

3D Solar System Web, 170


AC power adapter, described, 38

accessibility features, enabling, 105

accessing Google Drive from File Manager, 187

accounts. See Google Account

Acer C7 Chromebook

Ethernet connections, 76

hardware, 37

internal storage capacity, 107

adding users, 63-65

Address box, 58

adjusting. See changing

Adobe Photoshop Express Editor, 198

ads in search results, 152

Advanced Search, 149-151

alphabetic keys, 40

Alt key, 40

changing functionality, 93

Angry Birds, 173

appointment software. See calendar software

apps, 161-163. See also cloud-based software

business tools, 169

configuring options, 167-168

downloading and installing, 164-165

education, 170-171

entertainment, 171-172

extensions versus, 183

frozen apps, troubleshooting, 239-240

games, 172-173

launching, 54

lifestyle, 174

news and weather, 175

productivity, 176

searching, 54

social networking and communication, 177

starting, 166-168

uninstalling, 167

utilities, 178

viewing, 162

Apps List panel, 54

arrow keys, 40

Audio Player

file formats supported, 131

listening to music

playlists, 132

single tracks, 131-132

Audiotool, 171

Audodesk Homestyler, 176


disabling, 225

enabling, 99

autohiding Launcher and status area, 53

automatic Wi-Fi network connections, 77-78


Back button, 144

background image on desktop, changing, 84-85

backspace key, 40

banking software, 199


charging, 23

extending charge, 233-234

replacing, 235

BBC GoodFood, 174

BeFunky Photo Editor, 171

Bejeweled, 173

Bible, 174

big-screen TV, connecting to Chromebook, 45

Biodigital Human, 170

Bluetooth, enabling, 98-99

Bookmark icon, 58

Bookmark Manager, 157-158

bookmarking web pages, 156

managing bookmarks, 157-158

visiting bookmarked pages, 157

Bookmarks bar, displaying, 88, 156

brightness of screen, adjusting, 46

browsers. See Chrome browser

browsing history. See history

built-in camera. See webcam

business tool apps, 169


cache, 146

Calculator, 178

calendar software, 200-201

camera. See webcam

Caps Lock key, 40

capturing screen contents, 116

Cargo Bridge, 173

Cash Organizer, 169

changing. See also editing

accessibility features functionality, 105

app configuration options, 167-168

Autofill settings, 99, 225

background image on desktop, 84-85

Bluetooth functionality, 98-99

Bookmarks bar display, 88, 156

content settings, 228-229

extension configuration options, 182

Google Drive availability, 104

Google Instant availability, 90, 149

Home button display, 87, 155

home page, 154

keyboard layout, 102

languages, 102

password settings, 224

privacy settings, 225-227

profile picture, 65-66

saved passwords, 100

save location for downloaded files, 103

screen brightness, 46

Search/Ctrl/Alt keys functionality, 93

search engines, 89, 153

Search key to Caps Lock key, 40

startup behavior for Chrome OS desktop, 86-87

synchronization settings, 94-95

themes, 90-91

time zone, 97

touchpad functionality, 92

touchpad sensitivity, 43-44

volume, 47

web page fonts, 101

window size, 60

charging battery, 23

children, protecting online, 222-223

Chrome browser


creating, 156

managing, 157-158

visiting, 157

Bookmarks bar, displaying, 88, 156

Google Instant, enabling, 90, 149


deleting, 146-147, 230

viewing full, 145

viewing recent, 145

Home button, displaying, 87, 155

home page, changing, 154

Incognito mode, 158-159

Omnibox, changing search engines, 89, 153


Advanced Search, 149-151

changing search engines, 89, 153

entering queries, 148

Google Instant, 149

results, explained, 151-152

startup behavior, changing, 86-87

tabs, 141

web pages

clicking links, 143

moving backward/forward through, 144

opening directly, 141-142

reloading, 143

zooming, 144

windows, 57-58

closing, 61

navigating tabs, 60

opening new, 59

opening tabs, 59

resizing, 60

switching between, 61

Chrome OS

reinstalling, 242-243

