tip 7.31: You can do multicolumn sorting (secondary sort, and so forth) in both the Error List and the Task List
for external tools, creating, Tip 6.11: You can add your own external tools to the list
navigating with, Tip 4.8: How to disable the IDE Navigator (see )
Object Browser, Tip 5.36: How to use navigate forward and back in the Object Browser, Tip 5.50: Why the Object Browser has so many commands you can bind to (and how to create a keyboard shortcut to clear the search results)
to open file directly, Tip 6.17: You can press Ctrl+/ to run Visual Studio commands in the Find combo box
between Output window panes, Tip 5.8: You can use the keyboard to jump to various panes within the Output window
showing in toolbar ToolTips, Tip 4.38: How to display any toolbar at any time
in Task List, Tip 5.25: You can assign a priority to your Task List’s user tasks, Tip 5.30: You can show a full file path in the Task List
for tool windows, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
keyboard-based searching, Find What You Are Searching For


language, preferred, Tip 6.3: What settings are contained in the New Project Dialog Preferred Language category
large icons in New Project dialog box, Tip 7.2: How to change the default new-project location
last search, repeating, Tip 3.3: How to not automatically search for the currently-selected word
leading white space, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
deleting, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line
using instead of tabs, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
line numbers in editor, Visual Cues, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers
printing, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers
showing, Visual Cues
lines of code, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line, Make Your Editor Work for You, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
cutting or deleting, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line
formatting, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
leading tabs vs. spaces, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
selecting, Make Your Editor Work for You
List Item view, Toolbox, Tip 5.19: You can sort items in the Toolbox alphabetically
list members (completion), Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results
location for projects, default, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
log command, Tip 5.2: How to search from the Command Window
logging Command Window sessions, Tip 5.2: How to search from the Command Window
logo to Visual Studio, Why is the executable file called devenv.exe instead of visualstudio.exe?
Look At These File Types option, Tip 3.12: How to find in files
lowercase, keyboard shortcut for, Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor


macros, binding to keyboard shortcuts, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size")
matching braces, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?
MDI mode, Tip 4.10: You can use Ctrl+F4 to close the current document opened in the editor
Members pane (Object Browser), Tip 5.37: You can create a keyboard shortcut for adding references to a solution from the Object Browser
message boxes, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2 (see )
Messages button (Error List), binding shortcut to, Tip 7.31: You can do multicolumn sorting (secondary sort, and so forth) in both the Error List and the Task List
methods, marking as Hidden, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser
Miscellaneous Files project, Solution Explorer
mnemonics, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size") (see )
Mobius strip, logo as, Why is the executable file called devenv.exe instead of visualstudio.exe?
most recent search, repeating, Tip 3.3: How to not automatically search for the currently-selected word
mouse wheel, scrolling with, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar
Move Here, moving text to, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location
multicolumn sorting (Error List, Task List), Tip 7.30: You can view an error’s documentation directly from the Error List
Multiple Document Interface, Tip 4.10: You can use Ctrl+F4 to close the current document opened in the editor (see )
multiple projects, debugging, DataTips
Multiple Startup Projects option, Tip 7.26: You can start debugging multiple projects
multitargeting, Know Your Solutions, and Other Project and Debugging Tweaks


Navigate Backward button, Navigating Within and Among Editors
navigation, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Navigating Within and Among Editors, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size"), Tip 2.26: How to customize the number of items shown in the Recent Files lists (and where to find those lists), Output Window, Tip 5.18: You can use Ctrl+Up Arrow and Ctrl+Down Arrow to move among the various control groups in the Toolbox, Tip 5.30: You can show a full file path in the Task List, Tip 5.36: How to use navigate forward and back in the Object Browser, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?, Tip 5.50: Why the Object Browser has so many commands you can bind to (and how to create a keyboard shortcut to clear the search results), Tip 7.27: How to have all processes break when one process breaks
editor, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Navigating Within and Among Editors, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space, Tip 2.26: How to customize the number of items shown in the Recent Files lists (and where to find those lists)
among bookmarks, Tip 2.26: How to customize the number of items shown in the Recent Files lists (and where to find those lists)
within and among editors, Navigating Within and Among Editors
scrolling, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar
word wrap and virtual space, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space
Error List, Tip 7.27: How to have all processes break when one process breaks
by keyboard, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size") (see )
Object Browser, Tip 5.36: How to use navigate forward and back in the Object Browser, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?, Tip 5.50: Why the Object Browser has so many commands you can bind to (and how to create a keyboard shortcut to clear the search results)
Output window, Output Window
Task List, Tip 5.30: You can show a full file path in the Task List
Toolbox, Tip 5.18: You can use Ctrl+Up Arrow and Ctrl+Down Arrow to move among the various control groups in the Toolbox
