Keeping Up With Revision

In line with previous revision experience, you may still think that it’s preferable to get the learning under your belt first and then revise everything at the end. If you’re attending a face-to-face, classroom-based course that includes the exams as part of the event, you’ll have a problem if you stick with that approach. The PRINCE2 method is very big, as the thickness of the official manual immediately reveals. If you finish the learning on one day and take the first of your exams on the next day, you simply won’t have time to revise the whole method in sufficient detail. So, as suggested in the previous point, schedule your revision during the learning process and then make sure you keep up to date. On the last day of your course, you’ll then have a limited amount to brush up on and some spare time to have a go with a practice exam paper.

Leaving yourself a big revision load just before the exam, and then working late into the night to cover it and do a practice paper, is asking for trouble. Going into an exam room really tired after working until 3 a.m. is not the best start or likely to contribute to your success. It is likely to lead to you getting answers wrong, even where you know PRINCE2, because in your tiredness you may misread the questions.

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