updating, 243-244

Chrome OS desktop, 53

background image, changing, 84-85


autohiding, 53

described, 54

status area, described, 55-57

synchronization, changing settings, 94-95


changing, 90-91

resetting default, 91

types of, 92

ChromeVox, 105

Chrome Web Store, 163-164

apps, downloading and installing, 164-165

extensions, downloading and installing, 179-180


battery, extending charge, 233-234

Chrome OS

reinstalling, 242-243

updating, 243-244

hardware, 33

DC jack, 38

external keyboard, connecting, 45

external mouse, connecting, 44

HDMI connector, 38

headset jack, 36

illumination sensor, 34

keyboard, 35, 38-40

large-screen TV, connecting, 45

memory card slot, 36

microphone, 35

screen, 34

status indicator, 38

touchpad, 36, 41-44

USB ports, 37

USIM card slot, 38

webcam, 35

what’s not included, 34

logging in, 50

network access, lack of, 77

performance optimization, 235-237

powering off, 52

powering up, 50

printing from, 209-210


cleaning, 47

locking, 52

screen brightness, adjusting, 46

security, 215

Autofill, 225

clearing browsing history, 146-147, 230

cloud computing and data security, 215-216

content settings, 228-229

cyberstalkers, 221

malware, 217

personal data security, 219-221

phishing, 217-219

privacy settings, 225-227

protecting children online, 222-223

restricting sign-in, 231

saving passwords, 224

setup, 23-26

charging battery, 23

creating Google Account, 23, 28-30

time required, 22

sleep mode, 51


frozen apps/web pages, 239-240

reinstalling Chrome OS, 242-243

resetting Chromebook, 241-242

unboxing, 21-22


adding, 63-65

changing profile picture, 65-66

disabling Guest user, 95-96

editing profile, 67

hiding usernames, 96

logging in as Guest, 69

restricting sign-in, 97

switching between, 68

volume, adjusting, 47

Chromebook Pixel, 251-252

hardware, 252-253

market for, 254

specifications, 253

Chromebox, connecting, 27

cleaning screen, 47

clearing. See deleting


cursor, 42

links, 143

closing windows, 61

cloud-based printing. See Google Cloud Print

cloud-based software. See also apps

calendars, Google Calendar, 200-201


Gmail, 202, 203

Yahoo! Mail, 203

financial and banking, 199

office productivity, 185

Google Drive, 186-188

Microsoft Office 365, 189-190

Microsoft Office Web Apps, 188-189

Zoho Docs, 190-191

photo editing, 197

Adobe Photoshop Express Editor, 198

presentations, 195

Google Slides, 195-196

Microsoft PowerPoint Web App, 196

Zoho Show, 197

spreadsheets, 193

Google Sheets, 193-194

Microsoft Excel Web App, 194

Zoho Sheet, 194-195

word processing, 191

Google Docs, 191-192

Microsoft Word Web App, 192

Zoho Writer, 192-193

cloud computing, data security and, 215-216

cloud storage. See Google Drive

Cloudy Calculator extension, 180

communication apps, 177

compatibility of Microsoft Office and Google Drive, 187

configuring. See also changing; setting up

app options, 167-168

extensions, 182


Chromebox, 27

external keyboard, 45

external mouse, 44

to Internet. See Internet connections

large-screen TV to Chromebook, 45

printers to Google Cloud Print, 208-209

USB hard drives, 117

USB memory devices, 115

connectors. See also ports

DC jack, 38

HDMI, 38

headset jack, 36

content settings, configuring, 228-229

Contract Killer, 173

converting. See changing

cookies, 146

copying files, 112

to Google Drive, 121


Chromebook Pixel, 253

Gmail, 202

Google Docs, 192

Google Drive, 188

Google Sheets, 194

Microsoft Excel Web App, 194

Microsoft Office 365, 190

Microsoft PowerPoint Web App, 196

Microsoft Word Web App, 192, 203

photo-editing software, 199

Yahoo! Mail, 203

Zoho Docs, 191

Zoho Sheet, 195

Zoho Writer, 193

Cozi Family Organizer, 201

Crazy Rollercoaster, 173

creating folders, 113

cropping photos, 129

Ctrl key, 40

changing functionality, 93

Currency Converter, 169


clicking, 42

moving, 41

right-clicking, 42