navigation bar (editor), reaching with keyboard, Tip 1.17: How to use Undo to jump the cursor back to the last insertion point
.NET Framework, multitargeting, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
New Project dialog box, Tip 7.2: How to change the default new-project location
New Project Dialog Preferred Language setting, Tip 6.3: What settings are contained in the New Project Dialog Preferred Language category
new project location, default, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
NextSubPane command, Tip 5.8: You can use the keyboard to jump to various panes within the Output window
NextTask command, Tip 5.30: You can show a full file path in the Task List
numbering lines in editor, Visual Cues, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers
printing numbers, Tip 1.33: How to print line numbers
showing numbers, Visual Cues


page header, file path as, Tip 1.34: How to print boldly
paging within Toolbox, Tip 5.18: You can use Ctrl+Up Arrow and Ctrl+Down Arrow to move among the various control groups in the Toolbox
parameter info, Statement Completion, Parameter Info, and Complete Word
pasting collapsed code, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
path, File Tab Channel (see )
planning for future software tests, Tip 3: Help your developer however possible
Pointer control, Toolbox, Tip 5.14: You can drag and drop code onto the Toolbox’s General tab
positioning, Tip 3.16: How to dock the Find And Replace window (see )
preferred environment settings, Tip 6.2: How to reset your environment settings via Tools–Import And Export Settings
preferred language, Tip 6.3: What settings are contained in the New Project Dialog Preferred Language category
PreviousTask command, Tip 5.30: You can show a full file path in the Task List
printing options (editor), Tip 1.31: How to show line numbers in the editor
priorities for user tasks, Tip 5.24: You can use the Task List to create user tasks that are separate from your code
Profiles feature, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2 (see )
project location, default, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
Project Location Is Not Trusted message box, Tip 7.5: You can create temp or "throw away" projects
projects, Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework, Tip 7.4: You can use solution folders to hide projects, Tip 7.11: You can automatically perform a rename within an entire project when you rename a file in the Solution Explorer, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer, Tip 7.25: How to select the startup project from the Solution Explorer
customizing, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
debugging, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer (see )
renaming within Solution Explorer, Tip 7.11: You can automatically perform a rename within an entire project when you rename a file in the Solution Explorer
searching within current, Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution
startup, selecting, Tip 7.25: How to select the startup project from the Solution Explorer
temporary (throw-away), Tip 7.4: You can use solution folders to hide projects
Prompt For Symbolic Renaming When Renaming Files option, Tip 7.11: You can automatically perform a rename within an entire project when you rename a file in the Solution Explorer
prompting for arguments with external tools, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work


read-only files, editing, Tip 2.23: How to automatically refresh an open document in the editor
rearranging external tools, Tip 6.11: You can add your own external tools to the list
Recent Files lists, customizing, Tip 2.25: How to customize what directory the File–Open–File dialog box opens to
redirecting debug messages to Output window, Tip 5.11: You can customize the color scheme in the Output window
redo (in editor), Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor
references, adding from Object Browser, Tip 5.34: You can create a custom list of components for the Object Browser
refreshing open documents, Tip 2.21: How to get syntax highlighting for a given file extension
regular expressions, Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution
Release build configuration, Tip 7.6: How to hide or show the Project Location Is Not Trusted message box
removing, Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them (see )
renaming within entire projects, Tip 7.11: You can automatically perform a rename within an entire project when you rename a file in the Solution Explorer
repeating last search, Tip 3.3: How to not automatically search for the currently-selected word
replacing text with search, Find What You Are Searching For (see )
Reset All Settings option (Import And Export Settings), Tip 6.1: How to find what development settings you last reset to
Reset page, Import And Export Settings, Tip 6.3: What settings are contained in the New Project Dialog Preferred Language category
resetting environment settings, Tip 6.4: You can add your own files to the Import And Export Settings–Reset page list
resizing, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space (see )
Reuse Current Document Window, If Saved option, Tip 2.21: How to get syntax highlighting for a given file extension
RSS feed (Start Page), changing, Start Page
running commands, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window (see )
running executables from Command Window, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window


Save New Projects When Created option, Tip 7.4: You can use solution folders to hide projects
saving, Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window, Tip 6.2: How to reset your environment settings via Tools–Import And Export Settings, Tip 6.5: What’s the difference between resetting settings and importing settings?, Tip 6.6: You can save your current settings prior to doing an Import or Reset, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
current development settings, Tip 6.2: How to reset your environment settings via Tools–Import And Export Settings, Tip 6.5: What’s the difference between resetting settings and importing settings?, Tip 6.6: You can save your current settings prior to doing an Import or Reset
default new project location, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
window layout states, Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window
scope, search, Tip 3.19: How to browse Find Symbol results, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?
