

Statistics has long been a field of mathematics that is relevant to practically all applied disciplines of science and engineering, as well as business, medicine, and other fields where data is used for obtaining knowledge and making decisions. With the recent proliferation of data analytics there has been a surge of renewed interest in statistical methods. Still, computer-aided statistics has a long history, and it is a field that traditionally has been dominated by domain-specific software packages and programming environments, such as the S language, and more recently its open source counterpart: the R language. The use of Python for statistical analysis has grown rapidly over the last several years, and by now there is a mature collection of statistical libraries for Python. With these libraries Python can match the performance and features of domain-specific languages in many areas of statistics, albeit not all, while also providing the unique advantages of the Python programming language and its environment. The pandas library that we discussed in Chapter 12 is an example of a development within the Python community that was strongly influenced by statistical software, with the introduction of the data frame data structure to the Python environment. The NumPy and SciPy libraries provides computational tools for many fundamental statistical concepts, and higher-level statistical modeling and machine learning are covered by the statsmodels and scikit-learn libraries, which we will see more of in the following chapters.

In this chapter we focus on fundamental statistical applications using Python, and in particular the stats module in SciPy. Here we discuss computing descriptive statistics, random numbers, random variables, distributions, and hypothesis testing. We defer more involved statistical modeling and machine-learning applications to the following chapters. Some fundamental statistical functions are also available through the NumPy library, such as its functions and methods to compute descriptive statistics and its module for generating random numbers. The SciPy stats module built on top of NumPy, for example, provides random number generators with more specialized distributions.

Importing Modules

In this chapter we mainly work with the stats module in SciPy, and following the convention to selectively import modules from SciPy, we here assume that this module, as well as the optimize module, are imported in the following way:

In [1]: from scipy import stats
   ...: from scipy import optimize

In addition, as usual we also require the NumPy and Matplotlib libraries:

In [2]: import numpy as np
In [3]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

and for statistical graphs and styling we use the Seaborn library:

In [4]: import seaborn as sns
In [5]: sns.set(style="whitegrid")

Review of Statistics and Probability

We begin with a brief review of statistics, in order to introduce of some of the key concepts and the notation that we use in this and the following chapters. Statistics deals with the collection and analysis of data for the purpose of gaining insights, drawing conclusions, and supporting decision making. Statistical methods are necessary when we have incomplete information about a phenomenon. Typically we have incomplete information because we are unable to collect data from all members of a population, or if there is uncertainty in observations that we make (for example due to measurement noise). When we are unable to survey an entire population, a randomly chosen sample can be studied instead, and we can use statistical methods and compute descriptive statistics (parameters such as the mean and the variances) to make inferences about the properties of the entire population (also called sample space) in a systematic manner and with controlled risks of error.

Statistical methods are built on the foundation provided by probability theory, with which we can model uncertainty and incomplete information using probabilistic, random variables. For example, with randomly selected samples of a population, we can hope to obtain representative samples whose properties can be used to infer properties of the entire population. In probability theory, each possible outcome for an observation is given a probability, and the probability for all possible outcomes constitutes the probability distribution. Given the probability distribution, we can compute properties of the population, such as its mean and variance, but for randomly selected samples we only know the expected, or average, results.

In statistical analysis it is important to distinguish between population and sample statistics. Here we denote parameters of the population with Greek symbols and parameters of a sample with the corresponding population symbol with the added subscript x (or the symbol that is used to represent the sample). For example, the mean and the variance of a population is denoted with μ and s2, and the mean and the variance of a sample x is denoted as μx and σx2. Furthermore, we denote variables representing a population (random variables) with capital letters, for example, X, and a set of sample elements is denoted with lower-case letters, for example x. A bar over a symbol denotes the average or mean: img and img, where N is the number of elements in the population X and n is the number of elements in the sample x. The only difference between these two expressions is the number of elements in the sum (img). The situation is slightly more complex for the variance: The population variance is the mean of the squared distance from the mean: img, and the corresponding sample variance is img. In the latter expression we have replaced the population mean μ with the sample mean μx and divided with img rather than n. The reason for this is that one degree of freedom has been eliminated from the sample set when calculating the sample mean μx, so when computing the sample variance only img degrees of freedom remains. Consequently, the way to compute the variance for a population and a sample is slightly different. This is reflected in functions we can use to compute these statistics in Python.

In Chapter 2 we have already seen that we can compute descriptive statistics for data using NumPy functions or the corresponding ndarray methods. For example, to compute the mean and the median of a dataset, we can use the NumPy functions mean and median:

In [6]: x = np.array([3.5, 1.1, 3.2, 2.8, 6.7, 4.4, 0.9, 2.2])
In [7]: np.mean(x)
Out[7]: 3.10
In [8]: np.median(x)
Out[8]: 3.0

Similarly, we can use min and max functions or ndarray methods to compute the minimum and maximum value in the array:

In [9]: x.min(), x.max()
Out[9]: (0.90, 6.70)

To compute the variance and the standard deviation for a dataset we use the var and std methods. By default, the formula for the population variance and standard deviation is used (that is, it is assumed that the dataset is the entire population).

