Appendix F. Floating-Point Formats for Textures, Framebuffers, and Renderbuffers

This appendix describes the floating-point formats used for pixel storage in framebuffers and renderbuffers, and texel storage in textures. It has the following major sections:

• “Reduced-Precision Floating-Point Values

• “16-Bit Floating-Point Values

• “10- and 11-Bit Unsigned Floating-Point Values

Reduced-Precision Floating-Point Values

In addition to the normal 32-bit single-precision floating-point values you normally use when you declare a GLfloat in your application, OpenGL supports reduced-precision floating-point representations for storing data more compactly than its 32-bit representation. In many instances, your floating-point data may not require the entire dynamic range of a 32-bit float, and storing or processing data in a reduced-precision format may save memory and increase data transfer rates.

OpenGL supports three reduced-precision floating-point formats: 16-bit (signed) floating-point values, and 10- and 11-bit unsigned floating-point values. Table F.1 describes the bit layout of each representation and the associated pixel formats.


Table F.1 Reduced-Precision Floating-Point Formats

16-Bit Floating-Point Values

For signed 16-bit floating-point values, the minimum and maximum values that can be represented are (about) 6.103 × 10—5, and 65504.0, respectively.

The following routine, F32toF16(), will convert a single, full-precision 32-bit floating-point value to a 16-bit reduced-precision form (stored as an unsigned-short integer).

#define F16_EXPONENT_BITS   0x1F
#define F16_EXPONENT_SHIFT  10
#define F16_EXPONENT_BIAS   15
#define F16_MANTISSA_BITS   0x3ff
#define F16_MAX_EXPONENT

F32toF16(GLfloat val)
  GLuint    f32 = (*(GLuint *) &val);
  GLushort  f16 = 0;

  /* Decode IEEE 754 little-endian 32-bit floating-point value */
  int sign     =  (f32 >> 16) & 0x8000;
  /* Map exponent to the range [-127,128] */
  int exponent = ((f32 >> 23) & 0xff) - 127;
  int mantissa =   f32 & 0x007fffff;

  if (exponent == 128) { /* Infinity or NaN */
    f16 = sign | F16_MAX_EXPONENT;
    if (mantissa)  f16 |= (mantissa & F16_MANTISSA_BITS);
  else if (exponent > 15) { /* Overflow - flush to Infinity */
    f16 = sign | F16_MAX_EXPONENT;
  else if (exponent > -15) { /* Representable value */
    exponent += F16_EXPONENT_BIAS;
    mantissa >>= F16_MANTISSA_SHIFT;
    f16 = sign | exponent << F16_EXPONENT_SHIFT | mantissa;
  else {
    f16 = sign;

  return f16;

Likewise, F16toF32() converts from the reduced-precision floating-point form into a normal 32-bit floating-point value.

#define F32_INFINITY 0x7f800000

F16toF32(GLushort val)
  union {
    GLfloat f;
    GLuint ui;
  } f32;

  int sign     = (val & 0x8000) << 15;
  int exponent = (val & 0x7c00) >> 10;
  int mantissa = (val & 0x03ff);

  f32.f = 0.0;

  if (exponent == 0) {
    if (mantissa != 0) {
      const GLfloat scale = 1.0 / (1 << 24);
      f32.f = scale * mantissa;
  else if (exponent == 31) {
    f32.ui = sign | F32_INFINITY | mantissa;
  else {
    GLfloat scale, decimal;
    exponent -= 15;
    if (exponent < 0) {
      scale = 1.0 / (1 << -exponent);
    else {
      scale = 1 << exponent;
    decimal = 1.0 + (float) mantissa / (1 << 10);
    f32.f = scale * decimal;

   if (sign) f32.f = -f32.f;

  return f32.f;

10- and 11-Bit Unsigned Floating-Point Values

For normalized color values in the range [0, 1], unsigned 10- and 11-bit floating-point formats may provide a more compact format with better dynamic range than either floating-point values or OpenGL’s unsigned integer pixel formats. The maximum representable values are 65204 and 64512, respectively.