in Object Browser, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?
scroll bars (editor), hiding, Tip 1.14: How to jump to the top or bottom of the current view in the editor without scrolling
scrolling, editor, Tip 1.12: How to use the Undo stack on the standard toolbar, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space
word wrap and virtual space, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space
SDET interview, Studying in College
search scope, Tip 3.19: How to browse Find Symbol results, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?
in Object Browser, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?
searching, Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results, Find What You Are Searching For, Find What You Are Searching For, Tip 3.3: How to not automatically search for the currently-selected word, Tip 3.11: You can use Shift+Alt+F12 to use Find Symbol, Tip 3.19: How to browse Find Symbol results, Tip 3.19: How to browse Find Symbol results, Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution, Tip 5.1: You can run Visual Studio commands from the Command Window, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?, Tip 5.46: You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever is selected, Tip 7.9: There is type-ahead selection support in the Solution Explorer
bookmarking Quick Find results, Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results
from Command Window, Tip 5.1: You can run Visual Studio commands from the Command Window
Find In Files searches, Tip 3.11: You can use Shift+Alt+F12 to use Find Symbol
within hidden text, Tip 3.19: How to browse Find Symbol results
from keyboard, Find What You Are Searching For
in Object Browser, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?
Quick Find and Quick Replace, Tip 3.3: How to not automatically search for the currently-selected word
with regular expressions, Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution
scope of, Tip 3.19: How to browse Find Symbol results, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?
in Object Browser, Tip 5.45: What are the two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser?
type-ahead support, Tip 5.46: You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever is selected, Tip 7.9: There is type-ahead selection support in the Solution Explorer
in Object Browser, Tip 5.46: You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever is selected
in Solution Explorer, Tip 7.9: There is type-ahead selection support in the Solution Explorer
selection (advanced editing), Make Your Editor Work for You, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code
formatting selected text, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
hiding outline selection margin, Tip 2.13: You can cut and paste a collapsed block of code
Set As Startup Project command, Tip 7.25: How to select the startup project from the Solution Explorer
sharing code snippets, Tip 2.41: How to browse code snippets and add new ones
Shell command, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window
shortcuts, Tip 1.26: You can bind macros to keyboard shortcuts (or, "How to quickly increase or decrease your text editor font size") (see )
Show Advanced Build Configurations option, Tip 7.6: How to hide or show the Project Location Is Not Trusted message box
Show All (Toolbox), Tip 5.20: You can switch between the Icon view and List Item view in the Toolbox
Show Hidden Types And Members option, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser
Show Inherited Members option, Tip 5.43: How to stop displaying all inherited members in the Object Browser Member pane
Show Miscellaneous Files In Solution Explorer option, Solution Explorer
Show Other Members option, Tip 5.41: You can mark methods and types as Hidden so that they don’t appear in Microsoft IntelliSense or in the Object Browser
Show Visual Glyphs For Word Wrap option, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space
showing, Autohiding State (see )
shutdown, autorecovery after, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color
Simplified Build Configurations, Tip 7.6: How to hide or show the Project Location Is Not Trusted message box
Single Startup Project option, Tip 7.26: You can start debugging multiple projects
size, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
fonts in editor, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space
tool windows, keyboard control for, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
small icons in New Project dialog box, Tip 7.2: How to change the default new-project location
smart indenting, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces
snippets, Tip 2.37: How to turn off IntelliSense by default (see )
software testing, Software Testing Tips
Solution Explorer, Tip 7.7: How to use Simplified Build Configurations, Tip 7.25: How to select the startup project from the Solution Explorer, Why is the executable file called devenv.exe instead of visualstudio.exe?
on left or right of IDE, Why is the executable file called devenv.exe instead of visualstudio.exe?
selecting startup project, Tip 7.25: How to select the startup project from the Solution Explorer
solution files, searching within entire, Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution
solution folders, Tip 7.4: You can use solution folders to hide projects
solution references, adding from Object Browser, Tip 5.34: You can create a custom list of components for the Object Browser
solutions concept, reasons for, Solution Explorer: Is it on the left side or right side of the IDE?
