


sharing photos, 237-238

registering in iPhoto

email, 270-271

Facebook, 257

Flickr, 250-251

iCloud, 239-240

Messages, 265-266

Twitter, 267-268


albums to folders, 97-98

photos in regular albums, 87-88

additional slideshow settings, 230-232

Add To button (toolbar), 13

adding photos to regular albums, 88

creating regular albums, 84

Adjust tab (Edit mode), 175

albums (Facebook)

deleting, 263


deleting, 262

publishing, 258

saving, 263-264

viewing/managing, 259

albums (iPhoto)

events versus, 79

organizing, 96-100

adding to folders, 97-98

creating empty folder, 97

deleting folders, 100

deleting from folders, 99

joining into folders, 98

nesting folders, 99

regular albums

adding photos, 87-88

creating, 82-87

deleting, 90

deleting photos, 89

duplicating, 95

smart albums versus, 80

removing photos from, 53

smart albums

creating, 91-92

creating in Places, 151-152

deleting, 94

duplicating, 95

editing, 92-93

regular albums versus, 80

sorting alphabetically, 100-101

Albums header (source list), 11

All Pages screen (book creation), 203

Antique filter, 170

aperture (Exif information), 31

area of locations (Places), adjusting, 150-151

aspect ratio, 165

autofilling pages (in books), 208-209

automatic imports, disabling, 21-22

automatic uploading in iCloud, disabling, 240-241

autosplitting events, changing time frame, 68

Avoid Saturating Skin Tones check box, 182


batch changing photo titles/descriptions/dates and times, 37-39

books, creating, 200-214

All Pages screen, 203

book theme chooser, 201-202

clearing/autofilling pages, 208-209

editing photos on pages, 207

formatting text, 209-211

maps, adding, 211-213

page layout, changing, 204-205

pages, adding, 213-214

photos, adding to pages, 205-206

book theme chooser, 201-202

Boost filter, 171

branching pins (Places map), 139


iPhoto, 7

keepsakes, 222-223

prints of photos, 223-226

B&W filter, 170


calendars, creating, 217-222

changing layout, 218-219

formatting text, 210

photos, adding to dates, 221-222

text, adding to dates, 220

camera name (Exif information), 30

cameras, 16-17

cards, creating, 214-216

formatting text, 210

clearing pages (in books), 208-209. See also deleting

collections (Faces)