In [10]: x.var()
Out[10]: 3.07
In [11]: x.std()
Out[11]: 1.7521415467935233

However, to change this behavior we can use the argument ddof (delta degrees of freedom). The denominator in expression for the variance is the number of elements in the array minus ddof, so to calculate the unbiased estimate of the variance and standard deviation from a sample we need to set ddof=1:

In [12]: x.var(ddof=1)
Out[12]: 3.5085714285714293
In [13]: x.std(ddof=1)
Out[13]: 1.8731181032095732

In the following sections we look into more detail on how to use NumPy and SciPy’s stats module to generate random numbers, represent random variables and distributions, and testing hypotheses.

Random Numbers

The Python standard library contains the module random, which provides functions for generating single random numbers with a few basic distributions. The random module in the NumPy module provides similar functionality, but offers functions that generate NumPy arrays with random numbers, and it has support for a wider selection of probability distributions. Arrays with random numbers are often practical for computational purposes, so here we focus on the random module in NumPy, and later also the higher-level functions and classes in scipy.stats, which build on top of and extend NumPy.

Earlier in this book we have already used np.random.rand, which generates uniformly distributed floating-point numbers in the half-open interval [0, 1) (that is, 0.0 is a possible outcome, but 1.0 is not). In addition to this function, the np.random module also contains a large collection of other functions for generating random numbers that covers different intervals, have different distribution, and takes values of different types (for example, floating-point numbers and integers). For example, the randn function produces random numbers that are distributed according to the standard normal distribution (the normal distribution with mean 0, and standard deviation 1), and the randint function generates uniformly distributed integers between a given low (inclusive) and high (exclusive) value. When the rand and randn functions are called without any arguments, they produce a single random number:

In [14]: np.random.rand()
Out[14]: 0.532833024789759
In [15]: np.random.randn()
Out[15]: 0.8768342101492541

However, passing the shape of the array as arguments to these functions produces arrays of random numbers. For example, here we generate a vector of length 5 of using rand by passing a single argument 5, and a img array using randn by passing 2 and 4 as arguments (higher-dimensional arrays are generated by passing the length of each dimension as arguments):

In [16]: np.random.rand(5)
Out[16]: array([ 0.71356403,  0.25699895,  0.75269361,  0.88387918,  0.15489908])
In [17]: np.random.randn(2, 4)
Out[17]: array([[ 3.13325952,  1.15727052,  1.37591514,  0.94302846],
                [ 0.8478706 ,  0.52969142, -0.56940469,  0.83180456]])

To generate random integers using randint (see also random_integers), we need to either provide the upper limit for the random numbers (in which case the lower limit is implicitly zero), or provide both the lower and upper limits. The size of the generated array is specified using the size keyword arguments, and it can be an integer or a tuple that specifies the shape of a multidimensional array:

In [18]: np.random.randint(10, size=10)
Out[18]: array([0, 3, 8, 3, 9, 0, 6, 9, 2, 7])
In [19]: np.random.randint(low=10, high=20, size=(2, 10))
Out[19]: array([[12, 18, 18, 17, 14, 12, 14, 10, 16, 19],
                [15, 13, 15, 18, 11, 17, 17, 10, 13, 17]])

Note that the randint function generates random integers in the half-open interval img. To demonstrate that the random numbers produced by rand, randn and randint, indeed are distributed differently, we can plot the histograms of say 10,000 random numbers produced by each function. The result is shown in Figure 13-1. We note that the distributions for rand and randint appear uniform, but have different ranges and types, while the distribution of the numbers produced by randn resembles a Gaussian curve centered at zero, as expected.

In [20]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3))
    ...: axes[0].hist(np.random.rand(10000))
    ...: axes[0].set_title("rand")
    ...: axes[1].hist(np.random.randn(10000))
    ...: axes[1].set_title("randn")
    ...: axes[2].hist(np.random.randint(low=1, high=10, size=10000), bins=9, align='left')
    ...: axes[2].set_title("randint(low=1, high=10)")


Figure 13-1. Distributions for 10,000 random numbers generated by the rand, randn, and randint functions in NumPy’s random module

In statistical analysis, it is often necessary to generate a unique list of integers. This corresponds to sampling (randomly selecting) items from a set (population) without replacement (so that we do not get the same item twice). From the NumPy random module, we can use the choice function to generate these types of random numbers. As our first argument we can either provide a list (or array) with the values in the population, or an integer that corresponds to the number of elements in the population. As our second argument we give the number of values that are to be sampled. Whether the values are to be sampled with or without replacement can be specified using the replace keyword argument, which takes the Boolean values True or False. For example, to sample five unique (without replacement) items from the set of integers between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive), we can use:

In [21]: np.random.choice(10, 5, replace=False)
Out[21]: array([9, 0, 5, 8, 1])

When working with random number generation, it can be useful to seed the random number generator. The seed is a number that initializes the random number generator to a specific state, so that once it has been seeded with a specific number it always generates the same sequence of random numbers. This can be useful when testing and for reproducing previous results, and occasionally in applications that require reseeding the random number generator (for example, after having forked a process). To seed the random number generator in NumPy, we can use the seed function, which takes an integer as an argument:

In [22]: np.random.seed(123456789)
In [23]: np.random.rand()
Out[23]: 0.532833024789759

Note that after having seeded the random number generator with a specific number, here 123456789, the following calls to the random number generators always produce the same results:

