Deciding About a Re-take

If you’ve a good grasp of PRINCE2, the best advice is to simply sit the examination again as soon as possible. You should give yourself time to prepare but not leave such a big gap that you lose the level of recall you had when you’d first finished learning the method. Don’t forget that you’ll usually be busy in that long gap doing your job: you won’t be spending all day and every day revising PRINCE2 (unless you have an unusual employer or a lot of free time).

You’ll need to revise all the parts of the method because, of course, the questions may be on different aspects next time. Don’t just revise the bits that you think led to your failure before. Just because Quality Review didn’t come up in the ‘quality’ section of the Practitioner paper last time around doesn’t mean that it won’t come up next time. And just because the detail of the Senior Supplier role wasn’t questioned in the last Foundation paper doesn’t mean that there won’t be two questions on it next time you sit the exam.

If you feel that you don’t have a good enough understanding of PRINCE2, then there’s no point in sitting the exam again until you do. If you’ve been learning the method on your own, then you might consider attending a face-to-face training course if you have funds and time available. If you do decide on a training course, then choose carefully – as I advise in Chapter 1.

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