

Acentric factor:

combining rules, 170, 724

data, 112, 845

definition, 111, 164

and second virial coefficients, 165

and third virial coefficients, 168, 170

quantum gases, 112

effective value, 173

relation to critical compressibility factor, 165, 173


definition, 22, 218

equilibrium equation, 23

Flory-Huggins theory, 425, 427

ideal solution, 219

incipient instability, 273, 275

mean ionic, 514

residual, Prigogine-Flory-Patterson theory, 451

standard state, 787

Activity coefficient:

associated solutions, 355-360, 366

from data for other component, 232-236

definition, 218, 224, 235

Flory-Huggins theory, 426-429

group contributions, 350, 808

at infinite dilution,

definition, 804

by differential ebulliometry, 804

by head-space analysis, 805

by gas-liquid chromatography, 428, 804

Margules equation, 226, 255, 587, 592, 645

and solubility limits, 794

van Laar equation, 807

Wilson equation, 807

lattice theory, random mixtures, 333

Margules equation, 226, 243

mean ionic, 514, 832

pressure and temperature dependence, 521

molality, 509

multicomponent systems, 280-294, 325, 614

normalization of, 222-225

NRTL, 262

pressure derivative, 220, 221

Redlich-Kister expansion, 228, 238

regular-solution theory, 315, 606, 646

modified, 321, 647

relation to average chain length, 361

relation to excess Gibbs energy, 219, 226

Scatchard-Hamer equation, 257

solvated solutions, 369-374

standard state, 214, 246, 508-511

temperature derivative, 220


van Laar equation, 252, 311

Wilson equation, 258

Additivity assumption, 132, 153, 154

corrections to, 154

Amagat’s law, 36, 125, 704

Area fraction; see Surface fraction

Area test; see Thermodynamic consistency

ASOG method, 350, 808

Associated solutions:

Dolezalek model, 353

multiple association, 358

Flory-Scatchard model, 364

Association, 81, 352

gas solubility in liquids, 618

SAFT, 368

in vapor phase, 174-179

Athermal solutions, 253, 421

Axilrod-Teller correction, 154


Barker method, 236

Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation, Lee-Kesler form, 113

Boiling-point method, 242-245

Boltzmann factor, 63

Boltzmann relation, 762

Boyle temperature, 29, 142

Branching, effect on:

boiling point, 77

cohesive-energy density, 323

enthalpy of mixing, 79

Bubble-point, 673, 684

Buckingham potential, modified; see Exp-6 potential


Canonical ensemble, 754-762

statistical analogues of thermodynamic properties, 759

Canonical partition function, 105, 767-769

definition, 759

of lattice, 331

relation to equation of state, 106, 382, 761

van der Waals, generalized; see van der Waals partition function

Chain length, average, 361

Charge-transfer complexes, 88-93, 651

Chemical forces, comparison with physical forces, 78, 374, 619, 629

Chemical potential:

from canonical partition function, 382

definition, 16, 21

excess, 787

as function of T and P, 34

as function of T and V, 45

in grand canonical ensemble, 767

of monomer, in associated or solvated solutions, 818

of pure ideal gas, 21

pressure derivative, 21

relation to activity, 21

relation to activity coefficient, 787

relation to fugacity, 21

residual, reduced, 451

and standard state, 20, 508-510

temperature derivative, 787

Chemical Theory:

associated solutions, 352-363

high-pressure phase equilibria, 730-737

second virial coefficient, 179-189

solvated solutions, 369-374

Closed system:

homogeneous, definition, 10

equilibrium equations, 11-14

heterogeneous, definition, 17

equilibrium equations, 17, 749-751

Cohesive-energy density:

combining rules, 315, 321, 324, 326

definition, 313

polar and nonpolar contributions, 323

relation to solubility parameter, 315

Collision diameter, 142

Combinatorial contribution, 263, 422, 450

Combinatorial relations, 757, 763, 771

Combining rules:

acentric factor, 170, 724

cohesive-energy density, 315, 321, 324, 326

critical constants, 160, 173, 724

Mollerup, 724

Plöcker, 725

equation-of-state parameters, 38, 49, 50, 311, 327, 699, 715

potential energy, 69, 336

potential energy parameters, 110, 160, 397, 402, 473, 612, 779

virial coefficients, 163, 169

volume, 650

Compressibility factor:

critical, characteristic, 173

Leenard-Jones potential, 109

relation to acentric factor, 173

definition, 35

generalized, 723

PHSC, 400

SAFT, 395

Configurational integral, 106, 769, 824

Configurational properties, 769, 823

Conformal-solution theory:

one-fluid, 344, 386

two-fluid, 344-350

Consolute temperature; see Critical solution temperature

Conversion factors, to SI units, 842

Coordination number, 330, 438, 727

effect on critical solution temperature, 341

Corresponding-states correlations:

fugacity of hypothetical liquid, 608

pseudocritical method, 190

quantum gases, 172

second virial coefficient, 159

third virial coefficient, 168

Corresponding-states theory:

classical, 104

molecular, 105

three-parameter, 112

Lee-Kesler form, 113

Coulomb relation, 60

Critical solution composition:

Margules equation, 276

polymer solutions, 431

van Laar equation, 277

Critical solution temperature, 271, 275-279

effect of third component, 695

lattice theory, 741

Margules equation, 276

pressure dependence, 686

pressure derivative, 693

van Laar equation, 277


de Broglie wavelength, 383, 442

reduced, 779

Debye-Hückel constant, 527, 830

Debye-Hückel limiting law, 524-530

Debye length, 525

Debye temperature, 77

Degeneracy, 332

Degrees of freedom, external, 384, 441

internal, 384, 768

phase rule, 19, 676

Density variables, 676

Dew-point, 673, 684

Dielectric constant, 61

water, 528, 830

Dimerization; see Association

Dipole-dipole interaction, potential energy, 63

Dipole-induced dipole interaction, potential energy, 66

Dipole-quadrupole interaction, potential energy, 65

Dipoles, induced, 66

moments, 62, 71, 152,

definition, 61

reduced, 152, 167

units, 64

schematic representation, 64

Dispersion forces, 68-72

effect on cohesive-energy density, 649

London formula, 69

DISQUAC model, 368

Dissociation, gas solubility in liquids, 626

in vapor phase, 174

Distribution of solute:

liquid in liquids, chemical theory, 378-382

Nernst distribution law, 378

partition coefficient, 378

protein partitioning, 565

Donnan equilibria, 101, 485

Donor number, 622


Effective critical constants, quantum gases, 172

Efectron-donor-acceptor complexes, 88, 651

Electrical potential, difference, 104, 569

Electrolyte, strong, 512

weak, 530

Electrolyte solutions, 507

excess properties, 522

McMillan-Mayer formalism, 556

Lewis-Randall formalism, 556


Chen, 540

“chemical” hydration, 552-556

Debye-Hückel, 524

fundamental, 538

local composition, 540

Pitzer, 543-552, 829-839

semi-empirical, 539

salt solubility, 549

volatile electrolytes, phase equilibria, 557-565

Electroneutrality, 101, 513

Electrostatic forces, 60

Enhancement factor, 192

Ensemble, canonical, 756-762

grand canonical, 762-767


from canonical partition function, 761

configurational, conformal-solution theory, 345

definition, 13, 15

of dimerization, 181

excess; see Excess enthalpy

as function of T and P, 34

of function of T and V, 44

from grand canonical partition function, 761

of hydrogen bonding, 88, 186, 366, 377

of mixing; see Excess enthalpy

partial molar, 215, 220

of solution of gases in liquids, 596


Boltzmann relation, 762

from canonical partition function, 761

of dimerization, 181

excess, see Excess entropy

as function of T and P, 34

of function of T and V, 45

from grand canonical partition function, 761

of hydrogen bonding, 186

of mixing:

combinatorial, Flory-Huggins theory, 423

of ideal solution, 333

residual, Prigogine-Flory-Patterson theory, 450

partial molar, of solution of gases in liquids, 596

Equation of state:

from canonical partition function, 106, 382

from grand canonical partition function, 761

definition, 124

Prigogine-Flory-Patterson, 444

Sanchez-Lacombe, 462

Equilibrium constant:

of association, 354

multiple, 359

relation to second virial coefficient, 179, 186

of solvation, 369, 375

temperature derivative, 337, 366

Equilibrium equation, general, 17, 23, 51

Equilibrium state, definition, 12

Equivalent translational degrees of freedom, 385, 442

ERAS model, 368

Ergodic hypothesis, 756

Euler’s theorem, 14, 217, 786

Eutectic point, 86, 642

Excess enthalpy:

associated solutions, Flory-Scatchard model, 366

athermal solutions, 253

effect on critical solution temperature, 693

electrolyte solutions, 524

in isobaric Gibbs-Duhem equation, 788

lattice model, quasichemical approximation, 339

Prigogine-Flory-Patterson theory, 450

regular solutions, 333

relation to excess Gibbs energy, 216, 328, 376

solvated solutions, 377

Excess entropy:

combinatorial, athermal solutions, 349

definition, 424

Flory-Huggins theory, 425

Lichtenthaler modification, 424

lattice model, quasichemical approximation, 339

regular solutions, 333

Excess functions, definition, 216

partial molar, definition, 217

relations between, 216

Excess Gibbs energy:

associated solutions, Flory-Scatchard model, 365

boundary conditions, 226, 246

definition, 216, 272

electrolyte solutions, 523

lattice model, quasichemical approximation, 339

Margules equation, 226, 240, 272, 695

multicomponent systems, 279-294

NRTL, 261

and phase stability, 272

pressure derivative, 217

Redlich-Kister expansion, 227, 278

regular-solution theory, 333

relation to activity coefficient, 219, 226

electrolyte solutions, 523

relation to excess Helmholtz energy, 326

temperature derivative, 217

UNIQUAC, 263, 349

van Laar equation, 251, 277, 311

Wilson equation, 258

Wohl’s expansion, relative to ideal-

dilute solution, 251

relative to ideal solution, 250

Excess Helmholtz energy:

athermal solutions, 349

definition, 216, 327

lattice model, quasichemical,

approximation, 338

random mixtures, 333

relation to excess Gibbs energy, 326

relation to excess internal energy,

temperature derivative, 338, 348


Excess internal energy:

conformal-solution theory, 348

definition, 328

lattice model, quasichemical, approximation, 338

random mixtures, 333

regular-solution theory, 315

Excess volume:

definition, 328

effect on critical solution temperature, 693

in isothermal Gibbs-Duhem equation, 789

Prigogine-Flory-Patterson theory, 451

regular solutions, 333

Exp-6 potential, 145

parameters, 146

schematic representation, 141, 150, 151

third virial coefficient from, 155

Extensive properties, 33


Field variables, 676

Flash calculation, 795

Flory-Huggins interaction parameter:

composition dependence, 431, 452

definition, 427

estimation, 430

and phase stability, 431

reduced residual chemical potential, 451

relation to solubility parameter, 430

temperature dependence, 455

Flory-Huggins theory:

athermal solutions, 421-423

Lichtenthaler modification, 424

real solutions, 426, 456

gas solubility in mixed solvents, 617

Fourth virial coefficients, definition, 775

relation between, 128, 777

Free volume:

Flory equation, 443

fraction, 811

Percus-Yevick equation, 387

van der Waals equation, 384

Frisch-van der Waals equation, 327

Fugacity; see also Fugacity coefficient

of component in liquid solution, 196, 214

of condensed phase, 41, 195, 214

definition, 21

as function of T and P, 34

as function of T and V, 45

Henry’s law, 196, 378, 586, 589

of hypothetical liquid, 608, 636,

of ideal gas, 22, 36

of ideal liquid solution, 214

Lewis fugacity rule, 24, 37, 124

pressure derivative, 215, 589, 702

standard state, 32, 214, 297, 636

of strongly dimerized component, 176

temperature derivative, 701

total differential, 699

van der Waals equation, 39, 50

Fugacity coefficient:

of condensed phase, 41

definition, 34, 192

as function of T and P, 34, 123

as function of T and V, 45, 124, 713

of ideal gas, 6, 34

Lewis fugacity rule, 125

Peng-Robinson equation, 720

pressure derivative, 711

van der Waals equation, 39, 50

virial equation, 137, 138

Furter equation, 534


Gas-gas equilibrium, 696-699

Gels, polymer, 488

hydrogels, 491

model of Hino, 492

swelling, 489

ratio, 494

Geometric mean; see Combining rules

Gibbs energy:

from canonical partition function, 761

definition, 14, 15

excess; see Excess Gibbs energy

as function of T and P, 34

as function of T and V, 45

from grand canonical partition function, 761

of hydrogen bonding, 83, 177

of mixing, Flory-Huggins, 423, 426

lattice theory, effect of nonrandomness, 342

and phase stability, 271, 340, 687-690

pressure derivative, 688

partial molar; see Chemical potential scaled-particle theory, 612

Gibbs-Duhem equation, 18, 232, 520

thermodynamic consistency, 245-250

Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, 217, 328, 376

Grand canonical ensemble, 762-767

statistical analogues of thermodynamic properties, 765

Grand canonical partition function, 761, 766

Group-contribution methods:

activity coefficients from, 350, 808

equations of state, 810


Hard-core volume, 388, 443, 462, 811

Hard-sphere chain models, 389

PHSC, 400

SAFT, 390

pure components, 395

mixtures, 396

Hard-sphere potential, 139

schematic representation, 140

second virial coefficient from, 139

Heat capacities, definition, 15

Helmholtz energy:

from canonical partition function, 761

configurational, 107, 769, 823

definition, 14, 15

excess; see Excess Helmholtz energy

as function of T and P, 34

as function of T and V, 45

from grand canonical partition function, 761

of mixing, definition, 332

reduced residual, 46

relation to pressure, 327

residual, 770

Henry’s constant:

data, 588, 593, 616, 618

definition, 221, 589, 614

effect of temperature, Benson-Krauser correlation, 600

Harvey correlation, 601

excess, 617

from an equation of state, 593, 609

excess, definition, 617

from Henry’s constant at other pressure, 222

in mixed solvents, 613-619

near solvent critical point, 602

pressure derivative, 589

scaled-particle theory, 610-613

Henry’s law, 378, 586, 626; see also Henry’s constant; Krichevsky-Ilinskaya equation; Krichevsky-Kasamovsky equation

pressure corrected form, 196, 589

Heterogeneous system, 17

Homogeneous system, 10-17

Homomorph, of polar molecule, 179

Hydrophobic, interaction, 94

effect, 95

Hydrogen bonding, 81-88; see also Association; Solvation

Hylotrope, 660


Ideal-dilute solution, 214, 221, 378, 587; see also Henry’s law

Ideal-gas equation, 21, 36

Ideal-gas potential, 139

schematic representation, 140

Ideal solution, 6, 24, 214, 219, 222

activity of, 219

activity coefficient of, 214, 219

chemical theory, 354, 359, 369, 375

deviations from, 216

entropy of mixing of, 333

excess functions for, 216

fugacity of, 214

partial molar enthalpy of, 215

partial molar volume of, 215

and phase stability, 272

Incipient instability, conditions for, 271, 340

Independent intensive variables, 3, 18, 750

Index of refraction, 68

Induced dipole-induced dipole interaction; see Dispersion forces

Induction forces, 66

Intensive properties, 3

Intensive thermodynamic potentials, 17, 749-751

Interchange energy, definition, 331

Kohler method, 334-336

relation to Flory-Huggins parameter, 428

relation to Prigogine-Flory-Patterson parameter, 449

Intermolecular forces; see also Potential energy; Potential energy functions

classification, 58

effect of molecular structure, 77

relation to potential energy, 59

relative magnitude, 71

Intermolecular potential energy; see Potential energy

Internal energy:

of dimerization, 183

from canonical partition function, 759-761

configurational, 769

excess; see Excess internal energy

as function of T and P, 34

as function of T and V, 44

from grand canonical partition function, 761, 765

of hydrogen bonding, 83

of mixing; see Excess internal energy

regular-solution theory, 314

multicomponent systems, 324

residual, 770

of solvation, 183

van der Waals equation, 310

van Laar theory, 309

of vaporization, of hypothetical liquid, 646

Internal equilibrium, 10, 17, 749

Ionic forces, 60

Ionic strength, definition, 524

lonization, effect on gas solubility in liquids, 626

lonization potential, in correlation of volume of mixing, 91

data, 70

definition, 69

Irreversible process, 12

Isolated system, 755

Isothermal compressibility, 445, 705


Joule-Thomson, coefficient, 29,

throttling, 55, 205


K factor, 674, 716, 804

definition, 25, 713

Kibara potential, 146

parameters, 149

schematic representation, 141, 150, 151

second virial coefficient from, 147, 148

third virial coefficient from, 155

Kohler equation for excess properties, 284

Kohler method, 334-336

Krichevsky-Ilinskaya equation, 592

Krichevsky-Kasarnovsky equation, 589, 703


Lagrange method of undetermined multipliers, 758, 765

Lambert chemical theory, 179

Lattice model, 329-334

critical solution temperature with, 341

quasichemical approximation, 336-343

random mixtures, 332

Laws of thermodynamics, 10, 762

Lee-Kesler correlation, 113, 609, 725

Legendre transformations, 13, 285

Lennard-Jones potential, 73, 142

and gas solubility in liquids, 603, 612

parameters, 144

combining rules, 612, 779

for quantum gases, 779, 783

relation to critical constants, 109

temperature dependence, 143

schematic representation, 73, 140, 150

second virial coefficient from, 142, 147, 148, 152

third virial coefficient from, 155, 156

Lewis acid-base interactions, 353, 604, 620, 623

Lewis fagacity rule, 24, 37, 39, 124, 197

second virial coefficient with, 163

LFAS model, 368

Liquid-liquid equilibrium:

conditions for, 269-275, 340, 687

Flory-Huggins parameter, 431

Margules equation, 273, 274

Redlich-Kister expansion, 278

equilibrium equation, 690, 792

at high pressure, 687-696

from isothermal flash calculation, 795

Margules equation, 792

for multicomponent systems, 795-801

NRTL, 794

quasi-chemical theory, 340-343


van Laar equation, 794, 796

solubility limits, 793-796

Liquid-liquid-gas equilibrium, 678, 695

Liquids, hypothetical, properties of, 584, 608, 637, 659

Local-composition equations for excess Gibbs energy:

NRTL, 261, 290

electrolyte solutions, 540

UNIQUAC, 263, 290

Wilson equation, 258, 287

London forces; see Dispersion forces


Margules equation:

four-suffix, 234, 240, 255

for multicomponent systems, 280, 613

n-suffix, 234

three-suffix, 237, 256, 282, 793

two-suffix, 226, 243, 272, 280, 592, 613, 645, 689, 695, 792

Mass, reduced, 173, 780

Maximum-term method, 758, 764, 771

Maxwell relations, 15

McMillan-Mayer theory, 97

Melting temperature, effect of pressure and composition, 700

Membranes, nonporous, 475

gas separation, 476, 481

permeability, 480

pervaporation, 476, 478

reverse osmosis, 476, 482

separation factor, 480

separation process, 476

solution-diffusion model, 478, 487

vapor permeation, 476

Micelles, 94

reverse, 94

Microcanonical ensemble, 755, 762

Mie’s potential, 72

for condensed systems, 74

schematic representation, 73

Miscibility, conditions, see Critical solution temperature; Liquid-liquid equilibrium

Mixing rules:

equation of state parameters, 38, 49, 311, 327, 402, 464, 715

virial coefficients, 133, 134, 160, 164, 170

volume, 618, 465

Wong-Sandier, 721


definition, 509

mean ionic, 514

Mutual solubilities; see Liquid-liquid equilibrium


Nernst distribution law, 378

Nonrandom mixtures; see Lattice theory, quasichemical approximation; NRTL; UNIQUAC; Wilson equation

Normal fluid, 166, 181

NRTL, 261

Chen model, 540

multicomponent systems, 290, 799,

liquid-liquid equilibrium, 261, 294, 794, 799


One-liquid theory; see Conformal-solution theory

Open system, definition, 14

homogeneous, fundamental relation, 16

Osmotic coefficient, 512, 517, 831

relation to excess Gibbs energy, 523

Debye-Hückel, 527

Osmotic pressure, 97, 483

van’t Hoff equation, 99

Osmotic virial coefficients, 99, 132


Pairwise additivity; see Additivity assumption

Partial miscibility; see Critical solution temperature; Gas-gas equilibrium, Liquid-liquid equilibrium; Liquid-liquid-gas equilibrium