In [24]: np.random.seed(123456789); np.random.rand()
Out[24]: 0.532833024789759

The seed of the random number generator is a global state of the np.random module. A finer level of control of the state of the random number generator can be achieved by using the RandomState class, which optionally takes a seed integer as argument to its initializer. The RandomState object keeps tracks of the state of the random number generator, and allows maintaining several independent random number generators in the same program (which can be useful, for example, when working with threaded applications). Once a RandomState object has been created, we can use methods of this object to generate random numbers. The RandomState class has methods that correspond to the functions that are available in np.random module. For example, we can use the method randn of the RandomState class to generate standard normal distributed random numbers:

In [25]: prng = np.random.RandomState(123456789)
In [26]: prng.rand(2, 4)
Out[26]: array([[ 0.81854739,  0.09790852,  0.00355391,  0.23080962],
                [ 0.01225513,  0.35354171,  0.18528148,  0.7927684 ]])

Similarly, there are method rand, randint, rand_integers, choice, which also correspond to the functions in the np.random module with the same name. It is considered good programming practice to use a RandomState instance rather than directly using the functions in the np.random module, because it avoids relying on a global state variable and improves the isolation of the code. This is an important consideration when developing library functions that use random numbers, but is perhaps less important in smaller applications and calculations.

In addition to the fundamental random number distributions we have looked at so far (discrete and continuous uniform distributions, randint and rand, and the standard normal distribution, randn), there are also functions, and RandomState methods, for a large number of probability distributions that occur in statistics. To mention just a few, there are the continuous χ2-distribution (chisquare), the Student’s t-distribution (standard_t), and the F-distribution (f):

In [27]: prng.chisquare(1, size=(2, 2))
Out[27]: array([[ 0.78631596,  0.19891367],
                [ 0.11741336,  2.8713997 ]])
In [28]: prng.standard_t(1, size=(2, 3))
Out[28]: array([[ 0.39697518, -0.19469463,  1.15544019],
                [-0.65730814, -0.55125015,  0.13578694]])
In [29]: prng.f(5, 2, size=(2, 4))
Out[29]: array([[  0.45471421,  17.64891848,   1.48620557,   2.55433261],
                [  1.21823269,   3.47619315,   0.50835525,   0.70599655]])

and the discrete binomial distribution (binomial) and the Poisson distribution (poisson):

In [30]: prng.binomial(10, 0.5, size=10)
Out[30]: array([4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 5, 7, 5, 4, 5])
In [31]: prng.poisson(5, size=10)
Out[31]: array([3, 5, 5, 5, 0, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3])

For a complete list of available distribution functions, see the docstrings for the np.random module, help(np.random), and the RandomState class. While it is possible to use the functions in np.random and methods in RandomState to draw random numbers from many different statistical distribution functions, when working with distributions there is a higher-level interface in the scipy.stats module that combines random number sampling with many other convenient functions for probability distributions. In the following section we explore this in more detail.

Random Variables and Distributions

In probability theory, the set of possible outcomes of a random process is called the sample space. Each element in the sample space (that is, an outcome of an experiment or an observation) can be assigned a probability, and the probabilities of all possible outcomes define the probability distribution. A random variable is a mapping from the sample space to the real numbers or to integers. For example, the possible outcomes of a coin toss are head and tail, so the sample space is {head, tail}, and a possible random variable takes the value 0 for head and 1 for tail. In general there are many ways to define random variables for the possible outcomes of a given random process. Random variables are a problem-independent representation of a random process. It is easier to work with random variables because they are described by numbers instead of outcomes from problem-specific sample spaces. A common step in statistical problem solving is therefore to map outcomes to numerical values and figure out the probability distribution of those values.

Consequently, a random variable is characterized by its possible values and its probability distribution, which assigns a probability for each possible value. Each observation of the random variable results in a random number, and the distribution of the observed values are described by the probability distribution. There are two main types of distributions: discrete and continuous distributions, which are integer valued and real valued, respectively. When working with statistics, dealing with random variables is of central importance, and in practice this often means working with probability distributions. The SciPy stats module provides classes for representing random variables with a large number of probability distributions. There are two base classes for discrete and continuous random variables: rv_discrete and rv_continuous. These classes are not used directly, but rather used as base classes for random variables with specific distributions, but they do define a common interface for all random variable classes in SciPy stats. A summary of selected methods for discrete and continuous random variables is given in Table 13-1.

Table 13-1. Selected methods for discrete and continous random variables in the SciPy stats module



pdf / pmf

Probability distribution function (continuous) or probability mass function (discrete).


Cumulative distribution function.


Survival function (1 – cdf).


Percent-point function (inverse of cdf).


Non-central moments of nth order.


Statistics of the distribution (typically the mean and variance, sometimes additional statistics).


Fit distribution to data using a numerical maximum likelihood optimization (for continuous distributions).


Expectation value of a function with respect to the distribution.


The endpoints of the interval that contains a given percentage of the distribution (confidence interval).


Random variable samples. Takes as argument the size of the resulting array of samples.

mean, median, std, var

Descriptive statistics: mean, median, standard deviation, and the variance of the distribution.

