
I owe a debt of gratitude to my editors at Que Publishing. Loretta, it’s been such a pleasure to work with you over the years. Todd, thanks for your consistent work to improve what comes out of my mind. To Kathleen and Ian, thank you for your hard work in ensuring that this book is technically accurate and easy to understand. To Seth, thanks for your commitment to a quality book. Although the cover of this book bears my name only, the book would have not been possible without the commitment of all of you, and I am sincerely thankful for all your hard work.

Thanks to Anna Ullrich, Paul Bartholomew, Justin Harrison, Steve Guttman, Erik Saltwell, Marc Kapke, Mike Calvo, and Erik Mikkelson at Microsoft, all of whom were of great help in answering questions that arose during the writing of this book. I also owe John Dixon at Microsoft a special thank you for always being available for questions about add-in development. Without John’s assistance, the last part of this book simply wouldn’t have been possible.


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