solutions management, Know Your Solutions, and Other Project and Debugging Tweaks, Know Your Solutions, and Other Project and Debugging Tweaks, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework, Tip 7.6: How to hide or show the Project Location Is Not Trusted message box, Tip 7.7: How to use Simplified Build Configurations, Tip 7.9: There is type-ahead selection support in the Solution Explorer
adding solutions to solutions, Tip 7.9: There is type-ahead selection support in the Solution Explorer
build configurations, Tip 7.6: How to hide or show the Project Location Is Not Trusted message box
multitargeting, Know Your Solutions, and Other Project and Debugging Tweaks
projects customization, Tip 7.1: How Visual Studio 2008 supports multitargeting of the .NET Framework
using Solution Explorer, Tip 7.7: How to use Simplified Build Configurations
sorting external tools, Tip 6.11: You can add your own external tools to the list
sorting in Error List and Task List, Tip 7.30: You can view an error’s documentation directly from the Error List
sorting Toolbox items, Tip 5.19: You can sort items in the Toolbox alphabetically
splitting windows (editor), Tip 1.17: How to use Undo to jump the cursor back to the last insertion point, Tip 1.19: How to split a window and create new windows
jumping between split windows, Tip 1.19: How to split a window and create new windows
Start Automatic Outlining command, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
Start Page, Start Page
startup project, selecting, Tip 7.25: How to select the startup project from the Solution Explorer
state, tool windows, Tool Windows, Tool Windows, Autohiding State, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?, Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group
autohiding state, Autohiding State
dockable state, Tool Windows
floating state, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position
hide state, Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group
tabbed document state, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
statement completion, Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function, Tip 2.35: You can resize the statement completion dialog box
font size for, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function
window size for, Tip 2.35: You can resize the statement completion dialog box
statement completion window, making transparent, Interviewing at Microsoft
status bar options (editor), Tip 1.34: How to print boldly
Stop Outlining command, Tip 2.12: How to collapse and expand code
Stop Search, on Output window, Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window
Store My Settings File In This Directory combo box, Tip 6.6: You can save your current settings prior to doing an Import or Reset
stream selection, Make Your Editor Work for You
.suo files, Tip 5.23: You can create new Toolbox tabs
swapping anchor position, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor
swapping text in editor, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location
symbols, searching for, Tip 3.9: How to hide the Quick Find/Quick Replace window after the first search hit
synchronizing development settings, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync
syntax highlighting for specific file extensions, File Extensions


Tabbed Document option, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
tabbed document state (tool windows), Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
tabs, Toolbox, Tip 5.21: You can use Show All to find your hiding Toolbox controls, Tip 5.21: You can use Show All to find your hiding Toolbox controls
copying and pasting between, Tip 5.21: You can use Show All to find your hiding Toolbox controls
creating new, Tip 5.21: You can use Show All to find your hiding Toolbox controls
tabs vs. spaces in code, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
Target Directory token, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work
targets for IDE docking, Tip 4.13: You can choose from nine IDE tool window docking targets, Tip 4.16: You can use docking targets to dock tool windows in new and crazy ways
Task List, Tip 5.23: You can create new Toolbox tabs, Tip 7.30: You can view an error’s documentation directly from the Error List
multicolumn sort in, Tip 7.30: You can view an error’s documentation directly from the Error List
temporary projects, Tip 7.4: You can use solution folders to hide projects
test plan, developing, Tip 3: Help your developer however possible
text editing (in editor), Get Back to Basics with Your Editor
throw-away projects, Tip 7.4: You can use solution folders to hide projects
Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically buttons, Tip 4.11: How to enter MDI mode
"tip of the day" blogging, Tips on Blogging Tips
TODO comments in Task List, Tip 5.25: You can assign a priority to your Task List’s user tasks
Toggle All Outlining command, Outlining
Toggle Outlining Expansion command, Outlining
tokens for external tools, Tip 6.14: How the external tools tokens work
tokens in Task List, Tip 5.27: You can create shortcuts in your Task List
tool window tabs, placement of, Solution Explorer: Is it on the left side or right side of the IDE?
