
_vti folders, displaying, 26–27

<div> tag, adding to ASP.NET Ajax pages, 549

<table> tag

align attribute, 88–90

cellpadding attribute, 91–92

cellspacing attribute, 92–93

frame attribute, 93

<td> tag, colspan attribute, 94–95


absolute positioning, 284

layers, 378–380

AccessDataSource control (ASP.NET), 590–591

accessibility, 199

frames, 204

hyperlinks, 202–203

tables, 203

WCAG, 202

Accessibility Checker, 16, 205–206

Accessibility panel, 206–207

accessibility reports, 208–209

accessing Page Editor Options dialog, 185

Add-In Builder, creating add-in manifest, 662–666

add-in manifest, 618–622

creating with Add-In Builder, 662–666

editing with Add-In Builder, 667


Ajax functionality to ASP.NET pages, 543–548

interactivity to layers, 388–393

add-ins, 23, 613–616

adding functionality with JavaScript, 673–682

commands, 622–624

composition of, 616–617

debugging, 691–698

debug consoles, 694–695

Extensibility Tester, 691–693

Visual Studio, 695–698

dialog boxes, 622–624

installation package, creating, 687–689

JavaScript, 616–617

managed classes, accessing, 682–687

menus, 624–627

internal ID values, 631

panels, 627–630

planning, 659–661

testing, 689–691

toolbars, 624–627

internal ID values, 650

user interfaces, creating, 667–673


code formatting, 81–83

page size, 78–79

table width, 103–104

Adobe Photoshop files, importing, 167–168

AdRotator control (ASP.NET), 419–426

Advanced tab (Page Properties dialog), 62

Advanced tab, Site Settings dialog, 257–258

Ajax, 538

Ajax Control Toolkit, 543

align attribute, <table> tag, 88–90


cell content, 100–103

aligning cell content, 95–96

Apply Styles panel, 14–15

CSS styles, applying, 292–293, 304–307


HTML rules to find and replace, 179–180

multiple CSS classes, 289–290

arranging CSS styles, 315–316

ASP.NET, 22, 410–412

Ajax functionality, adding, 543–548

contact forms, creating, 606–608

Content Pages, 464–467

controls, 414–418, 419

AdRotator control, 419–426

Calendar control, 426–430

CreateUserWizard, 488–489

formatting, 439

Login control, 478–481

LoginStatus control, 482–487

LoginView control, 489–491

Menu control, 444–450

PasswordRecovery control, 487–488

properties, 415–418

SiteMapPath control, 457–459

TreeView control, 451–456

user controls, 475–476

Wizard control, 431–439

data, displaying in tabular form, 592–596

data source controls, 589–592

detail view, creating, 601–603

editing data with, 597–599


confirmation pages, displaying, 613

contact forms, 602–605

sending, 608–613

validation controls, 608–610

GridView control, editing data, 597–599

history of data access, 585–587

language, selecting, 412

login system, creating, 476–477

Master Pages, 459–463

master view, creating, 600–601

Menu control, 444–450

pages, creating, 49–50, 412–413

sitemap files, 588

creating, 443–444

user controls, creating, 524–525

validated forms, creating, 515–521

validation controls, 510–512

properties, 513–514

validation groups, 521–522

Web Parts, 522

Web Parts controls, editing, 537–538

Web Parts page

creating, 526–528

display modes, 529–534

ASP.NET Ajax, 538–543

Ajax Control Toolkit, 543

client-side Ajax, 542

<div> tag, adding, 549

client library, creating, 549–550

client script, adding to ScriptManager control, 550–552

ScriptManager control, adding, 546–548

server-side Ajax, 542–543

UpdatePanel control, adding, 548

attaching Dynamic Web Templates

to existing page, 322–323

to new page, 324

attributes (tags), 126