Partial molar excess properties; see Excess functions

Partial molar properties, 17, 34, 45, 217, 786

Partial pressure:

from Barker method, 236-242

from boiling-point method, 242-245

definition, 584

Henry’s law, 586, 626

Raoult’s law, 25, 584

Partition coefficient, 570

definition, 378

infinite dilution, 602

Partition function:

canonical; see Canonical partition function

configurational; see Configurational partition function

generalized van der Waals, 383

mixtures, 386

grand canonical; see Grand canonical partition function

Peng-Robinson equation, 718

fugacity coefficient, 720

parameters, characteristic binary constant, 720

solid solubility in compressed gases, 195

vapor-liquid equilibrium, 718-720


of vacuum, 60, 526, 830

absolute, 61

relative, 61, 526, 830

Perturbation theory, 821-827; see also Scaled-particle theory

Perturbed hard-chain theory, 387

gas solubility in polymers, 459

vapor-liquid equilibrium, 730

Perturbed hard-sphere-chain theory, 400, 471

Perturbed hard-sphere theory, 382, 387

Phase, definition, 10

Phase equilibrium, and classification of binary systems, 677-680

Phase rule, 3, 19, 675, 751

Phase stability; see also Critical solution temperature; Liquid-liquid equilibrium; Gas-gas equilibrium; Liquid-liquid-gas equilibrium

conditions for, 269-275, 340, 687

Physical forces, comparison with chemical forces, 78, 113, 363-369, 619, 629

Pitzer ion-interaction model, 543-552

parameters, 835, 838

multielectrolyte solutions, 829-839

Polar molecules; see also Stockmayer potential

cohesive-energy density, 323

potential energy between, 63

second virial coefficients, 166

third virial coefficients, 158

Polarizability, 66

volume, 66


average molecular weights, 420

glass-transition temperature, 419

polydispersity index, 420

properties, 418

Polymer solutions:

equation of state, PHSC, 471

Prigogine-Flory-Patterson, 444

SAFT, 471

Sanchez-Lacombe, 462

Flory-Huggins theory, 421

Bae correlation, 434

Hino model, 436

Lichtenthaler modification, 423

real, 427

Potential energy; see also Intermolecular forces; Potential energy functions; Potential energy parameters

between charged molecules, 60

between dipole and induced dipole, 67

between dipole and quadrupole, 65

between dipoles, 63

between nonpolar molecules:

attractive, 68-72, 156

repulsive, 72

between quadrupole and induced

quadrupole, 67

between quadrupoles, 65

of lattice, 331

reduced, 105, 159

relation to interchange energy, 331

relation to intermolecular forces, 59

Potential energy functions:

combining rules, 69, 336

condensed system, 74

determination of best potential, 149

exp-6, 145

hard-sphere, 139

ideal gas, 139

Kihara, 146

Lennard-Jones, 72, 142

Mie, 72

square-well, 143

Stockmayer, 150

Sutherland, 141

Potential energy parameters:

combining rules, 110, 160, 612, 779

estimation, 109

relation to critical constants, 109

Potential of mean force, 96, 132

Poynting correction, 41, 192, 608

Pressure; see also Partial pressure

configurational, 769

critical, data, 172, 844

effective, 172

relation to potential energy parameters, 109

from partition function, 108, 382, 761

reduced, 105, 190, 388, 444, 462

with molecular parameters, 108

relation to Helmholtz energy, 327

residual, 770

scale, natural/chemical processes, 672

Prigogine-Flory-Patterson interaction parameter, 449

Prigogine-Flory-Patterson theory:

mixtures, 445-451

pure fluids, 389, 441-445

Protein partitioning, 565-572

Pseudocritical method, 190


Quadrupole-induced quadrupole interaction, potential energy, 67

Quadrupole-quadrupole interaction, potential energy, 65

Quadrupoles, effect on cohesive-energy density, 650

moments, 65

definition, 64

schematic representation, 64

Quality, in vapor-liquid mixture, 684

Quantum gases:

acentric factor, 112, 173

effective critical constants, 172

virial coefficients, 779

Quantum state, 754

Quasichemical approximation; see Lattice theory


Radial distribution function, 825

Random mixtures; see Lattice theory

Raoult’s law, 24, 241, 308, 584

deviations, 241, 318, 319

Redlich-Kister expansion, 227, 238, 240, 278

and classification of solutions, 228-231

contribution of each term, 229, 278

and phase stability, 278

Redlich-Kwong equation,

partial molar volumes, 711

combining rules, 715

mixing rules, 715

Soave’s modification, 714-717

Reference state; see Standard state

Regular-solution theory, 253, 313-326; see also Solubility parameter

gas solubility in liquids, 604

mixed solvents, 608

multicomponent systems, 325

Myers extension, 648

solid solubility in liquids, 645-652

mixed solvents, 654

Relative volatility, definition, 206

Repulsive forces, between nonpolar molecules, 72

Residual contribution, 263, 422, 450

Residual properties, 390, 770

Retrograde, condensation, 685

vitrification, 469

Reversible process, definition, 11


SAFT model, 368

equation of state, pore components, 395

mixtures, 396, 470

Salting-in effect, 534

Salting-out effect, 531, 534

Sanchez-Lacombe equation, 462

Scaled-particle theory, gas solubility in liquids, 610-613

Scatchard-Hamer equation, 256

Scatchard-Hildebrand theory; see Regular solution theory

Second virial coefficients:

chemical theory, 179-189

contributions from physical forces, 186

corresponding-states correlations,

McGlashan, 160-162

Pitzer-Tsonopoulos, 164-168

cross coefficient, 133, 140, 163, 182-187

data, 161, 239, 588

quantum gases, 781-783

definition, 128, 776

from hard-sphere potential, 139

from Kihara potential, 147, 148

from Lennard-Jones potential, 142, 147, 148, 152

quantum gases, 779

mixing rules, 133, 160, 164

physical significance, 132

from potential energy, 132, 133, 159

from potential of mean force, 132

reduced, 147

from reduction of P-V-T data, 129

relation between, 128, 776

from square-well potential, 145

from Stockmayer potential, 152

from van der Waals equation, 27, 208

Segment fraction, 263, 291, 349, 422, 448, 811

Setchenov equation, 533

Shair correlation, 607

mixed solvents, 608

Simple fluids, 110, 599

Solid solutions, 658-664

Solubility of gases in liquids, 703; see also Henry’s constant

Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation, Lee-Kesler form, 609

chemical effects, 619-629

contributions from physical and chemical forces, 618

dependence on solubility parameter, 603

effect of cohesive-energy density, 599

effect of pressure; see Krichevsky-Ilinskaya equation; Krichevsky-Kasarnovsky equation

effect of temperature, 596-603

equilibrium equation, 583, 702

Henry’s law, 586-588

ideal, 584

Lennard-Jones potential, 603, 612

maximum solubility, 702

in mixed solvents, 608, 613-619

Flory-Huggins theory, 617

regular-solution theory, 608

partial molar enthalpy, 597

partial molar entropy, 597

perturbed hard-chain theory, 609

pressure derivative, 703

regular-solution theory, 603

scaled-particle theory, 610

near solvent critical point, 602

temperature derivative, 596

Solubility limits; see Liquid-liquid equilibrium

Solubility of liquids in compressed gases, 191-200, 709

Solubility parameter; see also Regular-solution theory

in correlation of gas solubility in liquids, 603

data, 317, 430, 607

definition, 315, 647

as measure of nonideality, 317, 321

nonpolar, 323

polar, 323

relation to Flory-Huggins parameter, 430

solubility criterion, 430

temperature dependence, 316

volume fraction average, 325, 609

Solubility product, 548

Solubility of solids in compressed gases, 191-200, 708

enhancement factor, 192

equilibrium equation, 192, 707

extrema, 194, 195

ideal-gas equation, 197

Peng-Robinson equation, 195, 196

supercritical extraction, 706

virial equation, 197-199

Solubility of solids in liquids:

equilibrium equation, 636, 651

freezing diagrams, 642

ideal, 637, 641-643, 655

mixed solvents, 653-658, 664-666

regular-solution theory, 645

Myers extension, 648

in two immiscible liquids; see Distribution of solute

UNIFAC, 651, 664

Solvated solutions:

Dolezalek model, 369-374

Solvation, 80, 352

gas solubility in liquids, 557-565, 619-629

in vapor phase, 174

Specific forces; see Chemical forces

Square-well potential, 143

schematic representation, 141, 150, 151

second virial coefficient from, 145, 155

third virial coefficient from, 155

Standard state, 20, 509

State function, 11, 12

Statistical thermodynamics, 753

Stirling formula, 332, 772

Stockmayer potential, 150

parameters, 152

schematic representation, 140

second virial coefficient from, 152

Summation constant, 75

Supercritical extraction, 706

Surface fraction, 263, 291, 348, 449

Sutherland potential, 141

schematic representation, 140



Boyle, 29

critical, characteristic, 160, 173, 726

combining rules, 160, 173, 726

data, 844

effective, 172

mixing rule, 725

relation to potential energy parameters, 109

inversion, 29

reduced, 105, 190, 388, 444, 462

with molecular parameters, 108

statistical analogue, 760

Thermal expansion coefficient, 444

Thermal pressure coefficient, 445

Thermodynamic consistency, 245

area test, 247

differential (slope) test, 245

Van Ness method, 248

Thermodynamic probability, 762

Third virial coefficient:

corresponding-states correlations, 168

Besher-Lielmezs, 168

Orbey-Vera, 169

cross coefficient, data, 158

McGregor relation, 170

Orentlicher formula, 169

definition, 129, 776

effect of additivity assumption, 153, 168

from exp-6 potential, 155

from Kihara potential, 155

from Lennard-Jones potential, 155

mixing rules, 134

physical significance, 132

polar gases, 158

from potential energy, 132, 134

quantum gases, correlations, 781

data, 781

reduced, 169

from reduction of P-V-T data, 129

relation between, 128, 776

from square-well potential, 155

Trouton’s constant, 84

True mole fraction; see Ideal solution, chemical theory

Two-liquid theory; see Conformal-solution theory


UNIFAC, activity coefficients, 351, 808

solid solubility in liquids, 651, 664

UNIQUAC, 263, 349

derivation, 346

multicomponent systems, 290, 795

liquid-liquid equilibrium, 266, 794

polymer-liquid equilibrium, 486

vapor-sorption in polymers, 486

Units, SI, 841

conversion factors, 842


van der Waals equation, 47, 384

approximate form, 37

fugacity coefficient, 39

corresponding-states theory, 104

fugacity coefficient, 48

gas-gas equilibrium, 697

parameters, combining rules, 50, 699

mixing rules, 38, 49, 311, 594

reduced form, 105

and van Laar theory, 310

van der Waals forces, 363

van der Waals-l theory; see Conformal solution theory

van der Waals partition function, generalized, 383

mixtures, 386

van Laar equation, 251, 277, 311

critical solution composition, 277

critical solution temperature, 277

liquid-liquid equilibrium, 794

multicomponent systems, 281, 288

relation to regular-solution equation, 316

van Laar solution theory, 309

van’t Hoff equation, 99

Vapor-liquid equilibrium:

equilibrium equation, 8, 24, 52, 297, 558, 712

at high pressure:

chemical theory, 730-737

corresponding-states correlations,

Lee-Kesler, 725

Mollerup, 724

Peng-Robinson equation, 718-723

perturbed hard-chain theory, 730

Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation, 714-717

number of unknowns and of independent equations, 52

regular-solution theory, 318

UNIQUAC, 267, 294

SAFT, 398

salt effect, 536

van Laar equation, 260, 797

Wilson equation, 260, 289

Vapor pressure, of hypothetical liquid, 584, 638, 646

Virial coefficients; see Second, Third, Fourth virial coefficients

Virial equation:

for dimerized vapor, 179

liquid solubility in compressed gases, 197

mixtures, 137

and perturbation theory, 822

pressure explicit (Leiden) form, 128, 775

comparison with volume explicit form, 128, 131, 776

fugacity coefficient, 137

range of applicability, 130

solid solubility in compressed gases, 194

volume explicit (Berlin) form, 128, 775

fugacity coefficient, 138


combining rules, 650,

critical, combining rules, 160, 173, 724

correlation, α-olefins, 162

data, 844

effective, 172

mixing rule, 724

relation to potential energy parameters, 109

free; see Free volume

of hypothetical liquid, 606, 646

of mixing; see Excess volume

mixing rules, 618

partial molar, correlation, 705

definition, 34, 706

of ideal solution, 215

at infinite dilution, definition, 594

near critical conditions, 704

Redlich-Kwong equation, Chueh modification, 711

relation to saturated molar volume, 704

pseudocritical, 725

reduced, 105, 444, 462

molecular parameters, 108

Volume fraction, 314, 325, 372, 646

effective, 250


Wilson equation, 258

multicomponent systems, 287

liquid-liquid equilibrium, 261

Wohl’s expansion:

relative to ideal dilute solution, 251

relative to ideal solution, 250

multicomponent systems, 280

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