tool windows, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 1, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 1, Output Window, Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window, Tip 5.23: You can create new Toolbox tabs, Tip 5.31: You can create keyboard shortcuts to navigate among the various Task List categories (by using View.NextTask and View.PreviousTask), Tip 7.30: You can view an error’s documentation directly from the Error List
Command Window, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 1
Object Browser, Tip 5.31: You can create keyboard shortcuts to navigate among the various Task List categories (by using View.NextTask and View.PreviousTask)
Output window, Output Window
Task List, Tip 5.23: You can create new Toolbox tabs, Tip 7.30: You can view an error’s documentation directly from the Error List
multicolumn sort in, Tip 7.30: You can view an error’s documentation directly from the Error List
Toolbox, Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window
tool windows management, Tool Windows, Tool Windows, Autohiding State, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?, Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
autohiding, Autohiding State
docking and undocking, Tool Windows
floating, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position
hidden keyboard shortcuts, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
hide state, Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group
keyboard navigation, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
tabbed document state, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
toolbar management, Toolbars
toolbars within tool windows, accessing, Tip 4.30: How to resize a tool window from the keyboard
Toolbox, Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window
Tools.Shell command, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window
ToolTips, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space, Tip 4.38: How to display any toolbar at any time
font size for, Tip 1.24: How to enable virtual space
for toolbars, showing shortcut keys in, Tip 4.38: How to display any toolbar at any time
top, jumping to, Tip 1.13: How to use the mouse wheel for scrolling in all directions
tracepoints, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer
Track Active Item In Solution Explorer option, Tip 7.12: How to hide or show a solution in the Solution Explorer
tracking changes in editor, Visual Cues
transparency in statement completion window, Interviewing at Microsoft
transposing text in editor, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location
turning off (disabling), Tip 2.37: How to turn off IntelliSense by default, Tip 4.7: You can use Ctrl+Tab to bring up the IDE Navigator to get a bird’s-eye view of and navigate all open files and tool windows, Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window, Tip 5.16: How to stop the Toolbox from autopopulating with items found in the solution, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint
breakpoints, Tip 7.17: You can use Ctrl+F9 to enable or disable a breakpoint
IDE Navigator, Tip 4.7: You can use Ctrl+Tab to bring up the IDE Navigator to get a bird’s-eye view of and navigate all open files and tool windows
IntelliSense, Tip 2.37: How to turn off IntelliSense by default
Stop Search, on Output window, Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window
Toolbox autopopulation, Tip 5.16: How to stop the Toolbox from autopopulating with items found in the solution
type-ahead support, Tip 5.46: You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever is selected, Tip 7.9: There is type-ahead selection support in the Solution Explorer
in Object Browser, Tip 5.46: You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever is selected
in Solution Explorer, Tip 7.9: There is type-ahead selection support in the Solution Explorer
types, marking as Hidden, Tip 5.40: You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser


uncommenting, Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor (see )
Undo button, to move cursor, Tip 1.16: How to navigate forward and backward in the editor all because of go-back markers
undo and redo (in editor), Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor
undocking, Tip 3.16: How to dock the Find And Replace window (see )
UNDONE tokens in Task List, Tip 5.27: You can create shortcuts in your Task List
Untabify Selected Lines command, Tip 2.8: How to keep tabs or to insert spaces
unused code, cleaning, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color
uppercase, keyboard shortcut for, Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor
URL navigation, enabling in editor, Tip 1.21: How to enable URL navigation within the editor
Use option (Find Options), Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution
Use Output Window option, Tip 6.12: You can rearrange the list of external tools and create mnemonics
Use Teams Settings File option, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync
User Tasks, Tip 5.23: You can create new Toolbox tabs, Tip 5.24: You can use the Task List to create user tasks that are separate from your code, Tip 5.24: You can use the Task List to create user tasks that are separate from your code, Tip 5.29: How to disable the prompt for deleting the Task List’s user tasks
(see also )
deleting without prompt, Tip 5.29: How to disable the prompt for deleting the Task List’s user tasks
priorities to, Tip 5.24: You can use the Task List to create user tasks that are separate from your code
separate from code, Tip 5.24: You can use the Task List to create user tasks that are separate from your code
using statements, removing unused, Tip 2.18: How to change the Brace Matching color


variables, DataTips, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
changing values in Watch windows, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
DataTips to edit, DataTips
vertical scroll bar (editor), hiding, Tip 1.14: How to jump to the top or bottom of the current view in the editor without scrolling
virtual space, enabling, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space
visible white space, viewing, Tip 1.31: How to show line numbers in the editor
visual cues (editor), Visual Cues, Outlining, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?
brace matching, Tip 2.17: What does that Automatic Delimiter Highlighting option do?