setting, 128–130

attributes, add-in manifest, 618–622

Authoring tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 193–194

auto thumbnails, configuring, 155

AutoThumbnail tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 191


behaviors, 19, 344

adding within paragraphs, 344–345

Call Script behavior, 345–346

Change Property behavior, 346–349

Change Property Restore behavior, 349

Go To URL, 349–350

Jump Menu behavior, 350

Jump Menu Go behavior, 350–351

layer properties, configuring visibility, 387–389

Open Browser Window behavior, 351–352

Popup Message behavior, 353

Preload Images behavior, 353

Set Text behavior, 354–356

Swap Image behavior, 357

Swap Image Restore behavior, 357–358

when to use, 358

Behaviors panel, 341

Berners-Lee, Tim, 209

bookmarks, 84

Bradbury, Nick, 132

bread crumb navigation system, 443

browser compatibility, 209–210

Browser Size drop-down (SuperPreview), 224

building layouts with SuperPreview, 230–232

Button tab (Interactive Button dialog), 334–335

buttons, interactive buttons, 19, 332–334

editing, 340


Calendar control (ASP.NET), 426–430

Call Script behavior, 345–346

cascading order, 300

cellpadding attribute, <table> tag, 91–92


content, aligning, 100–103

merging, 99–101

cellspacing attribute

<table> tag, 92–93

content, aligning, 95–96

centering DIV with CSS, 292

Change Property behavior, 346–349

Change Property Restore behavior, 349

checking accessibility, 205–206

child elements, 617

child layers, 383–386

classes, CSS, 287–289

multiple, applying, 289–290

client library, creating for ASP.NET Ajax pages, 549–550

client script, adding to ScriptManager control, 550–552

client-side Ajax, 542

Code Block (PHP scripting), 575–576

Code Formatting tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 191

code snippets, 68

inserting, 65

Code Snippets tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 195

Code View, 79–84

bookmarks, 84

code formatting, adjusting, 81–83

Dynamic Web Templates

code, viewing, 331–332

modifying attached pages, 325–327

IntelliSense, 84

PHP, syntax highlighting, 568–569

Quick Tags tools, 83–84

Color Coding tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 193

colspan attribute, <td> tag, 94–95

COM (Component Object Model), 613

command prompt, starting Microsoft Expression Development Server, 585

commands, 622–624

Comment item (PHP scripting), 576–577

Common Language Runtime, 581


CSS and HTML, 274–276

Master Pages and Dynamic Web Templates, 466

comparison browser selectors (SuperPreview), 222–223

compatibility, 209

browser compatibility, 209–210

Expression Web features

code problems, identifying, 210–213

marking invalid code, 213

reports, 214–216

Compatibility Checker, 16

compliance with web standards, 131–132

composition of add-ins, 616–617


auto thumbnails, 155

file editors, 65–67

frames, 112–114

inline frames, 117–118

Microsoft Expression Development Server, 560–561

PHP, IntelliSense, 570–572

publishing destinations, 241–243

reports, 261–263

spell checking, 59

Confirmation Page tab (Form Properties dialog), 404–406

confirmation pages, displaying with ASP.NET, 613

contact forms, ASP.NET, 602–605

creating, 606–608


adding to layers, 381–386

formatting with CSS, 278–284

positioning with CSS, 284–287

publishing, 232–236

server options, 236–240

Content Pages (ASP.NET), 464–467

context menu (Code View), 84

controlling positioning, 142


ASP.NET, 414–418, 419

