
About the Authors

About the Technical Reviewer



images Chapter 1: Exadata Basics

What Is Exadata?

Available Configurations


Smart Flash Cache

Even More Storage

Things to Know

images Chapter 2: Smart Scans and Offloading

Smart Scans

Plans and Metrics

Smart Scan Optimizations

Column Projection

Predicate Filtering

Basic Joins

Offloading Functions

Virtual Columns

Things to Know

images Chapter 3: Storage Indexes

An Index That Isn’t

Don’t Look Here

I Used It

Or Maybe I Didn’t

Execution Plan Doesn’t Know

The More, the Merrier


Needing to “Rebuild”

Things to Know

images Chapter 4: Smart Flash Cache

Flash Me

How It Works

Logging We Will Go

It’s a Disk


Storage Server Tools

Database Server Tools

What a Performer

Things to Know

images Chapter 5: Parallel Query

Getting into the Queue

Old School

The New Method

Control Issues

Necessary Settings

My Friend Auto

Calibrate Me

Make It So

Do It in Memory

Things to Know

images Chapter 6: Compression

How Can I Compress Thee



Hybrid Columnar Compression (HCC)

The Nuts and Bolts of HCC


When You Load

When You Query

When You Update

Ratios—What to Expect

What Oracle Thinks

What You Get

Things to Know

images Chapter 7: Exadata Cell Wait Events

Available Nowhere Else

Cell Events

Triggering Events

User I/O Events

Cell Smart Table Scan

Cell Smart Index Scan

Cell Single-Block Physical Read

Cell Multiblock Physical Read

Cell List of Blocks Physically Read

Cell Smart File Creation

Cell Statistics Gather

System I/O Events

Cell Smart Incremental Backup

Cell Smart Restore from Backup

Idle Class/Other Class

Cell Smart Flash Unkeep

Things to Know

images Chapter 8: Measuring Performance

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Smart Scans, Again

Performance Counters and Metrics

Dynamic Counters

When to Use Them, and How

Let Me Explain

Performance Counter Reference

SQL Statement Performance

Things to Know

images Chapter 9: Storage Cell Monitoring

Talking to the Storage Cells

Where Shall I Go?

What Shall I Do?

What’s in a Name?

Monitoring Basics

As cellmonitor

As celladmin

Things to Know

images Chapter 10: Monitoring Exadata

The Database Layer

Are We There Yet?

Real-Time SQL Monitoring Reports

Using GV$SQL and GV$SQLSTATS (But That’s Not All)

The Storage Cells

The Command Line


Adding the O/S Metrics

Things to Know

images Chapter 11: Storage Reconfiguration

I Wish We Had More…

Redistributing the Wealth




Act 4

Things to Know

images Chapter 12: Migrating Databases to Exadata

Getting Physical

Using Backups

Transporting Tablespaces

Please Stand By

Post-migration Stuff

That’s Logical

Export and Import


Using Database Links

Things to Know

images Chapter 13: ERP Setup—a Practical Guide

Cloning the Oracle Home

The SCAN Listener

Creating a Database

Setting Up the Listener

Data Migration

Environment Configuration

Setting the Environment

“My Oracle Support” Notes

Things to Know

images Chapter 14: Final Thoughts

You’ve Come Far, Pilgrim

To DMA or Not to DMA

What You Don’t Know, You Can Look Up

Things to Know


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