confirming/rejecting suggested matches, 119-121

creating, 112, 123

deleting, 125

email addresses, 116

Information Pane, 116-117

multiple per photo, 118

naming, 116

setting key photos, 115-116

viewing, 117-118

color cast, adjusting, 186-189

color tint, adjusting, 169

Comments bar (Information Pane), 29

comparing photos, 192-193

confirming suggested matches in Faces collections, 119-121

consecutive date ranges, searching photos, 60-61

contextual menu, 51-53

editing photos, 194

formatting text, 211

contrast, adjusting, 169, 181-183

Copy Imported Photos feature, disabling, 24-25


adjustments between photos, 189-190

location data, 146

photos, 18, 52

textures, 167

corkboard (Faces), 115

Information Pane, 116-117

cropping photos, 164-165

cutting photos, 52


darkness, adjusting, 169

date and time

batch changing, 37-39

changing, 33-35

Exif information, 32


in calendars

adding photos to, 221-222

adding text to, 220

searching photos, 58-62

default event times, changing, 17

definition, adjusting, 183-186


albums from folders, 99

Facebook albums, 263

Faces collections, 125

flags, 46

Flickr sets, 254-255

folders, 100

keywords, 40, 41-42

locations (Places), 147, 149-150

photos, 49-51, 52

in albums, 53

in Facebook albums, 262

in Flickr sets, 253-254

My Photo Stream, 242-243

in regular albums, 89

in shared photo streams, 247-248

regular albums, 90

shared photo streams, 248

smart albums, 94


adding, 36-37

batch changing, 37-39


picture, setting photos as, 274-275

Devices header (source list), 11

digital cameras, importing photos, 16-17


automatic imports, 21-22

automatic uploading in iCloud, 240-241

Copy Imported Photos feature, 24-25

My Photo Stream, 243-244

displaying. See viewing

downloading iPhoto, 7


adding photos to regular albums, 87-88

importing photos, 18

merging events, 76

duplicate photos, importing, 23


albums, 95

photos, 191


Edge Blur filter, 171

Edit button (toolbar), 13


keywords, 41-42


Adjust tab, 175

applying filters, 168-173

on book pages, 207

contextual menu, 194

copying/pasting adjustments between photos, 189-190

copying/pasting textures, 167

cropping, 164-165

definition/highlights/shadows/sharpness/noise, 183-186

Edit mode, 156-158

enhancing, 160

exposure/contrast/saturation, 181-183

histogram, 176-180

Quick Fixes tab, 158

red-eye removal, 161-162

retouching, 166-167

reviewing original photo, 191-192

rotating, 159

rule of thirds, 166

straightening, 163

temperature/tint/color cast, 186-189

smart albums, 92-93

editing tool, iPhoto as, 5-7

Edit mode, 156-158


accounts, registering, 238, 270-271

addresses in Faces collections, 116

Mail app, importing photos, 20

sharing photos, 269-273

empty albums, creating, 82

empty events, creating, 74-75

empty folders, creating, 97


location data in iPhoto, 131

photo sharing in iCloud, 244-245

enhancing photos, 160


albums versus, 79

autosplitting, changing time frame, 68

creating, 72-75

empty events, 74-75

with flagged photos, 73-74

with specific photos, 72-73

date and time, changing, 34-35

default times, changing, 17

defined, 67

key photo

changing, 70-72

marking, 53

merging, 75-76

naming, 21

photo stream events in iCloud, 240

in regular albums, adding, 88

sorting, 108

splitting, 76-77

viewing, 52

viewing information, 69-70

Exchangeable Image File Format, 28-32

excluding photos in keyword searches, 63-64

Exif (Exchangeable Image File Format), 28-32

Export button (slideshows), 228

exporting slideshows, 233

exposure, adjusting, 181-183

exposure compensation (Exif information), 31

external hard drive, importing photos, 18-19

Eyedropper tool, adjusting color cast, 187-188



accounts, registering, 238, 257


deleting, 263

deleting photos, 262

publishing photos, 258

saving photos, 263-264

viewing/managing, 259

profile picture, changing, 261

sharing photos, 256-264

tagging photos from Faces, 125-126

Timeline, publishing photos, 260

Faces, 111


confirming/rejecting suggested matches, 119-121

creating, 112, 123

deleting, 125

email addresses, 116

multiple per photo, 118

naming, 116

setting key photos, 115-116

viewing, 117-118

corkboard, 115

ignoring faces, 113-114

Information Pane, 116-117

naming faces, 112-113

manually, 123-124

non-faces, recognizing, 114

rescanning photos for, 121-122

sharing on Facebook, 125-126

Faces bar (Information Pane), 28

Fade filter, 171

file management, importing photos, 23-24

File menu, Import to Library command, 19

filename (Exif information), 32

changing, 36

file size (Exif information), 30

file type (Exif information), 30

film roll, 106-107, 157


applying, 168-173

round filter buttons, 169-170

square filter buttons, 170-171

warning about, 173

smart albums, 91

flagged photos, 45

creating events, 73-74

reasons for, 46


accounts, registering, 238, 250-251


deleting, 254-255

deleting photos, 253-254

saving photos, 255-256

viewing, 253

sharing photos, 249-256

focal length (Exif information), 31


importing photos, 18-19

organizing albums, 96-100

adding to folders, 97-98

creating empty folder, 97

deleting folders, 100

deleting from folders, 99

joining albums into folders, 98

nesting folders, 99

sorting alphabetically, 100-101

regular albums, creating, 86-87

formatting text in keepsakes, 209-211

full screen, viewing photos, 105-106