AdRotator control, 419–426

Calendar control, 426–430

formatting, 439

Menu control, 444–450

properties, 415–418

SiteMapPath control, 457–459

TreeView control, 451–456

Wizard control, 431–439

Login control, 478–481

LoginStatus control, 482–487

LoginView control, 489–491

PasswordRecovery control, 487–488

user controls, 475–476

creating, 524–525

Web Parts controls, 524–526

editing, 537–538

converting image formats, 151–153

Cookie variable PHP scripting, 574–575

CreateUserWizard control (ASP.NET), 488–489


add-in manifest with Add-In Builder, 662–666

add-ins, user interface, 667–673

ASP.NET contact forms, 606–608

ASP.NET pages, 412–413

child layers, 383–386

CSS style sheets, 279

Dynamic Web Templates, layout page, 319

forms, 396–400

framesets, 110–112

image maps, 156–157

login systems, 476–477

managed classes, 683–686

Master Page site, 459


ASP.NET pages, 49–50

CCS layouts, 49–51

frame pages, 51

general pages, 46–49

hyperlinks, 55–58

sitemap files, 443–444

sites, 9–10

with SSL, 35–38

style sheets, 51

thumbnails, 153–155

user controls (ASP.NET), 524–525

Web Packages, 264–270

Web Parts page, 526–528

CSS, 272–274

cascading order, 300

classes, 287–289

multiple, applying, 289–290


formatting, 278–284

positioning, 284–287

display property, comparing with visibility property, 675

DIV, centering, 292

embedded style sheets, 239–240

errors, checking for, 313–315

external style sheets, 277

IDs, 300

inheritance, 300

inline styles, 278

layouts, creating, 49–51

pseudo-classes, 290–291

pseudo-elements, 291

purpose of, 274–276

styles, applying

Apply Styles panel, 292–293, 304–307

Link Style Datasheet dialog, 295

Manage Styles panel, 293–295, 299–305

Style Builder, 297–298, 310–312

text, formatting, 52–55

CSS Properties panel, 307–310

CSS styles, applying, 295

CSS reports, 17–18, 313–315

CSS tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 191–193

CSS tools (Style Builder), 13–14

custom panel page size, creating, 668

Custom tab (Page Properties dialog), 62

customizing tables, 97–99


data access

history of, 587

technologies in Expression Web, 588

data access features, 23

data source controls (ASP.NET), 589–592


membership database, publishing with Web Deploy, 507–510

saving form results to, 407–410

debug consoles, debugging add-ins, 694–695


add-ins, 691–698

debug consoles, 694–695

Extensibility Tester, 691–693

Visual Studio, 695–698

JavaScript, 377–378

Deep Zoom images, 21

inserting, 161–162

Default Fonts tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 191


frames, 114

recent searches, 183–185

rows from tables, 106

deprecated HTML, 90

design surface, 8

Design View, 70–79

images, tracing, 76–78

page size, adjusting, 78–79

PHP, displaying formatting marks, 566–567

Ruler and Grid feature, 74–77

visual aids, 70–74


for imported sites, specifying, 44–45

publishing, configuring, 241–243

detaching Dynamic Web Templates, 330

detail view, creating with ASP.NET, 601–603

dialog boxes, 622–624

disk-based sites, 29–32

display modes for Web parts page, 529–534

display property, comparing with visibility property, 675


_vti folders, 26–27

ASP.NET data in tabular form, 592–596

PHP information in Design View, 577–578

document object (DOM), 365–366

DOM (Document Object Model), 363–366

document object, 365–366

window object, 364–365

DOM Highlighting, 220–221

dynamic content warning, troubleshooting Microsoft Expression Development Server, 582–583