These are the routines for converting floating-point values into 10-bit unsigned floating-point values, and vice versa:

#define UF11_EXPONENT_BIAS   15
#define UF11_EXPONENT_BITS   0x1F
#define UF11_EXPONENT_SHIFT  6
#define UF11_MANTISSA_BITS   0x3F

F32toUF11(GLfloat val)

  GLuint    f32 = (*(GLuint *) &val);
  GLushort  uf11 = 0;

  /* Decode little-endian 32-bit floating-point value */
  int sign     =  (f32 >> 16) & 0x8000;
  /* Map exponent to the range [-127,128] */
  int exponent = ((f32 >> 23) & 0xff) - 127;
  int mantissa =   f32 & 0x007fffff;

  if (sign) return 0;

  if (exponent == 128) { /* Infinity or NaN */
    uf11 = UF11_MAX_EXPONENT;
    if (mantissa) uf11 |= (mantissa & UF11_MANTISSA_BITS);
  else if (exponent > 15) { /* Overflow - flush to Infinity */
    uf11 = UF11_MAX_EXPONENT;
  else if (exponent > -15) { /* Representable value */
    exponent += UF11_EXPONENT_BIAS;
    mantissa >>= UF11_MANTISSA_SHIFT;
    uf11 = exponent << UF11_EXPONENT_SHIFT | mantissa;

  return uf11;

#define F32_INFINITY 0x7f800000

UF11toF32(GLushort val)
  union {
    GLfloat f;
    GLuint ui;
  } f32;

  int exponent = (val & 0x07c0) >> UF11_EXPONENT_SHIFT;
  int mantissa = (val & 0x003f);

  f32.f = 0.0;

  if (exponent == 0) {
    if (mantissa != 0) {
      const GLfloat scale = 1.0 / (1 << 20);
      f32.f = scale * mantissa;
  else if (exponent == 31) {
    f32.ui = F32_INFINITY | mantissa;
  else {
    GLfloat scale, decimal;
    exponent -= 15;
    if (exponent < 0) {
      scale = 1.0 / (1 << -exponent);
    else {
      scale = 1 << exponent;
    decimal = 1.0 + (float) mantissa / 64;
    f32.f = scale * decimal;

  return f32.f;

For completeness, we present similar routines for converting 10-bit unsigned floating-point values.

#define UF10_EXPONENT_BIAS   15
#define UF10_EXPONENT_BITS   0x1F
#define UF10_EXPONENT_SHIFT  5
#define UF10_MANTISSA_BITS   0x3F

F32toUF10(GLfloat val)
  GLuint    f32 = (*(GLuint *) &val);
  GLushort uf10 = 0;

  /* Decode little-endian 32-bit floating-point value */
  int sign     =  (f32 >> 16) & 0x8000;
  /* Map exponent to the range [-127,128] */
  int exponent = ((f32 >> 23) & 0xff) - 127;
  int mantissa =   f32 & 0x007fffff;

  if (sign) return 0;

  if (exponent == 128) { /* Infinity or NaN */
    uf10 = UF10_MAX_EXPONENT;
    if (mantissa) uf10 |= (mantissa & UF10_MANTISSA_BITS);
  else if (exponent > 15) { /* Overflow - flush to Infinity */
    uf10 = UF10_MAX_EXPONENT;
  else if (exponent > -15) { /* Representable value */
    exponent += UF10_EXPONENT_BIAS;
    mantissa >>= UF10_MANTISSA_SHIFT;
    uf10 = exponent << UF10_EXPONENT_SHIFT | mantissa;

  return uf10;

#define F32_INFINITY 0x7f800000

UF10toF32(GLushort val)
  union {
    GLfloat f;
    GLuint ui;
  } f32;

  int exponent = (val & 0x07c0) >> UF10_EXPONENT_SHIFT;
  int mantissa = (val & 0x003f);

  f32.f = 0.0;

  if (exponent == 0) {
    if (mantissa != 0) {
      const GLfloat scale = 1.0 / (1 << 20);
      f32.f = scale * mantissa;
  else if (exponent == 31) {
    f32.ui = F32_INFINITY | mantissa;
  else {
    GLfloat scale, decimal;
    exponent -= 15;
    if (exponent < 0) {
      scale = 1.0 / (1 << -exponent);
    else {
      scale = 1 << exponent;
    decimal = 1.0 + (float) mantissa / 64;
    f32.f = scale * decimal;

  return f32.f;

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