Full Screen button, 13


GPS (Global Positioning System), 130

groups of photos, changing date and time, 34-35

hard drive, importing photos, 18-19

hidden photos, viewing, 48

hiding photos, 48, 52

highlights, adjusting, 183-186

histogram, 176-180

Hybrid view (Places map), 138



accounts, registering, 237, 239-240

automatic uploading, disabling, 240-241

My Photo Stream

adding photos, 241-242

deleting photos, 242-243

sharing photos, 238-249

enabling, 244-245

iCloud Photo Stream, importing photos, 17

Icons Zoom slider (toolbar), 12

ignoring faces, 113-114

Image Capture, disabling automatic photo imports, 21-22

images. See photos

importing photos

changing event autosplitting time frame, 68


automatic import, 21-22

Copy Imported Photos feature, 24-25

duplicates, 23

file management, 23-24

from hard drive, 18-19

from iCloud Photo Stream, 17

from Mail app, 20

from USB-connected devices/SD cards, 16-17

viewing last imported, 20-21

Import to Library command (File menu), 19

Info button (toolbar), 12

Information Pane (Faces), 116-117

Information Pane (iPhoto), 28-29

instant slideshows, creating, 234

interface for iPhoto, 9-13

Information Pane, 28-29

main viewing area, 10

source list, 10-12

toolbar, 12-13


automatic photo imports, disabling, 21-22

importing photos, 16-17


buying, 7

as editing tool, 5-7

interface, 9-13

Information Pane, 28-29

main viewing area, 10

source list, 10-12

toolbar, 12-13

launching, 9

location data

enabling, 131

Internet connection requirement, 132

My Photo Stream, disabling, 243-244

as organizational tool, 4-5

recommended extras, 7

as sharing tool, 6

system requirements, 7

updating, 8

version, checking, 8

iPhoto Library, importing photos, 23-24

ISO (Exif information), 31


joining albums into folders, 98


books, creating, 200-214

buying, 222-223

calendars, creating, 217-222

cards, creating, 214-216

creating, 198-200

slideshows, creating, 227-234

in source list, 199

Ken Burns effect (slideshows), 232

keyboard shortcuts, zooming photos, 195

key photos

for events, changing, 70-72

in Faces collections, setting, 115, 116

marking, 53

Keyword bar (Information Pane), 29

Keyword Manager, 40-44


adding, 39-40

creating, 41-42

deleting, 40-42

editing, 41-42

Keyword Manager, 40-44

in Quick Group, 43-44

searching photos, 62-64

shortcut keys

adding, 42-43

applying with, 44


labels. See keywords

last imported photos, viewing, 20-21

launching iPhoto, 9


of book pages, changing, 204-205

of calendars, changing, 218-219

of cards, changing, 216

of iPhoto. See interface for iPhoto

lens information (Exif information), 30

Library header (source list), 11

lightness, adjusting, 169

Location bar (Information Pane), 29

location data

enabling in iPhoto, 131

explained, 130

Internet connection requirement, 132

searching photos by, 141

Location menu (Places map), 132

navigating with, 134-137

location pins (Places map), 132

moving on mini-map, 144-145

viewing photos, 139-140

locations (Places)

adding to photos manually, 142-144

adjusting area of, 150-151

copying/pasting, 146

deleting, 149-150

in Places mini-map, naming, 145

removing, 147

renaming, 150

restoring, 147-148

logical operators in keyword searches, 63-64


Mail app, importing photos, 20

main viewing area, 10

Manage My Places window, 148-151


photos in Facebook albums, 259

shared photo streams, 246-247

map (Places)

explained, 132-133


with Location menu, 134-137

manually, 133-134

removing locations, 147

restoring locations, 147-148

switching views, 137-138

Map Zoom slider (Places map), 133

maps in books, adding, 211-213

Maps Style menu (Places map), 133

matches, confirming/rejecting in Faces collections, 119-121

Matte filter, 171

menu bar, creating regular albums, 83

merging events, 75-76

Messages app, 238

accounts, registering in iPhoto, 265-266

sharing photos, 265-266


Exif, explained, 29-32

Information Pane, 28-29

metering mode (Exif information), 30

mini-map (Places), 141-146


adding to photos, 142-144

naming, 145

moving pins on, 144-145


location pins on Places mini-map, 144-145

photos to trash, 49-50, 52

multiple Faces collections per photo, 118

multiple matches, confirming/rejecting in Faces collections, 121

multiple photos

date and time, changing, 34-35

as desktop picture, setting, 275

location data, adding manually, 144

Music button (slideshows), 228

music in slideshows, 230

My Photo Stream, 238

automatic uploading, disabling, 240-241

disabling, 243-244


adding, 241-242

deleting, 242-243

sharing, 244-249



events, 21

faces, 112-113

manually, 123-124

Faces collections, 116

location data in Places mini-map, 145

photos, 35-36

narrowing searches, 56

navigating Places map

with Location menu, 134-137

manually, 133-134

navigation window (Edit mode), 157, 158

nesting folders, 99

noise, adjusting, 183-186

non-consecutive date ranges, searching photos, 61-62

None filter, 171


obtaining iPhoto, 7

opening iPhoto, 9

organizational tool, iPhoto as, 4-5

organizing albums, 96-100. See also events; Faces; Places

adding to folders, 97-98

creating empty folder, 97


albums from folders, 99

folders, 100

joining albums into folders, 98

nesting folders, 99

original photo, reviewing during edits, 191-192

overexposed photos, adjusting, 176-180


pages (in books)