Dynamic DNS, 254

Dynamic Web Templates, 11, 316–318

attached pages, modifying in Code View, 325–327


to existing page, 322–323

to new page, 324

code, viewing in Code View, 331–332

detaching, 330

editable regions, adding, 327–328

layout page

creating, 319

editable regions, adding, 319

modifying, 324–325


editable regions

adding to Dynamic Web Templates, 327–328

renaming, 328–329


add-in manifest with Add-In Builder, 667

ASP.NET data, 597–599

interactive buttons, 340

page content with Quick Tag Editor, 136–142

recent searches, 183–185

tags, 137–138

properties, 142

Web Parts controls, 537–538

elements of add-in manifest, 618–622

email, ASP.NET

confirmation pages, displaying, 613

contact forms, 602–605, 606–608

sending, 608–613

validation controls, 608–610

Email Results tab (Form Properties dialog), 402–404

embedded style sheets, 239–240

tables, formatting, 103

enabling PHP for IIS using FastCGI, 561–562

errors (CSS), checking for, 313–315

events, 126, 130–131

Expression Media Encoder, 21

Extensibility Tester, debugging add-ins, 691–693

external style sheets, 277


FastCGI, 557

enabling PHP for IIS, 561–562


in Vista and Windows, 558–559

in Windows Server 2008, 559


add-ins, 23

data access, 23

PHP support, 22

file editors, configuring, 65–67

File Results tab (Form Properties dialog), 401–402

file system method, importing sites, 42

files, importing, 51

Find and Replace tool, 11

find and replace tool, 169–171

HTML rules, applying, 179–180

HTML tags, finding and replacing, 181–182

queries, saving, 182–183

recent searches, removing, 183–185

regular expressions, 172–173


finding, 173–176

replacing, 176–178

troubleshooting, 174–175

Flash movies, inserting, 157–159

Folder list, 7–8

Font Families tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 197

Font tab (Interactive Button dialog), 335–337

fonts, formatting, 54–55

form controls, 396

form field validation, JavaScript, 373–377

Form Properties dialog

Confirmation Page, 404–406

Email Results tab, 402–404

File Results tab, 401–402

Saved Fields tab, 406–407

Form variable, PHP scripting, 572–573


ASP.NET controls, 439

of code, adjusting, 81–83

content with CSS, 278–284

images, 148–151

tables, embedded style sheets, 103

text, 52–55

fonts, 54–55

formatting marks (PHP), displaying in Design View, 566–567

Formatting tab (Page Properties dialog), 62


creating, 396–400

hidden fields, 410

HTML forms, 393–396


saving to database, 407–410

saving to file, 400–401

validated forms, creating, 515–521

frame attribute, <table> tag, 93

frame pages, creating, 51


accessibility, 204

alternative content, creating, 114–115

borders, 119

breaking out of, 121

configuring, 112–114

deleting, 114

inline frames, inserting, 117–118

resizable, 120–121

splitting, 113–114

targeting, 115–116

when not to use, 110

when to use, 107

framesets, creating, 110–112

FrontPage Server Extension, 237

sites, importing, 40–42

FTP, importing sites, 41–39

FTP sites, 32–34

FTPS, importing sites, 41–39

functions, PHP, 556–557


general pages, creating, 46–49

General tab

Page Editor Options dialog, 185–190

Page Properties dialog, 60–62

Site Settings dialog, 255–256

generating previews, 225–226

with SuperPreview, 218–219

GIF format, 143–146

transparency, setting, 152

Go To URL behavior, 349–350

GridView control (ASP.NET), editing data with, 597–599


hidden form fields, 410

hierarchical menu systems, 420

history of browser scripting, 358–360

history of data access, 585–587

HomeSite, 132

hotspots, creating on images, 156


<table> tag

align attribute, 88–90

cellpadding attribute, 91–92

cellspacing attribute, 92–93

frame attribute, 93

<td> tag, colspan attribute, 94–95

versus CSS, 274–276

deprecated HTML, 90

inserting, 140

optimizing during publishing, 244–246

publishing, troubleshooting, 246–253


customizing, 97–99

inserting, 97

rows, adding and deleting, 106

tags, finding and replacing, 181–182