collapsing and expanding code, Outlining
delimiter highlighting, Tip 2.16: How to open something in the binary editor
Visual Studio commands, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 1, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window, Find Combo Box Runs Commands
aliases for, Tip 5.4: How to run external executables from the Command Window
running from Command Window, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 1
running in Find combo box, Find Combo Box Runs Commands
.vssettings file, Tip 5.48: How to use type-ahead selection support in the Object Browser, Tip 6.3: What settings are contained in the New Project Dialog Preferred Language category, Tip 6.3: What settings are contained in the New Project Dialog Preferred Language category, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync
categories of settings in, Tip 6.3: What settings are contained in the New Project Dialog Preferred Language category
customizing, Tip 6.3: What settings are contained in the New Project Dialog Preferred Language category
exporting Object Browser customizations to, Tip 5.48: How to use type-ahead selection support in the Object Browser
synchronizing across team, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync


Warnings button (Error List), binding shortcut to, Tip 7.31: You can do multicolumn sorting (secondary sort, and so forth) in both the Error List and the Task List
warnings in Output window, double-clicking, Output Window
Watch windows, Tip 7.32: You can bind the show Errors, Warnings, and Messages buttons to keyboard shortcuts
white space (editor), Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line, Tip 1.31: How to show line numbers in the editor, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line, Tip 2.9: How to convert spaces to tabs and tabs to spaces
(see also )
deleting leading, Tip 1.6: You can use Ctrl+L to cut the current line and Ctrl+Shift+L to delete the current line
tabs vs. spaces in code, Tip 2.7: How to format the document, the selected text, or just the current line
viewing visible white space, Tip 1.31: How to show line numbers in the editor
wildcards, searching with, Tip 3.21: How to search within the current project or entire solution
window layouts, resetting, Tip 6.4: You can add your own files to the Import And Export Settings–Reset page list
window management, Manage Your Environment Layout, Tool Windows, Tool Windows, Autohiding State, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?, Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts, Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window, Tip 4.35: How to access a file window layout mode that you can customize, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync, Tip 7.5: You can create temp or "throw away" projects
dialog boxes, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync, Tip 7.5: You can create temp or "throw away" projects
External Tools feature, Tip 6.9: You can use team settings to keep Visual Studio settings on different machines in sync
Import And Export Settings feature, Discover More Tools for Your Design Time, Part 2
Project Location Is Not Trusted message box, Tip 7.5: You can create temp or "throw away" projects
tool windows, Tool Windows, Tool Windows, Autohiding State, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?, Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
autohiding, Autohiding State
docking and undocking, Tool Windows
floating, Tip 4.22: You can speed up or slow down how fast a tool window slides out from a docked position
hidden keyboard shortcuts, Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts
hide state, Tip 4.27: How to use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to navigate among all the tool windows in a tool window group
keyboard navigation, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
tabbed document state, Tip 4.23: Why would you want to make a tool window float?
toolbars and context menus, Tip 4.35: How to access a file window layout mode that you can customize
window layouts, Tip 4.32: You can use Shift+Esc to close a tool window
Window menu, customizing files shown in, Tip 2.25: How to customize what directory the File–Open–File dialog box opens to
Window Windows dialog box, Tip 4.5: How to close just the selected files you want, Tip 4.11: How to enter MDI mode
Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically buttons, Tip 4.11: How to enter MDI mode
Windows Explorer browser, opening directly to active file, Tip 4.2: You can use Close All But This on files in the file tab channel
windows in editor, Tip 1.17: How to use Undo to jump the cursor back to the last insertion point, Tip 1.19: How to split a window and create new windows
jumping between split windows, Tip 1.19: How to split a window and create new windows
splitting or creating, Tip 1.17: How to use Undo to jump the cursor back to the last insertion point
Windows Live Writer, Tip 6: Set your tips to go live before dawn
word completion, Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results, Tip 2.32: How to display quick info for a function
word wrap, enabling, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space, Tip 5.9: How to stop the Output window from showing itself during a build
in editor, Word Wrap versus Virtual Space
in Output window, Tip 5.9: How to stop the Output window from showing itself during a build
words (editor), Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location, Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor, Tip 3.1: How to behold the power of incremental search
changing case of, keyboard shortcut for, Tip 1.10: How to transpose characters, words, and lines in the editor
deleting next or preceding, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
searching for current, Tip 3.1: How to behold the power of incremental search
selecting current, Tip 1.2: How to cycle through the Clipboard ring to paste different things
transposing, Tip 1.8: You can drag code or text to a new location
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