There are a large number of classes for the discrete and continuous random variables in the SciPy stats module. At the time of writing there are classes for 13 discrete and 83 continuous distributions, and these include the most commonly (and many less commonly) encountered distributions. For a complete reference, see the docstring for the stats module: help(stats). In the following we explore some of the more common distributions, but the usage of all the other distributions follows the same pattern.

The random variable classes in the SciPy stats module have several use-cases. They are both representations of the distribution, which can be used to compute descriptive statistics and for graphing, and they can be used to generate random numbers following the given distribution using the rvs (random variable sample) method. The latter use-case is similar to what we used the np.random module for earlier in this chapter.

As a demonstration of how to use the random variable classes in SciPy stats, consider the following example where we create a normal distributed random variable with mean 1.0 and standard deviation 0.5:

In [32]: X = stats.norm(1, 0.5)

Now X is an object that represents a random variable, and we can compute descriptive statistics of this random variable using, for example, the mean, median, std and var methods:

In [33]: X.mean()
Out[33]: 1.0
In [34]: X.median()
Out[34]: 1.0
In [35]: X.std()
Out[35]: 0.5
In [36]: X.var()
Out[36]: 0.25

Non-central moments of an arbitrary order can be computed with the moment method:

In [37]: [X.moment(n) for n in range(5)]
Out[37]: [1.0, 1.0, 1.25, 1.75, 2.6875]

And we can obtain a distribution-dependent list of statistics using the stats method (here, for a normal distributed random variable, we get the mean and the variance):

In [38]: X.stats()
Out[38]: (array(1.0), array(0.25))

We can evaluate the probability distribution function, the cumulative distribution function, the survival function, etc., using the pdf, cdf, and sf methods, etc. These all takes a value, or an array of values, at which to evaluate the function:

In [39]: X.pdf([0, 1, 2])
Out[39]: array([ 0.10798193,  0.79788456,  0.10798193])
In [40]: X.cdf([0, 1, 2])
Out[40]: array([ 0.02275013,  0.5       ,  0.97724987])

The interval method can be used to compute the lower and upper values of x such that a given percentage of the probability distribution falls within the interval (lower, upper). This method is useful for computing confidence intervals, and for selecting a range of x values for plotting:

In [41]: X.interval(0.95)
Out[41]: (0.020018007729972975, 1.979981992270027)
In [42]: X.interval(0.99)
Out[42]: (-0.28791465177445019, 2.2879146517744502)

To build intuition for the properties of a probability distribution it is useful to graph it, together with the corresponding cumulative probability function and the percent-point function. To make it easier to repeat this for several distributions, we first create a function plot_rv_distribution that plots the result of pdf or pmf, the cdf and sf, and ppf methods of the SciPy stats random variable objects, over an interval that contains 99.9% of the probability distribution function. We also highlight the area that contains 95% of the probability distribution using the fill_between drawing method:

In [43]: def plot_rv_distribution(X, axes=None):
    ...:     """Plot the PDF or PMF, CDF, SF and PPF of a given random variable"""
    ...:     if axes is None:
    ...:         fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3))
    ...:     x_min_999, x_max_999 = X.interval(0.999)
    ...:     x999 = np.linspace(x_min_999, x_max_999, 1000)
    ...:     x_min_95, x_max_95 = X.interval(0.95)
    ...:     x95 = np.linspace(x_min_95, x_max_95, 1000)
    ...:     if hasattr(X.dist, "pdf"):
    ...:         axes[0].plot(x999, X.pdf(x999), label="PDF")
    ...:         axes[0].fill_between(x95, X.pdf(x95), alpha=0.25)
    ...:     else:
    ...:         # discrete random variables do not have a pdf method, instead we use pmf:
    ...:         x999_int = np.unique(x999.astype(int))
    ...:         axes[0].bar(x999_int, X.pmf(x999_int), label="PMF")
    ...:     axes[1].plot(x999, X.cdf(x999), label="CDF")
    ...:     axes[1].plot(x999, X.sf(x999), label="SF")
    ...:     axes[2].plot(x999, X.ppf(x999), label="PPF")
    ...:     for ax in axes:
    ...:         ax.legend()

Next we use this function to graph a few examples of distributions: the normal distribution, the F distribution, and the discrete Poisson distribution. The result is shown in Figure 13-2.

In [44]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12, 9))
    ...: X = stats.norm()
    ...: plot_rv_distribution(X, axes=axes[0, :])
    ...: axes[0, 0].set_ylabel("Normal dist.")
    ...: X = stats.f(2, 50)
    ...: plot_rv_distribution(X, axes=axes[1, :])
    ...: axes[1, 0].set_ylabel("F dist.")
    ...: X = stats.poisson(5)
    ...: plot_rv_distribution(X, axes=axes[2, :])
    ...: axes[2, 0].set_ylabel("Poisson dist.")


Figure 13-2. Examples of probability distribution functions (PDF) or probability mass functions (PMF), comulative distribution functions (CDF), survival functions (SF), and percent-point functions (PPF) for a normal distribution (top), an F distribution (middle), and a Poisson distribution (bottom)

In the examples so far we have initiated an instance of the random variable class, and computed statistics and other properties using method calls. An alternative way to use the random variable classes in SciPy’s stats module is to use class methods, for example, stats.norm.mean, and pass the distribution parameters as arguments (often loc and scale, as in this example for normal distributed values):

In [45]: stats.norm.stats(loc=2, scale=0.5)
Out[45]: (array(2.0), array(0.25))

which gives the same result as first creating an instance and then calling the corresponding method:

In [46]: stats.norm(loc=1, scale=0.5).stats()
Out[46]: (array(1.0), array(0.25))

Most methods in the rv_discrete and rv_continuous classes can be used as class methods in this way.