HTML bookmarks, 57–58

HTML forms, 393–396

HTML rules

applying to find and replace, 179–180

htmlElement object (JavaScript), 742–751

HTTP method, importing sites, 42–43

HTTP sites, 35–38


accessibility, 202–203

creating, 55–58

parameters, 56–58

screentips, creating, 58

targeting, 56


IIS 5, configuring membership site, 492–495

IIS 6, configuring membership site, 492–495


installing in Vista and Windows, 558–559

membership site, configuring, 494–502

image maps, creating, 156–157

Image tab, Interactive Button dialog, 337–339


Adobe Photoshop files, importing, 167–168

format, converting, 151–153

formats, 143–146

inserting, 146–148

properties, changing, 149–151

resizing, 148

thumbnails, creating, 153–155

tracing, 76–78

Import Site Wizard

destination location, specifying, 44–45

import method, selecting, 38–43


Adobe Photoshop files, 167–168

files, 51


file system method, 42

with FrontPage Server Extension, 40–42

with FTP, 41–39

with FTPS, 41–39

HTTP method, 42–43

with SFTP, 41–39

with WebDAV, 42

Web Packages, 270–271

improving navigation with Master Pages, 459

Include Once script (PHP), 574–575

inline frames, inserting, 117–118

inline styles, 278


code snippets, 65

HTML, 140

images, 146–148

inline frames, 117–118


Deep Zoom images, 161–162

Flash movies, 157–159

Silverlight applications, 159–160

Windows Media, 163–167

tables, 97

installation packages, creating for add-ins, 687–689


FastCGI in Vista and Windows, 558–559

IIS 7 in Vista and Windows, 558–559

PHP, 557–562

IntelliSense, 84

with PHP, 568–571

IntelliSense tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 197

Interactive Button dialog

Button tab, 334–335

Font tab, 335–337

Image tab, 337–339

interactive buttons, 19, 332–334

editing, 340

practical uses for, 341

saving, 339–340

interactivity, adding to layers, 388–393

interface, 9

design surface, 8

Folder list, 7–8

panels, 5–7

status bar, 9

internal ID values

of add-in menus, 631

of add-in toolbars, 650

ISAPI (Internet Server Application Program Interface), 557


JavaScript, 363

accessing and changing attributes, 371–373

adding functionality to add-ins, 673–682

adding to a page, 361–362

add-ins, 616–617

conventions used in this book, 699–702

debugging, 377–378

form field validation, 373–377

htmlElement object, 742–751

linking to external script file, 362–363

managed classes, accessing, 682–687

page elements, showing and hiding, 366–371

xweb.application object, 702–712

xweb.application.settings object, 712–714

xweb.developer object, 714–715

xweb.document object, 715–733

xweb.document.selection object, 751–755

xweb.file object, 733–742

JPEG format, 146

Jump Menu behavior, 350

Jump Menu Go behavior, 350–351


Language tab (Page Properties dialog), 63–65

layers, 19, 378–380

child layers, 383–386

content, adding, 381–386

interactivity, adding, 388–393

positioning, 386–387

resizing, 382–383

visibility, setting, 387–389

z-order, 393

Layout Modes (SuperPreview), 221

layout page

adding editable regions, 319

creating for Dynamic Web Templates, 319


building with SuperPreview, 230–232

previewing with SuperPreview, 224–229

Licklider, J.C.K., 410

limitations of Microsoft Expression Development Server, 583–585

Link Style Datasheet dialog, applying CSS styles, 295

linking JavaScript to external script file, 362–363

Login control (ASP.NET), 478–481

login systems, creating, 476–477

LoginStatus control (ASP.NET), 482–487


Manage Styles panel, 14–15

CSS styles, applying, 293–295, 299–305

managed classes

accessing from JavaScript, 682–687

creating, 683–686

Master Page site, creating, 459

Master Pages, 459–463

navigation, improving, 459

master view, creating with ASP.NET, 600–601

membership database, publishing with Web Deploy, 507–510

membership site, creating, 491–507

Menu control (ASP.NET), 444–450

menus, 624–627

add-ins, internal ID values, 631

merging table cells, 99–101