Customize and Control Google Chrome button, 58

customizing. See changing

Cut the Rope, 173

cyberstalkers, 221


data security

cloud computing and, 215-216

personal data, 219-221

Daum Equation Editor, 170

DC jack, described, 38

default theme, resetting, 91


browsing history, 146-147, 230

files/folders, 113

on Google Drive, 122

saved passwords, 100

Wi-Fi network connections, 79

desktop. See Chrome OS desktop

Digital Clock, 178

digital photos. See photos


Autofill, 225

extensions, 182

feedback to Google, 237

Google Drive, 104

Guest user, 95-96

phishing protection, 237

sharing printers, 211-212

tap-to-click functionality, 44

Wi-Fi connections, 73

disconnecting printers from Google Cloud Print, 209

display in Chromebook Pixel, 252-253

displaying. See also viewing

Bookmarks bar, 88, 156

Home button, 87, 155

Launcher and status area, 53

multiple tabs, 60

Status panel, 56

Wi-Fi connection status, 72

Wi-Fi network details, 80-81

DNS prefetching, enabling, 236

double-clicking cursor, 42


apps, 164-165

extensions, 179-180

files, changing save location, 103

dragging items, 42

Dropbox, 176


Earbits Radio, 136

eBay Web App, 174

editing. See also changing

photos, 129. See also photo-editing software

text, keyboard shortcuts for, 248

user profile, 67

education apps, 170-171

email software, 202

Gmail, 202, 203

Yahoo! Mail, 203

Empressr, 197


accessibility features, 105

Autofill, 99

Bluetooth, 98-99

DNS prefetching, 236

extensions, 182

Google Instant, 90, 149

tap-to-click functionality, 44

Wi-Fi connections, 72

Entanglement, 173

Enter key, 40

entertainment apps, 171-172

erasing local data permanently, 241-242

Esc key, 40

Ethernet connections, 75-76

event software. See calendar software

Evernote Web, 178

extending battery charge, 233-234

extensions, 161, 179

apps versus, 183

configuring options, 182

disabling, 182

downloading and installing, 179-180

enabling, 182

functionality of, 180

external keyboard, connecting, 45

external mouse, connecting, 44

external storage devices

memory cards, 116

USB hard drives, 117

USB memory devices, 115

viewing photos from, 128

watching videos, 137

eyesight problems, enabling accessibility features, 105


Facebook, sharing Google Drive files, 125

features. See hardware

feedback to Google, disabling, 237

file format support

Music Manager, 133

music, 131

videos, 137

File Manager, 107-109

copying files, 112

creating folders, 113

deleting files/folders, 113

file views, 108

Google Drive. See Google Drive

moving files, 112

opening, 108

opening files/folders, 111

paths, 109

renaming files/folders, 111

saving files from websites, 114

sections of, 108

selecting multiple files, 113

supported file types, 110


copying, 112

deleting, 113

downloading, changing save location, 103

Google Drive

copying to, 121

deleting, 122

opening, 122

sharing, 124-125

viewing, 121

moving, 112

opening, 111

renaming, 111

saving from websites, 114

selecting multiple, 113

supported types, 110

Financial Calculator, 169

financial software, 199

flash drives, connecting, 115

Flickr, 198


creating, 113

deleting, 113

Google Drive, creating, 123

opening, 111

renaming, 111

fonts in web pages, changing, 101

forcing shutdown, 52

forgetting Wi-Fi network connections, 79

forms, enabling Autofill, 99

Forward button, 144

FotoFlexer, 199

frozen apps/web pages, troubleshooting, 239-240

frozen screen, forcing shutdown, 52

full history, viewing, 145

Full Screen button, 60

Full Screen Weather, 175

function keys, 39


game apps, 172-173

Gmail, 202

integration with Google Calendar, 201

sharing Google Drive files, 125

Gmail Offline, 177

Gogo in-air Internet passes, 120

Gojee, 174

Google+, 177

sharing Google Drive files, 125

Google Account

creating, 23, 28-30

services provided, 68

synchronization, changing settings, 94-95