adding additional, 213-214

clearing/autofilling, 208-209

layout, changing, 204-205

maps, adding, 211-213


adding, 205-206

editing, 207


adjustments between photos, 189-190

location data, 146

photos, 52

textures, 167

people in Faces, naming manually, 123-124. See also Faces


in book pages

adding, 205-206

clearing/autofilling, 208-209

editing, 207

in calendars, adding to dates, 221-222

comparing, 192-193

contextual menu, 51-53

copying, 18, 52

cutting/copying/pasting, 52

date and time

batch changing, 37-39

changing, 33-35

deleting, 49-51

in albums, 53

in Facebook albums, 262

in Flickr sets, 253-254

in regular albums, 89

in shared photo streams, 247-248


adding, 36-37

batch changing, 37-39

as desktop picture, setting, 274-275

duplicating, 191


Adjust tab, 175

applying filters, 168-173

contextual menu, 194

copying/pasting adjustments between photos, 189-190

copying/pasting textures, 167

cropping, 164-165

definition/highlights/shadows/sharpness/noise, 183-186

Edit mode, 156-158

enhancing, 160

exposure/contrast/saturation, 181-183

histogram, 176-180

Quick Fixes tab, 158

red-eye removal, 161-162

retouching, 166-167

reviewing original photo, 191-192

rotating, 159

rule of thirds, 166

straightening, 163

temperature/tint/color cast, 186-189


key photo, changing, 70-72

viewing, 52

excluding in keyword searches, 63-64

as Facebook profile picture, changing, 261

flagging, 45

creating events, 73-74

reasons for, 46

hiding, 48, 52


changing event autosplitting time frame, 68

disabling automatic import, 21-22

disabling Copy Imported Photos feature, 24-25

duplicates, 23

file management, 23-24

from hard drive, 18-19

from iCloud Photo Stream, 17

from Mail app, 20

from USB-connected devices/SD cards, 16-17

viewing last imported, 20-21

key photos, marking, 53


adding, 39-40

deleting, 40

Keyword Manager, 40-44

shortcut keys, adding, 42-43

shortcut keys, applying with, 44


adding manually, 142-144

copying/pasting, 146

moving to trash, 49-50, 52

My Photo Stream

adding, 241-242

deleting, 242-243

naming, 35-36

ordering prints, 223-226

organizing. See albums; events; Faces; Places


in Facebook albums, 258

in Facebook Timeline, 260

to Flickr, 251-252

rating, 47, 52

in regular albums, adding, 87-88

rescanning for Faces, 121-122

restoring from trash, 50

rotating, 52, 105


in Facebook albums, 263-264

in Flickr sets, 255-256

from shared photo streams, 248-249


by date, 58-62

by keyword, 62-64

by location, 141

narrowing searches, 56

by rating, 65

by text, 57

sharing, 197. See also keepsakes

accounts needed for, 237-238

email, 269-273

Facebook, 125-126, 256-264

Flickr, 249-256

iCloud, 238-249

Messages, 265-266

Twitter, 267-269

viewing sharing information, 274

sorting, 108-109

specific photos, creating events, 72-73

titles, batch changing, 37-39

unflagging, 46

unhiding, 49


in Facebook albums, 259

film roll, 106-107

in Flickr, 253

full screen, 105-106

hidden, 48

last imported, 20-21

in Places, 138-141

sort order, 107-109

thumbnails, 104-106

zooming, keyboard shortcuts, 195

photostreams (Flickr), 252

photo streams (iCloud). See also My Photo Stream

events, 240


creating, 245-246

deleting, 248

deleting photos, 247-248

saving photos, 248-249

viewing/managing, 246-247

pictures. See photos

pins (Places map)

