Getting to Grips With the Process Model

If you’re reading this book while you’re learning PRINCE2, as opposed to reading it after learning the method, before taking the exams, then you may get a little boggled by the process model. As Starting Up a Project is the first process and you’re likely to be revising it first, it’s worth checking that you understand how the models work.

The process models, each with its activity boxes, are simply sets of steps. Now the concept of having steps in each process is generally unpopular, because many people assume that you have to complete every step or use the steps in a strict order. In fact, using the process model isn’t like that at all, and the activities act as a helpful checklist, not a sequence to follow slavishly; you can leave things out if they aren’t needed in a particular project. When you come to consider what you need to think through and prepare before starting a project, then the whole of the Start Up process with its checklist of activities and a suggested sequence for them comes across as fairly sensible and logical.

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