adding to Chromebook, 63-65

changing profile picture, 65-66

editing profile, 67

logging in as Guest, 69

switching between, 68

Google Calendar, 161, 176, 200-201

Google Cloud Print, 206-207


connecting, 208-209

disabling sharing, 211-212

disconnecting, 209

sharing, 211

printing from, 209-210

Google Docs, 191-192

Google Drive, 176, 186-188

accessing from File Manager, 187

compatibility with Microsoft Office, 187

cost, 188

disabling, 104


copying to, 121

deleting, 122

opening, 122

sharing, 124-125

viewing, 121

folders, creating, 123

setup, 120

Google feedback, disabling, 237

Google Finance, 174

Google Gmail, 202

integration with Google Calendar, 201

Google Instant, 149

enabling, 90, 149

Google Maps, 176

Google News, 175

Google Play

listening to music, 135

uploading music to, 133-134

Google Play Books, 171

Google Play Music, 171

Google Presentations. See Google Slides

Google Reader, 175

Google Search, 176

Google Sheets, 193-194

Google Slides, 195-196

Google Spreadsheets. See Google Sheets

Gorilla Glass, 252

Guest user

disabling, 95-96

logging in as, 69

Gun Bros, 173


hard drives, connecting, 117

hardware, 33

on Acer C7 Chromebook, 37

in Chromebook Pixel, 252-253

DC jack, 38

HDMI connector, 38

headset jack, 36

on HP Pavilion Chromebook, 37

illumination sensor, 34

keyboard, 35, 38

changing Search key to Caps Lock key, 40

missing keys, 40

web keys, 39

memory card slot, 36

microphone, 35

screen, 34

status indicator, 38

touchpad, 36, 41-44

adjusting sensitivity, 43-44

clicking cursor, 42

dragging items, 42

moving cursor, 41

right-clicking cursor, 42

scrolling screen, 42-43

USB ports, 37

USIM card slot, 38

webcam, 35

what’s not included, 34

HDMI connector, described, 38

headset jack, described, 36


Launcher and status area, 53

usernames, 96


deleting, 146-147, 230

viewing full, 145

viewing recent, 145

Home button, displaying, 87, 155

home page, changing, 154

hotkeys. See keyboard shortcuts

Hotmail, 203

Hotmail Calendar, 201

HP Pavilion Chromebook

Ethernet connections, 76

hardware, 37

Hulu, 138


icons in status area, 55-56

iHeartRadio, 136

illumination sensor, described, 34

images, changing background image, 84-85. See also photos

imo messenger, 177

in-air Internet passes, 120

Incognito mode, 158-159

inserting memory cards, 116


apps, 164-165

extensions, 179-180

interface. See Chrome OS desktop

internal storage capacity, 107

Internet connections

Ethernet, 75-76

Wi-Fi, 71

automatic connections, 77-78

connecting to open networks, 73-74

connecting to secure networks, 74-75

enabling, 72

forgetting connections, 79

viewing network details, 80-81

viewing network status, 72

wireless security support, 72

Internet TV, 171

Isoball 3, 173



changing Search key to Caps Lock key, 40

in Chromebook Pixel, 252

described, 35, 38-40

external keyboard, connecting, 45

layout, changing, 102

missing keys, 40

Search/Ctrl/Alt keys, changing functionality, 93

web keys, 39

keyboard shortcuts

navigation, 245-247

pages, 247

tabs and windows, 246

text editing, 248

KidoKz TV, 170

Kindle Cloud Reader, 172



changing, 102

web pages, translating, 103

large-screen TV, connecting to Chromebook, 45, 136


autohiding, 53

described, 54

launching apps, 54, 166-168

layout of keyboard, changing, 102

Learn French/Italian/Spanish/Portuguese/Hebrew/etc, 171

Lenovo Chromebook, Ethernet connections, 76

lifestyle apps, 174

links, clicking, 143

listening to music

Google Play, 135

playlists, 132

single tracks, 131-132

streaming music services, 136

Listen Radio Online, 136

List view, 108

Little Alchemy, 173

local data, erasing permanently, 241-242

local search results, 152

locking screen, 52

logging in

to Chromebook, 50

as Guest, 69


mail. See email software

malware, 217

managing bookmarks, 157-158

maps in local search results, 152

Marvel Comics, 172