So far we have only looked at properties of the distribution function of random variables. Note that although a distribution function describes a random variable, the distribution itself is fully deterministic. To draw random numbers that are distributed according to the given probability of distribution, we can use the rvs (random variable sample) method. It takes as argument the shape of the required array (can be an integer for a vector, or a tuple of dimension lengths for a higher-dimensional array). Here we use rvs(10) to generate a 1-dimensional array with 10 values:

In [47]: X = stats.norm(1, 0.5)
In [48]: X.rvs(10)
Out[48]: array([ 2.106451  ,  2.0641989 ,  1.9208557 ,  1.04119124,  1.42948184,
                 0.58699179,  1.57863526,  1.68795757,  1.47151423,  1.4239353 ])

To see that the resulting random numbers indeed are distributed according to the corresponding probability distribution function, we can graph a histogram of a large number of samples of a random variable and compare it to the probability distribution function. Again, to be able to do this easily for samples of several random variables we create a function plot_dist_samples for this purpose. This function uses the interval method to obtain a suitable plot range for a given random variable object.

In [49]: def plot_dist_samples(X, X_samples, title=None, ax=None):
    ...:     """ Plot the PDF and histogram of samples of a continuous random variable"""
    ...:     if ax is None:
    ...:          fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))
    ...:     x_lim = X.interval(.99)
    ...:     x = np.linspace(*x_lim, num=100)
    ...:     ax.plot(x, X.pdf(x), label="PDF", lw=3)
    ...:     ax.hist(X_samples, label="samples", normed=1, bins=75)
    ...:     ax.set_xlim(*x_lim)
    ...:     ax.legend()
    ...:     if title:
    ...:         ax.set_title(title)
    ...:     return ax

Note that in this function we have used the tuple unpacking syntax *x_lim, which distributes the elements in the tuple x_lim to different arguments for the function. In this case it is equivalent to np.linspace(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], num=100).

Next we use this function to visualize 2000 samples of three random variables with different distributions: Here we use the Student’s t distribution, the c2 distribution, and the exponential distribution, and the results are shown in Figure 13-3. Since 2000 is a fairly large sample, the histogram graphs of the samples coincide well with the probability distribution function. With an even larger number of samples the agreement can be expected to be even better.

In [50]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3))
    ...: N = 2000
    ...: # Student’s t distribution
    ...: X = stats.t(7.0)
    ...: plot_dist_samples(X, X.rvs(N), "Student’s t dist.", ax=axes[0])
    ...: # The chisquared distribution
    ...: X = stats.chi2(5.0)
    ...: plot_dist_samples(X, X.rvs(N), r"$chi^2$ dist.", ax=axes[1])
    ...: # The exponential distribution
    ...: X = stats.expon(0.5)
    ...: plot_dist_samples(X, X.rvs(N), "exponential dist.", ax=axes[2])


Figure 13-3. Probability distribution function (PDF) together with histograms of 2000 random samples from the Student’s t distribution (left), the χ2 distribution (middle), and the exponential distribution (right)

The opposite of drawing random samples from a known distribution function is to fit given probability distribution with unknown parameters to a set of data points. In such a fit we typically wish to optimize the unknown parameters such that the likelihood of observing the given data is maximized. This is called a maximum likelihood fit. Many of the random variable classes in the SciPy stats module implements the method fit that perform such a fitting to given data. As a first example, consider drawing 500 random samples from the χ2 distribution with five degrees of freedom (df=5), and then refitting the random variables to the χ2 distribution using the fit method.

In [51]: X = stats.chi2(df=5)
In [52]: X_samples = X.rvs(500)
In [53]: df, loc, scale =
In [54]: df, loc, scale
Out[54]: (5.2886783664198465, 0.0077028130326141243, 0.93310362175739658)
In [55]: Y = stats.chi2(df=df, loc=loc, scale=scale)

The fit method returns the maximum likelihood parameters of the distribution, for the given data. We can pass on those parameters to the initializer of the stats.chi2 to create a new random variable instance Y. The probability distribution of Y should resemble the probability distribution of the original random variable X. To verify this we can plot the probability distribution functions for both random variables. The resulting graph is shown in Figure 13-4.

In [56]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
    ...: x_lim = X.interval(.99)
    ...: x = np.linspace(*x_lim, num=100)
    ...: axes[0].plot(x, X.pdf(x), label="original")
    ...: axes[0].plot(x, Y.pdf(x), label="recreated")
    ...: axes[0].legend()
    ...: axes[1].plot(x, X.pdf(x) - Y.pdf(x), label="error")
    ...: axes[1].legend()


Figure 13-4. Original and re-created probability distritubution function (left) and the error (right), from a maximum likelihood fit of 500 random samples of the original distribution

In this section we have explored how to use random variable objects from the SciPy stats model to describe random variables with various distributions, and how they can be used to compute properties of the given distributions, as well as generating random variable samples and performing maximum likelihood fitting. In the following section we see how to further use these random variable objects for hypothesis testing.