moving on mini-map, 144-145

viewing photos, 139-140

Places, 129

Manage My Places window, 148-151


explained, 132-133

navigating manually, 133-134

navigating with Location menu, 134-137

removing locations, 147

restoring locations, 147-148

switching views, 137-138

mini-map, 141-146

adding locations to photos, 142-144

moving pins on, 144-145

naming locations, 145

smart albums, creating, 151-152

viewing photos, 138-141

Play button (slideshows), 228

playing slideshows, 232

Preview button (slideshows), 228

prints of photos, ordering, 223-226

profile pictures (Facebook), changing, 261

Projects header (source list), 12

publishing photos

in Facebook albums, 258

in Facebook Timeline, 260

to Flickr, 251-252


iPhoto, 7

keepsakes, 222-223

prints of photos, 223-226


Quick Fixes tab (Edit mode), 158

Quick Group (keywords), 43-44


for photos, 47, 52

searching photos, 65

Recent header (source list), 11

red-eye removal, 161-162

Redo button (Edit mode), 158

regular albums

creating, 82-87

empty albums, 82

from folders, 86-87

from specific photos, 83-86

deleting, 90

duplicating, 95

organizing, 96-100


adding, 87-88

deleting, 89

smart albums versus, 80

rejecting suggested matches in Faces collections, 119-121

removing red-eye, 161-162. See also deleting


events, 21

locations (Places), 150

photos, 35-36

requirements for iPhoto, 7

rescanning photos for Faces, 121-122

resizing thumbnails, 104-105

resolution (Exif information), 30


locations (Places), 147-148

photos from trash, 50

retouching photos, 166-167

Revert to Original button (Edit mode), 158

Revert to Previous button (Edit mode), 158

reviewing original photo during edits, 191-192

right-click menu, 51-53

rotating photos, 52, 105, 159

round filter buttons, 169-170

rule of thirds, 166


Satellite view (Places map), 138

saturation, adjusting, 181-183

saving photos

in Facebook albums, 263-264

in Flickr sets, 255-256

from shared photo streams, 248-249

SD cards, importing photos, 16-17

Search button (toolbar), 12, 56

searching photos

by date, 58-62

by keyword, 62-64

by location, 141

narrowing searches, 56

by rating, 65

by text, 57

Sepia filter, 170

sets (Flickr)

deleting, 254-255


deleting, 253-254

saving, 255-256

viewing, 253

Settings button (slideshows), 228

shadows, adjusting, 183-186

Share button (toolbar), 13, 198

creating regular albums, 85

Shared header (source list), 11

shared photo streams

creating, 245-246

deleting, 248


deleting, 247-248

saving, 248-249

viewing/managing, 246-247

Sharing bar (Information Pane), 29

sharing photos, 197. See also keepsakes

accounts needed for, 237-238

email, 269-273

Facebook, 125-126, 256-264

Flickr, 249-256

iCloud, 238-249

Messages, 265-266

Twitter, 267-269

viewing sharing information, 274

sharing tool, iPhoto as, 6

sharpness, adjusting, 183-186

shortcut keys for keywords

adding, 42-43

applying, 44

Show Photos button (Places map), 133, 140

shutter speed (Exif information), 32

skin tones, saturation, 182

Slideshow button (toolbar), 12


creating, 227-234

adding music, 230

adding text, 229

additional settings, 230-232

choosing themes, 229

instant slideshows, 234

toolbar options, 228

exporting, 233

playing, 232

Slideshows header (source list), 12

Smart Album button (Places map), 133

smart albums

creating, 91-92

in Places, 151-152

deleting, 94

duplicating, 95

editing, 92-93

organizing, 96-100

regular albums versus, 80


albums alphabetically, 100-101

events, 108

photo view order, 107-109

source list, 10-12

creating regular albums, 84

keepsakes, 199

special effects. See filters

specific photos

creating events, 72-73

creating regular albums, 83-86

splitting events, 76-77

square filter buttons, 170-171

Standard view (Places map), 137

starting iPhoto, 9

straightening photos, 163

switching views in Places map, 137-138

system requirements for iPhoto, 7


tagging Facebook photos from Faces, 125-126

tags. See keywords

temperature, adjusting, 186-189


in calendars, adding to dates, 220

formatting in keepsakes, 209-211

searching photos, 57

in slideshows, adding, 229

Text Slide button (slideshows), 228

textures, copying/pasting, 167

Themes button (slideshows), 228

themes for slideshows, 229

thumbnails, 104-106

time and date, changing, 33-35

time frame, autosplitting events, 68

Timeline (Facebook), publishing photos, 260

tint, adjusting, 169, 186-189

titles, batch changing, 37-39

toolbar, 12-13

in slideshows, 228


moving photos to, 49-50, 52

restoring photos from, 50

troubleshooting, creating regular albums, 82

turning on/off. See disabling; enabling


accounts, registering, 238, 267-268

sharing photos, 267-269


underexposed photos, adjusting, 176-180

Undo button (Edit mode), 158

unflagging photos, 46

unhiding photos, 49

updating iPhoto, 8

USB-connected devices, importing photos, 16-17


version of iPhoto, checking, 8


event information, 69-70

events, 52

Faces collections, 117-118

hidden photos, 48


in Facebook albums, 259

film roll, 106-107

full screen, 105-106

last imported, 20-21

in Places, 138-141

sort order, 107-109

thumbnails, 104-106

photo sharing information, 274

sets (Flickr), 253

shared photo streams, 246-247

views (Places map), switching, 137-138

Vignette filter, 171


white balance (Exif information), 30

Wi-Fi location services, 130


Icons Zoom slider (toolbar), 12

photos, keyboard shortcuts, 195

in Places map, 133-134

Zoom slider (Edit mode), 157

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