Maximize button, 60

memory card slot, described, 36

memory cards, inserting, 116

microphone, described, 35

Microsoft Excel Web App, 194

Microsoft Hotmail, 176

Microsoft Office, compatibility with Google Drive, 187

Microsoft Office 365, 189-190

Microsoft Office Web Apps, 188-189

Microsoft PowerPoint Web App, 196

Microsoft Word Web App, 192

Mint, 174, 199

missing keys, 40

Mixcloud, 136

MOG, 136

mouse, connecting, 44

movies. See videos


cursor, 41

files, 112

multiple files, selecting, 113

multiple tabs

displaying, 60

switching between, 61

multiple windows, switching between, 61

multitasking, avoiding, 235


file formats supported, 131

listening to

Google Play, 135

playlists, 132

single tracks, 131-132

streaming music services, 136

uploading to Google Play, 133-134

MusicAlpha app, 134

Music Manager, 133

muting volume, 47

My Chrome Theme, 176


navigating. See also Chrome OS desktop

with keyboard shortcuts, 245-247

tabs, 60

Netflix, 138

network access, lack of, 77

network connections. See Internet connections

Network icon, 72

networks, secure versus public wireless networks, 25

news apps, 175

New Tab tab, 58

New York Times, 175

numeric keys, 40

Numerics Calculator & Converter, 178


Office files, opening, 111. See also Microsoft Office

office productivity software, 185

Google Drive, 186-188

Microsoft Office 365, 189-190

Microsoft Office Web Apps, 188-189

Zoho Docs, 190-191

Office View app, 111

Omnibox, 58, 142

entering URLs, 141-142

search engines, changing, 89, 153


Advanced Search, 149-151

entering queries, 148

Google Instant, 149

results, explained, 151-152

online stalkers, 221

online storage for photos, 130

open Wi-Fi networks, connecting to, 73-74


File Manager, 108

files/folders, 111

on Google Drive, 122

Incognito windows, 159

Office files, 111

pages on startup, 86-87

Settings page, 92

tabs, 59

web pages

by clicking links, 143

directly, 141-142

windows, 59


extending battery charge, 233-234

speed of performance, 235-237

organizing bookmarks, 157-158, 203


Page Down key, 43

page scrolling, 43

Page Up key, 43


keyboard shortcuts, 247

opening on startup, 86-87

web pages. See web pages

Pandora, 136, 172


importance of, 219-220

requiring to wake from sleep mode, 93

saving, 100

changing setting for, 224

paths in File Manager, 109

performance optimization

extending battery charge, 233-234

speed of performance, 235-237

persona, 177

personal data security, 219-221

personalizing. See changing

Personal Trainer, 174

phishing, 217-219

disabling protection, 237

photo-editing software, 197

Adobe Photoshop Express Editor, 198


editing, 129

online storage, 130

profile picture, changing, 65-66

sharing, 130

viewing from external storage devices, 128

Photoshop Express Editor, 198

Picasa, 172

Picasa Web Albums, 130

PicMonkey, 172, 199

Picture2Life, 199

pictures. See photos

Pixel, 251

hardware, 252-253

market for, 254

specifications, 253

Pixlr, 199

Pixlr-o-matic, 176

Places heading, local search results, 152

Planetarium, 171

Plants vs. Zombies, 173



Google Play, 135

playlists, 132

single tracks, 131-132

streaming music services, 136

TV shows, 138


from external storage devices, 137

from YouTube, 139

playlists, listening to, 132

Poppit, 173

POP (Post Office Protocol), 202

ports. See also connectors

on Acer C7 Chromebook, 37

on HP Pavilion Chromebook, 37

USB, 37

Post Office Protocol (POP), 202

Power button, 40

power connector, described, 38

powering off Chromebook, 52

powering up Chromebook, 50

prefetching, enabling, 236

presentation software, 195

Google Slides, 195-196

Microsoft PowerPoint Web App, 196

Zoho Show, 197


connecting to Google Cloud Print, 208-209

disabling sharing, 211-212

disconnecting from Google Cloud Print, 209

sharing, 211


with Google Cloud Print, 206-210

connecting printers, 208-209