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a cornerstone in the scientific method, which requires that claims are investigated objectively, and that a claim is rejected or accepted on the basis of factual observations. Statistical hypothesis testing has a more specific meaning. It is a systematic methodology for evaluating if a claim, or a hypothesis, is reasonable or not, on the basis of data. As such it is an important application of statistics. In this methodology, we formulate the hypothesis in terms of a null hypothesis, H0, which represents the currently accepted state of knowledge, and an alternative hypothesis, HA, which represent a new claim that challenges the current state of knowledge. The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis must be mutually exclusive and complementary, so that one and only one of the hypotheses are true.

Once H0 and HA are defined, data that support the test must be collected, for example, through measurements, observations, or a survey. The next step is to find test statistics that can be computed from the data, and whose probability distribution function can be found under the null hypothesis. Next we can evaluate the data by computing the probability (the p-value) of obtaining the observed value of the test statistics (or a more extreme one) using the distribution function that is implied by the null hypothesis. If the p-value is smaller than a predetermined threshold, known as the significance level, and denoted by α (typically 5% or 1%), we can conclude that the observed data is unlikely to have been described by the distribution corresponding to the null hypothesis. In that case, we can therefore reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. The steps for carrying out a hypothesis test are summarized in the following list:

  1. Formulate the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.
  2. Select a test statistics such that its sampling distribution under the null hypothesis is known (exactly or approximately).
  3. Collect data.
  4. Compute the test statistics from the data and calculate its p-value under the null hypothesis.
  5. If the p-value is smaller than the predetermined significance level α, we reject the null hypothesis. If the p-value is larger, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Statistical hypothesis testing is a probabilistic method, which means that we cannot be certain in the decision to reject or not to reject the null hypothesis. There can be two types of error: We can mistakenly reject the null hypothesis when in reality it should not be rejected, and we can fail to reject the null hypothesis when it should be rejected. These are called type I and type II errors, respectively. By choosing the required significance level we can balance the trade-off between these two types of error.

In general, the most challenging step in the method outlined above is to know the sampling distribution of the test statistics. Fortunately many hypothesis tests fall in a few standard categories for which the probability distributions are known. A brief summary and overview of common hypothesis test cases and the corresponding distribution of their test statistics is given in Table 13-2. For motivations for why each of these tests are suitable for stated situations, and the full set of conditions for the tests validity, see a statistics text books such as (Wasserman, 2004) or (Rice, 1995). The docstring for each listed functions in the SciPy stats module also contains further information about each test.

Table 13-2. Summary of common hypothesis test cases with the corresponding distributions and SciPy functions

Null Hypothesis


SciPy Functions for Test

Test if the mean of a population is a given value.

Normal distribution (stats.norm), or Student’s t distribution (stats.t)


Test if the means of two random variables are equal (independent or paired samples).

Student’s t distribution


stats.ttest_ind, stats.ttest_rel

Test goodness of fit of a continuous distribution to data.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.


Test if categorical data occur with given frequency (sum of squared normal distributed variables).

χ2 distribution (stats.chi2)


Test for independence of categorical variables in a contingency table.

c2 distribution (stats.chi2)


Test for equal variance in samples of two or more variables.

F distribution (stats.f)



Test for non-correlation between two variables.

Beta distribution (stats.beta, stasts.mstats.betai)

stats.pearsonr, stats.spearmanr

Test if two or more variables have the same population mean (ANOVA – analysis of variance).

F distribution

stats.f_oneway, stats.kruskal

Below we also look at examples of how the corresponding functions in SciPy stats module can be used to carry out steps 4 and 5 in the procedure given above: computing a test statistic and the corresponding p-value.

For example, a common null hypothesis is a claim that the mean μ of a population is a certain value μ0. We can then sample the population and use the sample mean img to form a test statistic: img, where n is the sample size. If the population is large and the variance σ is known, then it is reasonable to use assume that the test statistic is normally distributed. If the variance is unknown, we can substitute σ2 with the sample variance σx2 . The test statistics then follows the Student’s t distribution, which in the limit of large number of samples approaches the normal distribution. Regardless of which distribution we end up using, we can compute a p-value for the test statistics using the given distribution.

As an example of how this type of hypothesis test can be carried out using the functions provided by the SciPy stats module, consider a null hypothesis that claims that a random variable X has mean img. Given samples of X, we then wish to test if the sampled data is compatible with the null hypothesis. Here we simulate the samples by drawing 100 random samples from a distribution slightly different than that claimed by the null hypothesis (using img):

In [57]: mu0, mu, sigma = 1.0, 0.8, 0.5
In [58]: X = stats.norm(mu, sigma)
In [59]: n = 100
In [60]: X_samples = X.rvs(n)

Given the sample data, X_samples, next we need to compute test statistics. If the population standard deviation σ is known, as in this example, we can use img, which is normally distributed.

