Chapter 22

Ten Points To Be Clear About On Products

In This Chapter

arrow Knowing that there are two types of product

arrow Being clear on what a product actually is

arrow Distinguishing between ‘internal’ or ‘team’ products and ‘external’ products

arrow Seeing how to adjust the PRINCE2 products to meet the needs of the project

Products are a core part of PRINCE2 planning, and cover not just what the teams are building but what’s being used to project manage the project. Other approaches to project management include a product-based focus, including those used by NASA, the US military and another project management method, PRIME, where products are even more integrated. However, the focus is still new to many people, because most project management computer tools and books are still dominated by an activity-led approach. Consequently, you may feel more unsure about products than about other elements of PRINCE2. This Part of Tens chapter is to help you check that you understand what products are all about.

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