disabling sharing printers, 211-212

disconnecting printers, 209

sharing printers, 211

screen contents, 116

privacy settings, configuring, 225-227

processor in Chromebook Pixel, 253

productivity apps, 176

profile, editing, 67

profile picture, changing, 65-66

Psykopaint, 172

public Wi-Fi networks, 25

connecting to, 73-74


QR Code Generator, 178

queries, entering in Omnibox, 148

QuickBooks, 200

Quicken, 199

QuickNote, 178


Radio Paradise HD, 136

Rdio, 136

recent history, viewing, 145

recovery process, 242-243

redisplaying screen from screensaver, 51

reinstalling Chrome OS, 242-243

Reload button, 58

reloading web pages, 143

renaming files/folders, 111

replacing battery, 235


Chromebook, 241-242

default theme, 91


background images on desktop, 85

web page fonts, 101

windows, 60

restricting sign-in, 97, 231

results of searches, explained, 151-152

right-clicking cursor, 42

rotating photos, 129


Samsung Chromebook. See Chromebook


downloaded files, changing save location, 103

files from websites, 114

passwords, 100

changing setting for, 224

scams, phishing, 217-219

scan and match music services, 133

scheduling software. See calendar software


brightness, adjusting, 46

cleaning, 47

in Chromebook Pixel, 252-253

described, 34

locking, 52

redisplaying from screensaver, 51

scrolling, 42-43

screen captures, 116

screen lock mode, 52

screenreaders, 105

screensaver, redisplaying screen, 51

scrolling screen, 42-43

search engines, changing, 89, 153


Advanced Search, 149-151

changing search engines, 89, 153

entering queries, 148

Google Instant, 149

results, explained, 151-152


apps, 54

web pages, 54

Search key, 40

changing functionality, 93

secure Wi-Fi networks, 25

connecting to, 74-75

security, 215

Autofill, disabling, 225

browsing history, clearing, 146-147, 230

cloud computing and data security, 215-216

content settings, 228-229

cyberstalkers, 221

malware, 217


importance of, 219-220

requiring to wake from sleep mode, 93

saving, 100, 224

personal data security, 219-221

phishing, 217-219

privacy settings, 225-227

protecting children online, 222-223

restricting sign-in, 231

wireless security support, 72

selecting multiple files, 113

sensitivity of touchpad, adjusting, 43-44

SEO SERP Workbench, 169

Settings page, opening, 92

setting up

Chromebook, 23-26

charging battery, 23

creating Google Account, 23, 28-30

time required, 22

Chromebox, 27

Google Drive, 120


Google Drive files, 124-125

photos, 130

printers, 211

disabling sharing, 211-212

Shift key, 40

shortcut keys. See keyboard shortcuts

showing. See displaying

shutting down Chromebook, 52

, restricting, 97, 231

single-clicking cursor, 42

single music tracks, listening to, 131-132

size of windows, changing, 60

SkyDrive, 189

Slacker Radio, 136

sleep mode, 51

waking from, requiring password, 93

SlideRocket, 197

slides. See presentation software

social engineering, 220

social media, sharing Google Drive files, 125

social networking apps, 177

software. See apps; cloud-based software

sound volume, adjusting, 47

specifications of Chromebook Pixel, 253

speed of performance, increasing, 235-237

Spotify, 136

spreadsheet software, 193

Google Sheets, 193-194

Microsoft Excel Web App, 194

Zoho Sheet, 194-195

Springpad, 178

Sprout Social, 169

spyware, 217

stalkers online, 221


apps, 54, 166-168

Chromebook, 50

startup behavior, changing, 86-87

status area

autohiding, 53

described, 55-57

Wi-Fi connection status, 72

status indicator, described, 38

Status panel, 56

Sticky Notes, 178

Stopwatch, 178


cloud storage. See Google Drive

external storage

memory cards, 116

USB hard drives, 117

USB memory devices, 115

viewing photos from, 128

watching videos, 137

internal storage capacity, 107

online storage for photos, 130

streaming music services, 136


between tabs, 61

between users, 68