In [61]: z = (X_samples.mean() - mu0)/(sigma/np.sqrt(n))
In [62]: z
Out[62]: -2.8338979550098298

If the population variance is not known, we can use the sample standard deviation instead: img. However, in this case the test statistics t follows the Student’s t distribution instead rather than the normal distribution. To compute t in this case we can use the NumPy method std with the ddof=1 argument to compute the sample standard deviation:

In [63]: t = (X_samples.mean() - mu0)/(X_samples.std(ddof=1)/np.sqrt(n))
In [64]: t
Out[64]: -2.9680338545657845

In either case we get test statistics that we can compare with the corresponding distribution to obtain a p-value. For example, for a normal distribution we can use a stats.norm instance to represent a normal distributed random variable, and with its ppf method we can look up the statistics value that corresponds to a certain significant level. For a two-sided hypothesis test of significance level 5% (2.5% on each side), the statistics threshold is:

In [65]: stats.norm().ppf(0.025)
Out[65]: -1.9599639845400545

Since the observed statistics is about -2.83, which is smaller than the threshold value -1.96 for a two-sided test with significance 5%, we have sufficient grounds to reject the null hypothesis in this case. We can explicitly compute the p-value for the observed test statistics using the cdf method (multiplied by two for a two-sided test). The resulting p-value is indeed rather small, which supports the rejection of the null hypothesis:

In [66]: 2 * stats.norm().cdf(-abs(z))
Out[66]: 0.0045984013290753566

If we would like to use the t distribution, we can use the stats.t class instead of stats.norm. After computing the sample mean, img, only img degrees of freedom (df) remains in the sample data. The number of degrees of freedom is an important parameter for the t distribution, which we need to specify when we create the random variable instance:

In [67]: 2 * stats.t(df=(n-1)).cdf(-abs(t))
Out[67]: 0.0037586479674227209

The p-value is again very small, suggesting that we should reject the null hypothesis. Instead of explicitly carrying out these steps (computing the test statistics, then compute the p-value), there are built-in functions in SciPy’s stats module for carrying out many common tests, as summarized in Table 13-2. For the test we have used here, we can directly compute the test statistics and the p-value using the stats.ttest_1samp function:

In [68]: t, p = stats.ttest_1samp(X_samples, mu)
In [69]: t
Out[69]: -2.9680338545657841
In [70]: p
Out[70]: 0.0037586479674227209

Again we see that the p-value is very small (the same value as above), and that we should reject the null hypothesis. It is also illustrative to plot the distribution corresponding to the null hypothesis, together with the sampled data (see Figure 13-5):

In [71]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 3))
    ...: sns.distplot(X_samples, ax=ax)
    ...: x = np.linspace(*X.interval(0.999), num=100)
    ...: ax.plot(x, stats.norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma).pdf(x))


Figure 13-5. Distribution function according to the null hypothesis (light/green) and the sample estimated distribution function (dark/blue)

For another example, consider a two-variable problem, where the null hypothesis states that the population means of two random variables are equal (for example corresponding to independent subjects with and without treatment). We can simulate this type of test by creating two random variables with normal distribution, with randomly chosen population means. Here we select 50 samples for each random variable.

In [72]: n, sigma = 50, 1.0
In [73]: mu1, mu2 = np.random.rand(2)
In [74]: X1 = stats.norm(mu1, sigma)
In [75]: X1_sample = X1.rvs(n)
In [76]: X2 = stats.norm(mu2, sigma)
In [77]: X2_sample = X2.rvs(n)

We are interested in evaluating if the observed samples provide sufficient evidence for that the two population means are not equal (rejecting the null hypothesis). For this situation, we can use the t test for two independent samples, which is available in SciPy stats.ttext_ind, which returns the test statistics and the corresponding p-value:

In [78]: t, p = stats.ttest_ind(X1_sample, X2_sample)
In [79]: t
Out[79]: -1.4283175246005888
In [80]: p
Out[80]: 0.15637981059673237

Here the p-value is about 0.156, which is not small enough to support rejecting the null hypothesis that the two means are different. In this example the two population means are indeed different:

In [81]: mu1, mu2
Out[81]: (0.24764580637159606, 0.42145435527527897)

However, the particular samples drawn from these distributions did not statistically prove that these means are different (an error of type II). To increase the power of the statistical test we would need to increase the number of samples from each random variable.

The SciPy stats module contains functions for common types hypothesis testing (see the summary in Table 13-2), and their use closely followed what we have seen in the examples in this section. However, some tests require additional arguments for distribution parameters. See the docstrings for each individual test function for details.

Nonparametric Methods

So far we have described random variables with distributions that are completely determined by a few parameters, such as the mean and the variance for the normal distributions. Given sampled data, we can fit a distribution function using maximum likelihood optimization with respect to the parameters that specify the distribution function. Such distribution functions are called parametric, and statistical methods based on such distribution functions (for example, a hypothesis test) are called parametric methods. When using those methods we make a strong assumption that the sampled data is indeed described by the given distribution. An alternative approach to construct a representation of an unknown distribution function is kernel-density estimation (KDE), which can be viewed as a smoothened version of the histogram of the sampled data (see for example Figure 13-6). In this method, the probability distribution is estimated by a sum of the kernel function centered at each data point: img, where bw is a free parameter known as the bandwidth, and K is the kernel function (normalized so that it integrates to unity). The bandwidth is an important parameter that defines a scale for the influence of each term in the sum. A too-broad bandwidth gives a featureless estimate of the probability distribution, and a too-small bandwidth gives a noisy overly structured estimate (see the middle panel in Figure 13-6). Different choices of kernel functions are also possible. A Gaussian kernel is a popular choice, because of its smooth shape with local support, and it is relatively easy to perform computations with.