metadata, 23–27


htmlElement object, 742–751


xweb.application object, 702–712

xweb.application.settings object, 712–714

xweb.developer object, 714–715

xweb.document object, 715–733

xweb.document.selection object, 751–755

xweb.file object, 733–742

Microsoft Expression Development Server, 578–580

configuring, 560–561

dynamic content warning, troubleshooting, 582–583

how to use, 580–583

limitations of, 583–585

starting from command prompt, 585

mismatched editable regions, resolving, 329–330


Deep Zoom images, inserting, 161–162

Flash movies, inserting, 157–159

Silverlight applications, inserting, 159–160

Windows Media, inserting, 163–167

multiple CSS classes, applying, 289–290


navigational systems, 420–443

ASP.NET, creating sitemap files, 443–444

.NET Framework, 581

non-executing PHP code, troubleshooting, 566


Open Browser Window behavior, 351–352

optimization, SEO reports, 263–264

optimizing HTML during publishing, 244–246

origins of tables, 86–87


Page Editor Options dialog

accessing, 185

Authoring tab, 193–194

AutoThumbnail tab, 191

Code Formatting tab, 191

Code Snippets tab, 195

CSS tab, 191–193

Default Fonts tab, 191

General tab, 185–190

IntelliSense tab, 197

Picture tab, 195–196

page elements, showing and hiding with JavaScript, 366–371

Page Properties dialog

Advanced tab, 62

Custom tab, 62

Formatting tab, 62

General tab, 60–62

Language tab, 63–65

page size, adjusting, 78–79

page transitions, 168–169

page views, 50

Code View, 79–84

bookmarks, 84

code formatting, adjusting, 81–83

context menu, 84

IntelliSense, 84

Quick Tags tools, 83–84

Design View, 70–79

image, tracing, 76–78

page size, adjusting, 78–79

Ruler and Grid feature, 74–77

visual aids, 70–74

Split View, 85–86


ASP.NET, creating, 412–413

ASP.NET pages, creating, 49–50

CCS layouts, creating, 49–51

frame pages, creating, 51

general pages, creating, 46–49

hyperlinks, creating, 55–58

style sheets, creating, 51

panels, 5–7

Accessibility panel, 206–207

add-ins, 627–630

Apply Styles panel, 14–15

CSS styles, applying, 292–293, 304–307

Behaviors panel, 341

CSS Properties panel, 307–310

CSS styles, applying, 295

custom page size, creating, 668

interface, creating, 669–671

Manage Styles panel, 14–15

CSS styles, applying, 293–295, 299–305

SnapShot panel, 229–230

Tag Properties panel, 12, 121–126

events, 130–131

tag attributes, setting, 128–130

tag properties, viewing, 126–127

paragraphs, adding behaviors, 344–345

parameters for hyperlinks, 56–58

PasswordRecovery control (ASP.NET), 487–488

perpetual script errors, debugging, 698


in Code View, syntax highlighting, 568–569

comments, 554

formatting marks, displaying in Design View, 566–567

functions, 556–557

information, displaying, 577–578

installing, 557–562

IntelliSense, 568–572

configuring, 570–572

Microsoft Expression Development Server

configuring, 560–561

non-executing code, troubleshooting, 566

pages, previewing, 563–566

program flow, 555–556


Code Block, 575–576

Comment item, 576–577

Cookie variable, 574–575

Form variable, 572–573

Include Once script, 574–575

Session variable, 573–574

URL variable, 573

support for, 22

syntax, 552–557

variables, 555

Picture tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 195–196

planning add-ins, 659–661

PNG format, 146

pointer modes (SuperPreview), 220

Popup Message behavior, 353


content with CSS, 284–287

controlling, 142

layers, 386–387

Preload Images behavior, 353

Preview tab, Site Settings dialog, 256–257

Preview URL (SuperPreview), 221


layout with SuperPreview, 224–229

PHP pages, 563–566


generating, 225–226

generating with SuperPreview, 218–219

program flow, PHP, 555–556


of ASP.NET controls, 415–418

of Calendar control, 427–430

htmlElement object, 742–751

of images, changing, 149–151

of validation controls, 513–514

xweb.document object, 715–733

xweb.document.selection object, 751–755

pseudo-classes (CSS), 290–291