between windows, 61

synchronization, changing settings, 94-95


tabs, 57-58

keyboard shortcuts, 246

navigating, 60

opening new, 59

opening windows from, 59

switching between, 61

tap-to-click functionality, enabling/disabling, 44

Task Manager, 240

text editing, keyboard shortcuts, 248


changing, 90-91

resetting default, 91

types of, 92

Thesaurus, 171

thumb drives, connecting, 115

Thumbnail view, 109

time zone, changing, 97


changing functionality, 92

in Chromebook Pixel, 252


clicking, 42

moving, 41

right-clicking, 42

described, 36, 41-44

items, dragging, 42

screen, scrolling, 42-43

sensitivity, adjusting, 43-44

TouristEye Planner, 174

translating web pages, 103


frozen apps/web pages, 239-240

frozen screen, forcing shutdown, 52

reinstalling Chrome OS, 242-243

resetting Chromebook, 241-242

TuneYou Radio, 136

turning off Chromebook, 52

forcing, 52

turning on

Chromebook, 50

Wi-Fi connections, 72

TV, connecting to Chromebook, 45

TV shows, watching, 138

TweetDeck, 177

Twitter, sharing Google Drive files, 125

Type Fu, 171

Typing Test, 171


unboxing Chromebook, 21-22

uninstalling apps, 167

updating Chrome OS, 243-244

uploading music to Google Play, 133-134

URLs, entering in Omnibox, 141-142

USB Ethernet adapter, 76

USB hard drives, connecting, 117

USB memory devices, connecting, 115

USB ports, described, 37

usernames, hiding, 96


adding, 63-65

disabling Guest user, 95-96

editing profile, 67

Google Drive files, sharing, 124

hiding usernames, 96

logging in as Guest, 69

profile picture, changing, 65-66

restricting sign-in, 97, 231

switching between, 68

USIM card slot, described, 38

utility apps, 178



file formats supported, 137


from external storage devices, 137

from YouTube, 139

viewing. See also displaying

apps, 162

bookmarked web pages, 157

files on Google Drive, 121

full history, 145

photos from external storage devices, 128

recent history, 145

TV shows, 138


from external storage devices, 137

from YouTube, 139

Vimeo, 139

virtual private network (VPN) access, lack of, 77

viruses, 217

vision problems, enabling accessibility features, 105

volume, adjusting, 47

VPN (virtual private network) access, lack of, 77


W2MO, 169

waking from sleep mode, 51

requiring password, 93

wallpaper, changing, 84-85


TV shows, 138


from external storage devices, 137

from YouTube, 139

weather apps, 175

The Weather Channel for Chrome, 175

Weather Window by WeatherBug, 175

web-based software. See cloud-based software

web browsers. See Chrome browser

webcam, described, 35

Webcam Toy, 172

web keys, list of, 39

WebM video file format, 137

web pages

bookmarking, 156

managing bookmarks, 157-158

visiting bookmarked pages, 157

fonts, changing, 101

frozen web pages, troubleshooting, 239-240

moving backward/forward through, 144


by clicking links, 143

directly, 141-142

reloading, 143

searching, 54

translating, 103

zooming, 144


Chromebook Pixel, 254

saving files from, 114

Wi-Fi connections, 71

automatic connections, 77-78


to open networks, 73-74

to secure networks, 74-75

enabling, 72

forgetting connections, 79

secure versus public, 25


network details, 80-81

network status, 72

wireless security support, 72

windows, 57-58

closing, 61

keyboard shortcuts, 246


Incognito windows, 159

new windows, 59

resizing, 60

switching between, 61


navigating, 60

opening, 59

wireless connections. See Wi-Fi connections

wireless security support, 72

WordPress, 177

word processing software, 191

Google Docs, 191-192

Microsoft Word Web App, 192

Zoho Writer, 192-193

World Clocks, 178


Yahoo! Calendar, 201

Yahoo! Mail, 203

YouTube, 139, 172

YoWindow Weather extension, 180

Zoho Calendar, 201

Zoho CRM, 169

Zoho Docs, 190-191

Zoho Sheet, 194-195

Zoho Show, 197

Zoho Writer, 192-193

zooming web pages, 101, 144

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