In SciPy’s the KDE method using a Gaussian kernel is implemented in the function stats.kde.gaussian_kde. This function returns a callable object that behaves as, and can be used as, a probability distribution function. For example, consider a set of samples, X_samples, draw from a random variable X with unknown distribution (here simulated using the χ2 distribution with five degrees of freedom):

In [82]: X = stats.chi2(df=5)
In [83]: X_samples = X.rvs(100)

To compute the kernel-density estimate for the given data we call the function stats.kde.guassian_kde with the array of sample points as argument:

In [84]: kde = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(X_samples)

By default, a standard method for computing a suitable bandwidth is used, which often gives acceptable results. However, if we wish we could also specify a function for computing the bandwidth, or directly setting the bandwidth, using the bw_method argument. To set a smaller bandwidth, we can for example use:

In [85]: kde_low_bw = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(X_samples, bw_method=0.25)

The gaussian_kde function returns an estimate of the distribution function, which we, for example, can graph or use for other applications. Here we plot a histogram of the data and the two kernel-density estimates (with default and explicitly set bandwidth). For reference we also plot the true probability distribution function for the samples. The result is shown in Figure 13-6.

In [86]: x = np.linspace(0, 20, 100)
In [87]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3))
    ...: axes[0].hist(X_samples, normed=True, alpha=0.5, bins=25)
    ...: axes[1].plot(x, kde(x), label="KDE")
    ...: axes[1].plot(x, kde_low_bw(x), label="KDE (low bw)")
    ...: axes[1].plot(x, X.pdf(x), label="True PDF")
    ...: axes[1].legend()
    ...: sns.distplot(X_samples, bins=25, ax=axes[2])


Figure 13-6. Histogram (left), kernel-density estimation of the the distribution function (middle), and both a histogram and the kernel-density estimate in the same graph (right)

The seaborn statistical graphics library provides a convenient function for plotting both a histogram and the kernel-density estimation for a set of data: distplot. A graph produced by this function is shown in the right panel of Figure 13-6.

Given a kernel-density estimate we can also use it generate new random numbers using the resample method, which takes the number of data points as arguments:

In [88]: kde.resample(10)
Out[88]: array([[ 1.75376869,  0.5812183 ,  8.19080268,  1.38539326,  7.56980335,
                  1.16144715,  3.07747215,  5.69498716,  1.25685068,  9.55169736]])

The kernel-density estimate object does not directly contain methods for computing the cumulative distribution functions (CDF) and its inverse, the percent-point function (PPF). But there are several methods for integrating the kernel-density estimate of the probability distribution function. For example, for a one-dimensional KDE we can use the integrate_box_1d to obtain the corresponding CDF:

In [89]: def _kde_cdf(x):
    ...:     return kde.integrate_box_1d(-np.inf, x)
In [90]: kde_cdf = np.vectorize(_kde_cdf)

and can use the SciPy optimize.fsolve function to find the inverse (the PPF):

In [91]: def _kde_ppf(q):
    ...:     return optimize.fsolve(lambda x, q: kde_cdf(x) - q, kde.dataset.mean(),
    ...:                            args=(q,))[0]
In [92]: kde_ppf = np.vectorize(_kde_ppf)

With the CDF and PPF for the kernel-density estimate we can, for example, perform statistical hypothesis testing, and compute confidence intervals. For example, using the kde_ppf function defined above we can compute an approximate 90% confidence interval for the mean of the population from which the sample was collected:

In [93]: kde_ppf([0.05, 0.95])
Out[93]: array([  0.39074674,  11.94993578])

As illustrated with this example, once we have a KDE that represents the probability distribution for a statistical problem, we can proceed with many of the same methods as we use in parametric statistics. The advantage of nonparametric methods are that we do not necessarily need to make assumptions about the shape of the distribution function. However, because nonparametric methods use less information (weaker assumptions) than parametric methods, their statistical power is lower. Therefore, if we can justify using a parametric method, then that is usually the best approach. Nonparametric methods is a versatile and generic approach that we can fall back on when parametric methods are not feasible.


In this chapter we have explored how NumPy and the SciPy stats module can be used in basic statistical applications, including random number generation, for representing random variables and probability distribution functions, maximum likelihood fitting of distributions to data, and using probability distributions and test statistics for hypothesis testing. We also briefly looked at kernel-density estimation of an unknown probability distribution, as an example of a nonparametric method. The concepts and methods discussed in this chapter are fundamental building blocks for working with statistics, and the computational tools introduced here also provide a foundation for many statistical applications. In the following chapters we build on what has been discussed here, and explore statistical modeling and machine learning in more depth.

Further Reading

Good introductions to the fundamentals of statistics and data analysis are given in the Rice and Wasserman books. A computationally oriented introduction to statistics is given in Dalgaard, which although it uses the R language is relevant for statistics in Python, too. There are also free online resources about statistics: for example, OpenIntro Statistics, which is available from


Dalgaard, P. (2008). Introductory Statistics with R. New York: Springer.

Rice, J. A. (1995). Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis. Belmont: Duxbury Press.

Wasserman, L. (2004). All of Statistics. New York: Springer.

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