pseudo-elements (CSS), 291

publishing, 232–236

destination, configuring, 241–243

files, synchronizing, 244

HTML, optimizing, 244–246

membership database with Web Deploy, 507–510

server options, 236–240

troubleshooting, 246–253

publishing sites, 10–11

Publishing tab, Site Settings dialog, 258–259

purpose of CSS, 274–276


queries (find and replace tool), saving, 182–183

Quick Tag Editor

page content, editing, 136–142

when to use, 142–143

Quick Tag Selector, selecting elements, 134–135

Quick Tags tool, 13, 83–84, 132–134

Quick Tag Editor

page content, editing, 136–142

when to use, 142–143

Quick Tag Selector, selecting elements, 134–135


recent searches, editing, 183–185

regular expressions, find and replace tool, 172–173

remote browsers, 230–232

removing tags, 138–140

renaming editable regions, 328–329

rendering problems, troubleshooting in SuperPreview, 225–229

replacing text, 176–178


accessibility reports, 208–209

configuring, 261–263

CSS reports, 313–315

saving, 263

SEO reports, 263–264

site reports, 10, 259–263

resizable frames, 120–121


images, 148

layers, 382–383

resolving mismatched editable regions, 329–330

rows, adding and deleting, 106

rowspan attribute, <td> tag, 94–95

Ruler and Grid feature (Design View), 74–77

Ruler and Grid tab (Page Editor Options dialog), 195–196


Saved Fields tab (Form Properties dialog), 406–407


find and replace queries, 182–183

form results to a database, 407–410

form results to a file, 400–401

interactive buttons, 339–340

reports, 263

screentips, hyperlink screentips, 58


DOM, 363–366

document object, 365–366

window object, 364–365

history of, 358–360


accessing and changing attributes, 371–373

adding functionality to add-ins, 673–682

adding to a page, 361–362

debugging, 377–378

form field validation, 373–377

htmlElement object, 742–751

page elements, showing and hiding, 366–371

xweb.application object, 702–712

xweb.application.settings object, 712–714

xweb.developer object, 714–715

xweb.document object, 715–733

xweb.document.selection object, 751–755

xweb.file object, 733–742

perpetual script errors, debugging, 698


Code Block, 575–576

Comment item, 576–577

Cookie variable, 574–575

Form variable, 572–573

Include Once script, 574–575

Session variable, 573–574

URL variable, 573

scripts, writing, 366–377

ScriptManager control

adding to ASP.NET Ajax pages, 548

client script, adding, 550–552

Section 508, 199


ASP.NET language, 412

elements with Quick Tag Selector, 134–135

type of site, 45–46

sending email with ASP.NET, 608–613

SEO Checker, 17

SEO reports, 263–264

server-side Ajax, 542–543

Session variable, PHP scripting, 573–574

Set Text behavior, 354–356

SFTP, importing sites, 41–39

Silverlight applications, inserting, 159–160

site optimization

Accessibility Checker, 16

Compatibility Checker, 16

CSS Reports, 17–18

SEO Checker, 17

SuperPreview, 17–18

site reports, 10, 259–263

Site Settings dialog

Advanced tab, 257–258

General tab, 255–256

Preview tab, 256–257

Publishing tab, 258–259

sitemap files, 588

creating, 443–444

SiteMapDataSources control (ASP.NET), 591

SiteMapPath control (ASP.NET), 457–459

sites, 23

creating, 9–10

with SSL, 35–38

disk-based, 29–32


when not to use, 110

when to use, 107

FTP, 32–34

HTTP, 35–38


file system method, 42

with FrontPage Server Extension, 40–42

with FTP, 41–39

with FTPS, 41–39

HTTP method, 42–43

with SFTP, 41–39

with WebDAV, 42

Master Page site, creating, 467–475

membership site, creating, 491–507

metadata, 23–27

publishing sites, 10–11

subsites, 27

templates, 27–29

type of, selecting, 45–46

SnapShot panel, 229–230

spell checking, 59

Split View, 85–86

splitting frames, 113–114

SqlDataSource control (ASP.NET), 591

SSL, creating sites, 35–38

standards, web standards compliance, 131–132

starting Microsoft Expression Development Server from command prompt, 585

status bar, 9

Style Builder, 13–14

