Struggling With Exam Nerves

Suffering with exam nerves is really tough, and Chapter 1 has some general advice on managing them. However, if you have a major problem, you’ll probably already know those things anyway from previous experience. There’s little I can say here apart from to encourage you to keep going and try again. If you know your PRINCE2 but failed because of nerves, then you really do deserve the certificate.

For some, taking the exam a second time proves less of an ordeal than the first time around, because the whole process has become familiar. In addition, the gap between your attempts means you’ll have additional time to revise, so you’ll feel even more prepared and your ability to score more marks means that you’re more likely to pass anyway.

example.eps A student who sat one of my courses was technically excellent but had terrible exam nerves. She managed the Foundation because of her extensive knowledge, but not the Practitioner. She sat the Practitioner again a few weeks later, only to fail again. Undaunted she tried again, only to fail again. I offered to provide any help that she thought would contribute, and indeed she started to send me practice answers to comment on. I did comment on the answers, but she was doing really well with them. The problem wasn’t her ability to answer questions, it was the exam itself. She tried again, and failed again. She was absolutely fine going into the exam. She had her pencils in front of her and a few sweets, together with her manual. But as soon as the printed exam paper was put down in front of her, she went to bits. She finally passed the exam at the sixth attempt. She has my huge admiration, and I think she deserves a medal.

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