CSS styles, applying, 297–298, 310–312

style sheets

creating, 51, 279

embedded style sheets, formatting tables, 103

subsites, 27

SuperPreview, 17–18, 216–218

Browser Size drop-down, 224

comparison browser selectors, 222–223

DOM tab, 222–223


DOM Highlighting, 220–221

Layout Modes, 221

pointer modes, 220

UI Helpers, 220


building, 230–232

previewing, 224–229

Preview URL, 221

previews, generating, 218–219, 225–226

remote browsers, 230–232

SnapShot panel, 229–230

Swap Image behavior, 357

Swap Image Restore behavior, 357–358

synchronizing published files, 244

syntax (PHP), highlighting in Code View, 568–569



accessibility, 203

borders, 90–91


content, aligning, 95–96

merging, 99–101

customizing, 97–99

inserting, 97

origins of, 86–87

rows, adding and deleting, 106

width, adjusting, 103–104

tabular form, displaying ASP.NET data in, 592–596

tag properties

attributes, 126

events, 126

viewing in Tag Properties panel, 126–127

Tag Properties panel, 12, 121–126

events, 130–131

web standards compliance, 131–132


attributes, setting, 128–130

editing, 137–138

PHP, 554

properties, editing, 142

removing, 138–140

wrapping, 141–142


frames, 115–116

hyperlinks, 56


Dynamic Web Templates, 11, 316–318

attached pages, modifying in Code View, 325–327

attaching to existing page, 322–323

attaching to new page, 324

site templates, 27–29

testing add-ins, 689–691


finding and replacing, 172–178

formatting, 52–55

fonts, 54–55

thumbnails, creating, 153–155

toolbars, 624–627

add-ins, internal ID values, 650


ASP.NET controls, 22

form controls, 396

Web Parts controls, 524–526

tracing images, 76–78

transparency of GIFs, setting, 152

TreeView control (ASP.NET), 451–456


find and replace tool, 174–175

HTML publishing, 246–253

Microsoft Expression Development Server, dynamic content warning, 582–583

non-executing PHP code, 566

page transitions, 169

rendering problems in SuperPreview, 225–229

unavailable Quick Tag tools, 134

type of site, selecting, 45–46


UI Helpers (SuperPreview), 220

unavailable Quick Tag tools, troubleshooting, 134

UpdatePanel control, adding to ASP.NET Ajax pages, 548

URL variable, PHP scripting, 573

user controls (ASP.NET), 475–476

user controls, creating, 524–525

user interfaces, creating, 667–673


validated forms, creating, 515–521

validation controls, ASP.NET, 510–512, 608–610

properties, 513–514

validation groups, 521–522

variables, PHP, 555

video, inserting Silverlight video, 160–162


Dynamic Web Template code, 331–332

tag properties, 126–127

Vischeck, 216

visibility of layers, setting, 387–389

visibility property (CSS), comparing with display property, 675

Vista, installing IIS 7, 558–559

visual aids (Design View), 70–74

Visual Studio, debugging add-ins, 695–698


WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), 202

web browsers, browser compatibility, 209–210

Web Deploy, publishing membership database, 507–510

web hosting, 253–254

Web Packages, 264

creating, 264–270

importing, 270–271

Web Parts, 522

Web Parts catalog, 534–536

Web Parts controls, 524–526

editing, 537–538

Web Parts page

creating, 526–528

display modes, 529–534

web standards compliance, 131–132

web-based forums, 272

WebDAV, importing sites, 42

width of tables, adjusting, 103–104

window object (DOM), 364–365

Windows Media, inserting, 163–167

Windows Server 2008, installing IIS 7, 559

Wizard control (ASP.NET), 431–439

wrapping tags, 141–142

writing scripts, 366–377

WYSIWYG web design products, 50


XML, 617–618

add-in manifest, 618–622

child elements, 617

XmlDataSource control (ASP.NET), 592

XMLHttp, 538

xweb.application object (JavaScript), 702–712

xweb.application.settings object (JavaScript), 712–714

xweb.developer object (JavaScript), 714–715

xweb.document object, 715–733

xweb.document.selection object (JavaScript), 751–755

xweb.file object, 733–742


z-order of layers, 393

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